Emancipation and Creativity Atlas

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  • Title: Emancipation and Creativity Atlas: The Societal Image of Three Disenfranchised Neighborhoods in Lisbon
  • Author(s): Antonio Gorgel Pinto
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Series: The Image
  • Journal Title: The International Journal of the Image
  • Keywords: Societal, Image, Communities, Citizenship, Transdisciplinarity
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 3
  • Date: June 24, 2019
  • ISSN: 2154-8560 (Print)
  • ISSN: 2154-8579 (Online)
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.18848/2154-8560/CGP/v10i03/1-9
  • Citation: Gorgel Pinto, Antonio. 2019. "Emancipation and Creativity Atlas: The Societal Image of Three Disenfranchised Neighborhoods in Lisbon." The International Journal of the Image 10 (3): 1-9. doi:10.18848/2154-8560/CGP/v10i03/1-9.
  • Extent: 9 pages

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The article’s main focus is the project entitled “Emancipation and Creativity Atlas,” which is the result of a socially engaged practice, developed between late 2013 and 2018, in social neighborhoods of Lisbon. In this context, in addition to a brief description of the initiatives carried out within the scope of the project are references to the principal concepts that inform the artistic practice in question, specifically the notions of transdisciplinarity, social emancipation, citizenship, and the atlas of images. The research was divided into three projects, the first two, titled Netskola (2013–2015) and Kowork (2015–2017), were created and developed in two rundown neighborhoods of the city of Amadora. The last intervention, called Mais Sul (2017–2018), was conceived and implemented in two social neighborhoods of a municipal initiative of the city of Oeiras. The three projects explore a transdisciplinary approach that promotes diverse, collaborative artistic activities with the participants from each neighborhood, aiming to create an atlas of images. The Atlas, consisting of a set of reproductions of a societal nature, in addition to representing each project of social involvement in a denotative way, aims to confront different audiences and guide them to a reflection process that sets the significance of these places and its people in a larger social and cultural universe. The implicit systematization entailed in the production of the Atlas represents a way of exercising citizenship and promotes an active culture that testifies the creativity and the equitable participation of the engaged communities.