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What is everything made of? Atoms and their structure

Learning Module


Chemistry is the study of matter, and to have a complex understanding of the world around us, it is imperative that students have an in depth understanding of the structure of atoms and how differences in the structure can determine the chemical and physical properties of matter. This unit is designed for an introductory high school chemistry class and covers the structure of the atom, ions, isotopes, electron configuration, and models of the atom.

Chemistry is the study of matter, and to have a complex understanding of the world around us, it is imperative that students have an in depth understanding of the structure of atoms and how differences in the structure can determine the chemical and physical properties of matter. This unit is designed for an introductory honors level high school chemistry class. It covers the structure of the atom, ions, isotopes, electron configuration, and models of the atom. Students in this class should have a basic understanding of atoms, and basic atomic structure including protons, neutrons, and electrons should be familiar to students. 

As a result of completing this Learning Module, the students will be able to :

  • Identify the subatomic particles that make up the atom
  • Distinguish between ions and isotopes
  • Understand how electrons are arranged in the atom
  • Use a scientific model to explain how colored light is produced

Next Generation Science Standards Disciplinary Core Ideas Addressed:

Different patterns may be observed at each of the scales at which a system is studied and can provide evidence for causality in explanations of phenomena. (HS-PS1-1),(HS-PS1-3)

Structure and Function Investigating or designing new systems or structures requires a detailed examination of the properties of different materials, the structures of different components, and connections of components to reveal its function and/or solve a problem. (HS-PS2- 6)

Next Generation Science Standards Addressed:

PS2.B: Types of Interactions Attraction and repulsion between electric charges at the atomic scale explain the structure, properties, and transformations of matter, as well as the contact forces between material objects. (HS-PS1-1),(HS-PS1-3),(HS-PS2-6)

PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter Each atom has a charged substructure consisting of a nucleus, which is made of protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons. (HS-PS1-1)

Update 1

For the Student

By the end of this lesson, you should  have an understanding of the subatomic particles that make up the atom and their location and relative size.

Read the following passage and watch the video below. Afterwards, complete the survey and complete a Frayer model in your notebook to summarize your understanding of the structure of the atom. 

Atoms are some of the smallest known particles. Even smaller are the particles that make up atoms, called subatomic particles. These subatomic particles include protons, neutrons, and electrons. The outer area of the atom is termed the electron cloud, which is where the electrons are found. Electrons are typically drawn in paths around the center of the atom, called the nucleus, but in real life the movement of an electron is unpredictable. Within the nucleus of the atom lies the neutrons and protons. Both particles are about the same size and much larger than the electrons. The mass of a proton is 1.67x10-27 kg, while the mass of a neutron is about 1.68x10-27 kg. Protons define the atom while neutrons help the nucleus stay together. Comparatively, the mass of an electron is 9.11x10-31 kg.

Not all elements, such as silver, are the same. Some atoms have differing numbers of electrons. These atoms are called ions. This changes the charge of the atom. If there are more protons than electrons, then there is a positive charge on the atom. If there are more electrons than protons, then there is a negative charge on the atom. When atoms or molecules react with each other, it is the electrons that are responsible for this chemical reaction. The protons and neutrons are unaltered (unchanged).

Another way one atom can be different from the same atom is the number of neutrons found in the nucleus. Atoms that have the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons are called isotopes. Some isotopes are more stable than others, and that stability depends on the number of neutrons.

Media embedded July 16, 2018

Frayer Model: 


What facts about the atom surprised you the most? What information would you still like to know about the size and structure of the atom?


For the Teacher

By the end of this lesson, students will have an understanding of the subatomic particles that make up the atom and their location and relative size.

Students should read the passage and then answer the survey questions. When finished, there should be a class discussion about the answers to help students clarify any misconceptions and to make sure that all the class understands the main ideas. This allows the students to gain ideas and meaning from each other in order to have better comprehension of the structure of the atom. Then in small groups (2-3 students) a Frayer model should be completed to help the students make connections and find patterns to help them organized and understand the new information. Groups of 2 to 3 students are ideal for this activity. When working individually on Frayer models, many times students get stuck on developing examples and non examples, and small groups can help the students develop ideas through discussion. In groups larger than four, certain students could become less participatory in the group. 

To complete this activity online, a template of the Frayer Model could be made on a google slide shared with the students. Groups of students could collaborate and discuss by working on the same slide during different times or at the same time from different locations. 

Update 2

For the Student

By the end of this lesson, you should understand the purpose of each subatomic particle.

Go to the following link:

While at this simulation, work with a partner and explore the Build and Atom simulation. As you explore, talk about what you find. Add and remove protons, neutrons, and electrons and write observations of what you see.

As a team, determine what particles determine the mass of the element, what particle determines the identity of the element, what particle affects the stability of the element, and the particle that determines the charge of the element.

When finished, play each of the four games on the simulation. Repeat the games until you earn a 10 out of 10 for each. 

Create an update: Choose an element and create a 3 dimensional model of that element showing the correct number of protons, neutrons and electrons using items that you have in your home. When you are finished, take a picture of your model and post it with a written explanation or your may create a video of your model with narration. Your explanation should included the amount of protons, neutrons, and electrons, and their purpose in your element. 

For the Teacher

By the end of this lesson, students should understand the purpose of each subatomic particle.

Students should use the simulation "Build an atom" by PhET to explore the function and location of protons, neutrons, and electrons. PhET simuations are based off of constructivist theory of learning and allow the students to create their own meaning and understanding of concepts by manipulating and changing variables in a computer simulation and allowing them to observe the results. From the results, students can observe patterns and form conclusions to create their own meaning and understanding.

When finished with the simulation, students should work to play the games at the end of the simulation. The games help the students learn by offering a reward (a big smiley face and a bell) when they get a correct answer and gives them multiple opportunities for repetition and rehearsal.

Update 3

For the Student

The number of protons in an atom determines the identity of the atom. If you change the number of protons, you change the element. However, if you change the number of neutrons or electrons it creates either an ion or isotope.

By the end of this lesson, you should understand how isotopes and ions are formed and how they are different from each other.

For this activity, you should work in groups of 3 to 4 to complete the following packets:



Make sure you work as a group and discuss each response. When you reach a stop sign, get the attention of the instructor before you move on. 

When you are finished, watch the video

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Comment: How does the knowledge of the structure of the atom illustrate the importance of a global scientific community or why is it important that there is a standard for how isotope and ion symbols are written?

For the Teacher

By the end of this lesson, students will understand how isotopes and ions are formed and how they are different from each other.

In this lesson, students should work in groups of 3 to 4 to complete the activity. The activity is based on constructivist theory and asks students to create their own meaning from images, tables, and diagrams.

These activities are part of a science series of lessons called POGIL. POGIL is an acronym for Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Lesson. These activities are student-centered, group learning instructional strategy where students work in small teams with the instructor acting as a facilitator. The activities are designed to follow a guided learning inquiry cycle. Through this approach, the student first explore a topic through questioning. Afterwards, concept invention takes place where students see patterns and relationships in data and vocabulary is introduced. Finally, students are asked to apply the concept to new situations. These activities are designed to help the students develop content mastery through student construction of their own understanding and to help students improve communication, critical thinking, problem solving and metacognition.

This video gives a brief explanation of POGILS used in science classrooms.

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During this activity, there are multiple checkpoints built in, where the instructor should check in with the groups to make sure that the teams understand the material up to that point, answer any questions, and clear up any misunderstandings.

Ions and Isotopes POGILS



Update 4

For the Student

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to describe a Bohr model and understand how simplified models are useful for understanding science.

Read the following document:

Electron Configurations 

And watch the video here:

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Using the information learned in the reading and video, answer the survey questions. 

Update: Work together to create a story that describes how electrons are structured around the atom. The story should personify an electron and can be written or illustrated like a comic or children's story. This means you must include characters, a setting, a plot, a conflict, and a resolution. Your story should also include the following elements: 

  • the main energy levels
  • the sublevels
  • the orbitals
  • paired and unpaired electrons
  • the spin of the electrons. 

Comment: Read each groups story. Comment on 2 other groups. In your comment, describe at least 2 elements of the story that you feel helped create a better understanding of the organization of electrons or vocabulary used in electron configuration. 

For the Teacher

By the end of this lesson, students should understand how electrons are organized in an atom and how the organization of electrons affects the properties of the atom. This lesson is based on the social constructivist theory, in that students work together to create a story by sharing their own knowledge and creating a story that combines their shared knowledge and ideas.

Students should read the following document:

How electrons are organized in an atom

And watch the video here : before answering the survey questions. The questions on the survey are as follows: 

1. What do the small superscripts represent in an electron configuration?

2. What information is lost when using electron configurations instead of orbital diagrams?

3. How many unpaired electrons are in a sulfur atom? What did you need to answer this question- an orbital diagram or an electron configuration?

4. How are the electron configurations for argon and calcium similar?

 When they are finished, they should work together to create a story that describes how electrons are structured around the atom. The story should personify an electron and can be written or illustrated like a comic or children's story. Then they should comment on each groups story by including the strengths and one weakness of each groups story. 

Update 5

For the Student

By the end of this lesson, you will understand the Bohr model of the atom, and why models are useful tools to help understand scientific phenomena. 

The Bohr model is a simplified model of the atom that describes the locations of electrons in less detail than electron configurations or orbital notations.

Watch the following videos on the Bohr Model. As you watch these videos, think about the ways the Bohr model contributes helps you understand the structure of the atom and the behavior of electrons.

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Media embedded July 16, 2018

Comment: How do simplified models help us understand concepts? How could they hinder the understanding?

Update: Find another example of a simplified model used in science that is not 100% accurate but we use to help understand. Provide an explanation of the model, when it was developed, and why it is used. Then discuss any inaccuracies in the model. 

Comment on at least 2 other students update: Do you agree that the use of their model presented is useful in creating understanding.

For the Teacher

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to describe a Bohr model and understand how simplified models are useful for understanding science.

The use of models in chemistry is a central our understanding of matter at the atomic level. A scientific model is a representation of an idea, an object or even a process or a system that is used to describe and explain phenomena that cannot be experienced directly. Models are central to what scientists do, both in their research as well as when communicating their explanations, therefore it is important for students to be able to use models to help describe phenomena while understanding that they might be simplifications of what is actually occurring. 

In this lesson, students will watch two videos on the Bohr model. They will then create an update where they find another simplified model that is used in science to explain a phenomena. They will then comment on each others models and describe ways it helps us understand or ways it might hinder the complete understanding of a concept. 

Update 6



For the Student

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to observe directly how different electron configurations create different properties of elements. 

Before you begin the lab, read the two articles available at these links: 

Fireworks by Kathy De Antonis

Spectroscopy, Seeing the Unseen by Steve Miller

After the lab, watch this video for more information on the structure of the atom and spectroscopy. 

Atoms and Light—Exploring Atomic and Electronic Structure published by Anneberg Media


Lab introduction, materials, and procedure

Aim: To identify the metal in a Colorflame candle by comparison to known compounds

Materials: Colorflame Candles, 5 known samples of metal-containing compounds, Wooden splints, Bunsen burner, Matches ,Beaker of cold water, Colored Pencils

Materials note: When choosing the 5 known metal samples, consult MSDS for flammability or inhalation hazards!


Energy can be added to atoms many ways. It can be in the form of light, an electric discharge or heat. This added or extra energy is emitted when the excited electrons in the atoms give off light and fall back to lower shells. The light emitted has wavelengths and colors that depend on the amount of energy originally absorbed by the atoms. Usually each individual excited atom will emit one type of light. Since we have billions and billions of atoms we get billions of excitations and emissions The energy levels in atoms and ions are the key to the production and detection of light. Energy levels or "shells" exist for electrons in atoms and molecules. The colors of dyes and other compounds results from electron jumps between these shells or levels. The colors of fireworks result from jumps of electrons from one shell to another. Observations of light emitted by the elements is also evidence for the existence of shells, sub shells and energy levels. Different elements emit different emission spectra when they are excited because each type of element has a unique energy shell or energy level system. Each element has a different set of emission colors because they have different energy level spacings. We will make qualitative observations of the emission spectra, or pattern of wavelengths (atomic spectra), emitted by five different elements in this lab. While we will not be looking the full spectra produced, the color that we can see with our naked eye can help us to identify the wavelength of light produced. We will then identify an unknown element by comparing the color of the unknown with the flame color of our known samples. If you miss anything, additional information and a virtual flame test can be found here:

What metals do colors indicate?


1. Light your Colorflame candle. Record the color you observe.

2. Blow out your candle.

3. Light the bunsen burner

4. Take a small amount of known sample on a clean wooden splint.

5. Wave the splint through the flame. DO NOT HOLD IT IN THE FLAME.

6. Record the color you see.

7. Dip the splint in cold water to extinguish.

8. Repeat with other known compounds, using a clean splint each time.

9. Turn off gas to burner and clean up lab area.

Update: When you are finished with the lab, create an update with your group. Answer the following questions in your update. What metal salts were located in your colorflame candle? How could you tell? Where there any metals that were hard to distinguish? What tools could you have used to be more accurate? Include a picture or drawing. 

For the Teacher

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to observe directly how different electron configurations create different properties of elements. This lesson motivates students making connections between their observations and their previous knowledge to explanations to why they occur. Making connections to previous knowledge and familiar events allows students to remember new information and apply it to new situations.

For this lesson, students should read 2 articles from the magazine "Chemmatters". This magazine is published by the American Chemical Society and is designed for middle to high school aged students. 

Next, they will complete a flame test lab. In this lab, students will directly observe the color that different metals produce when placed in a flame. The instructions for the lab are included in the student section. 

When they are finished with their procedure, they should create an update with their group that discusses thr results of the lab. 

Update 7



For the Student

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to define valence electrons and draw an electron dot diagram for any main group element. 

Watch the video below. 

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Once you have finished the video, read the text at this link. 

CK12 Electron Dot Diagrams

Comment: Describe how electron dot diagrams show the patterns and periodicity of the periodic table.

Update: After watching the video and reading the passage, work with a partner to create a quiz game using either Quizziz or Kahoot!. You must include at least 10 questions in your quiz. When you have finished, create an update with the link to your quiz. Then play at least 2 other students games and post your score as a comment on their update. 

For the Teacher

In this lesson, students will be able to define valence electrons and draw an electron dot diagram for any main group element.

Students will watch a video and read a passage that describes valence electrons and the drawing of electron dot diagrams. 

Valence electrons and electrons dot diagrams reveal patterns in the periodic table and lead students to an understanding on how the periodic table is structured and the types of information that can be gained from the periodic table. 

To demonstrate their learning, student will create a quiz to give to other students. Online quizzes promote learning by using a behaviorist approach of rewarding students for correct answers.  

Update 8

For the Student

Create a work that describes in detail the structure of the atom, and why knowledge of the structure of the atom is important foundation for chemistry. You should also include how your view of the atom has changed from the beginning to the end of the unit. This work should be at least 500 words in length and include at least 5 images, diagrams, or other multimedia elements.

Once you submit your first draft, you will conduct a peer review of 2 other students papers. Give your peers constructive feedback on how they could improve their paper. After the papers are reviewed, you will be able to incorporate your peer's suggestions, edit you paper, and submit a final work.

For the Teacher

In this final update, students will create a final work to demonstrate their knowledge of the atom and shows how their understanding of the atom has changed throughout the unit. The work will be peer-reviewed by 2 other students before the final version is submitted. By participating in peer reviews, the learners and the reviewers both learn from the process of reviewing and editing their work to create a finished project. 

Students will review each other's work and will be graded with the following rubric: