Diversity of Students in Bilingual University Programs

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This article not only aims to illustrate the diversity of the bilingual, content and language integrated learning (CLIL) programs offered by Spanish primary and secondary schools but also the degree programs offered by higher education institutions, in addition to the diversity of the participating university students. Even though detailed and abundant legislation exists on diversity in primary and secondary education, the regulation of diversity is scarce at the university level, and it mainly focuses on handicapped students and equal opportunities. Furthermore, little reference to diversity exists in the field of teaching methodology and evaluation, and no pedagogical measures are normally taken to compensate for the heterogeneity of students. Thus, the descriptive research that we present here illustrates the variety of reasons university students allude to when choosing the bilingual program at the Faculty of Education (University of Granada), the problems they encounter when following their classes in English as an L2, and to what extent they learn more effectively when they receive instruction in their native language (Spanish) or in the L2. In addition, it presents various methodological strategies that can be applied to such diverse groups of students.