Immersive Theatre

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  • Title: Immersive Theatre: Engaging the Audience
  • Editor(s): Josh Machamer
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: The Arts in Society
  • Keywords: Immersive, Theatre, Audience, Punchdrunk, Third Rail, Investigation, Modern, Twenty-first Century, Experience, Oily Cart, Carte Blanche, Polyglot, Dream Think Speak, Sleep No More, Red Butte Garden, Anu Productions, Maxine Doyle, You Me Bum Bum Train, Heathcote
  • Date: May 01, 2017
  • ISBN (hbk): 978-1-61229-918-1
  • ISBN (pbk): 978-1-61229-919-8
  • ISBN (pdf): 978-1-61229-920-4
  • DOI:
  • Citation: Machamer, Josh , ed. 2017. Immersive Theatre: Engaging the Audience. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Research Networks. doi:10.18848/978-1-61229-920-4/CGP.
  • Extent: 138 pages

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Immersive Theatre: Engaging the Audience is a collection of essays that look to catalogue the popularization of “immersive” theatre/performance throughout the world; focusing on reviews of works, investigations into specific companies and practices, and the scholarship behind the “role” an audience plays when they are no longer bystanders but integral participants within production. Given the success of companies like Punchdrunk, Dream Think Speak, and Third Rail Projects, as current examples, immersive theatre plays a vital role in defining the theatrical canon for the twenty-first century. Its relatively “modern” and new status makes a collection like this ripe for conversation, inquiry, and discovery in a variety of ways. These immersive experiences engage the academy of “the community” at large, going beyond showcasing prototypical theatre artists. They embrace the collaborative necessity of society and art–helping to define the “stories” we tell and the WAY in which we tell them.