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Teaching High School Organic Chemistry through Virtual Lab (VL), Virtual Reality (VR) and Spatial Meanings

Learning Module

Organic chemistry is considered as the most difficult branch of Chemistry for high school students and the traditional way of teaching does not foster students’ active involvement. Not limited to high school level, Gabel (1998) argues that students at all levels find organic chemistry as one of their more difficult courses. Dori and Barak (2001) identify model perception and understanding the spatial structure of organic molecules as a source of difficulty for chemistry students. Gabel and Bunce (1994) also emphasize that chemistry students find it hard to connect among the molecular formula, geometric structure and molecule characteristics.

Dori and Barak (2001) introduced both virtual and physical models in an organic chemistry curriculum and studied their effect on enhancing meaningful learning in chemistry. The learning unit included theoretical background on organic compounds and inquiry based learning tasks that involved building and drawing 3D models. In their report, they claimed that there was significant improvement in learning in the experimental students, and attributed their understanding to their increased exposure to virtual and physical models. They concluded that interpretation of symbols, as well as understanding the particulate nature of matter and spatial structures, are essential skills students need for solving problems in chemistry.

As a student during my school days and a teacher during my first few years of teaching organic chemistry, I had faced many difficulties in understanding the basic concepts, as most of the organic chemistry concepts are abstract in nature. Hence I found this topic “Teaching High School Organic Chemistry through Virtual Lab (VL), Virtual Reality (VR) and Spatial Meanings” is more relevant and appropriate.

I believe, implementation of active pedagogy could increase students’ achievement in this course. This learning module is an exploration of teaching organic chemistry through multimodal literacy with specific mention to Virtual Lab (VL), Virtual Reality (VR) and Spatial meanings.



Learner level:

This learning module is intended for high school students (KS4 and KS5). The topic of Introduction to General organic chemistry is the main focus of this learning module. This can be applicable to a standard level learner in International Cambridge (IGCSE) and International Baccalaureate Diploma (Standard Level) Program.




Intended Learning objectives

The ideas and concepts given in the module can fulfill the following learning objectives:

  • Students will be able to understand the objectivity of science and its application.
  • Students will be able to understand chemistry as a study of matter and energy and relate it to our universe.
  • Students will exhibit clear understanding of the fundamentals of organic chemistry including - homologous series, structural formulas, structural isomers, functional groups, saturated and unsaturated compounds.
  • Students will be able to understand the basics of polymers and pharmaceutical chemistry.
  • Students will be able to understand the application of chemistry in various experiments that are of use regularly.
  • Students will be assessed through formative and summative assessments during the course of the lesson to gauge their understadnding, application, analysis and evaluation of various concepts. 

Update 1: Nature of Science

For the student

The Nature of science is an overarching theme in IB chemistry course. Students will investigate throughout the course the nature of science in the 21st century in connection to the curricular content.

Chemistry is the study of matter and energy at the scale of atoms and molecules. As the most all-embracing discipline there is, it should be at the top of everyone’s list of must-learn subjects. Unfortunately, chemistry has an undeserved reputation for difficulty and abstraction.

The video below is about Chemistry and Our Universe: How It All Works is an in-depth introduction to this vital field, taught over 60 visually innovative half-hour lectures. The video covers a year’s worth of introductory general chemistry at the high school level, plus intriguing topics that are rarely discussed in the classroom. This amazingly comprehensive video course is done through a simple Audio Visual setup in the classroom. The video has vivid graphics that illuminate the wonders of chemistry, this video makes essential concepts crystal clear. Best of all, this highly interactive approach features extensive hands-on, dramatic demonstrations, from which you will gain extraordinary insight into how the universe operates through chemistry.

Video 1: Chemistry and our universe


After watching the video students will discuss in group and produce a report on Nature of chemistry as a Science

Media embedded May 10, 2020


For the teacher

Students will develop an understanding of the facts, concepts, models, terminology and principles that explain the world through science. The five lenses of the nature of science studied through are:

1. What is science and what is the scientific endeavor?

2. The understanding of science

3. The objectivity of science

4. The human face of science

5. Scientific literacy and the public understanding of science

All these will be discussed by the teacher in correlation to the video shown through which the students will develop an understanding of the nature of scientific inquiry.

Classroom Activity

For the student

To create interest in the subject, the students will be given an opportunity to watch a video. This video is about “Organic molecules in your everyday life”. The objective of showing this video at the beginning of the lesson is to establish a connection between organic chemistry and everyday life.

Video 2: Organic chemistry in everyday life

Video source:

After watching this video, students in groups will discuss and reflect their learning in terms of the significance of organic chemistry in everyday life. They can form groups of four and come up with one instance in everyday life that signifies organic chemistry.

Media embedded May 10, 2020


For the teacher

Through this section, students will be able to:

  • Understand the various applications of organic chemistry
  • Make meaningful connections between everyday life through various products we use on daily basis and the significance of organic chemistry.

Update 2: An introduction to organic chemistry and Hydrocarbons (Alkane, Alkene and Alkyne)

For the student

The students are reinforced about carbon and its unique properties; about how it behaves and how it bonds with other atoms:

•Carbon has four valence electrons which means that each carbon atom can form a maximum of four bonds with other atoms. Because of the number of bonds that carbon can form with other atoms, organic compounds can be very complex.

•Carbon can form bonds with other carbon atoms to form single, double or triple covalent bonds.

•Carbon can also form bonds with other atoms like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and the halogens.

•Carbon can bond to form straight chain, branched, and cyclic molecules.

Because of this, long chain structures can form. This is known as catenation - the bonding of atoms of the same element into longer chains. These chains can either be unbranched or branched (have a branched group) and can contain single carbon-carbon bonds only, or double and triple carbon-carbon bonds as well.

Hydrocarbons are compounds with only C (Carbon) and H (Hydrogen). The structures given below are examples of hydrocarbons. There are two types of Hydrocarbons: Saturated (Single bonded) and Unsaturated (Double and Triple bonds)

1. Single bonded hydrocarbons are called Alkanes (fig a)

2. Double bonded hydrocarbons are called Alkenes (fig b)

3. Triple bonded hydrocarbons are called Alkynes

4. Hydrocarbons with ring structures with alternate single and double bonds are called Aromatics

From Dori and Barak (1999)

Watch this video about how to Draw Skeletal Structure for Organic Molecules

Video 3: Drawing skeletal structures for organic molecules

Media embedded May 10, 2020


For the teacher

Teacher gives definition of keywords including saturated, unsaturated, alkane, alkene, alkyne, aromatics, molecular formula and structural formula. Practice worksheets for identifying single, double or triple bonded hydrocarbons are done in class for familiarizing the concept and building further on this knowledge.

The students are asked to watch a video about how to Draw Skeletal Structure for Organic Molecules.


The following problem deals with four representation modes of different molecules. Students are expected to:

Identify each molecule and write down its name.
Build a virtual and physical model of each molecule.

A sample of an assignment from the Alkanes topic in the learning unit


Update 3: Naming of Organic compounds and Virtual reality

For the student

Organic compounds have two names, a Generic name and IUPAC name. The name of organic compounds varies according to the number of C atoms present in the chain.

Names based on number of carbon atoms:

1 = meth                5 = pent

2 = eth                   6 = hex

3 = prop                 7 = hept

4 = but                   8 = oct

All end with –ane for single bonded hydrocarbons - alkanes

All end with –ene for double bonded hydrocarbons - alkenes

All end with –yne for triple bonded hydrocarbons - alkynes

3D virtual reality video to understand the structure and bonding between the hydrocarbons and thereby how to arrive at their names.

Video 4: Naming of hydrocarbons

Video Source:

Media embedded May 10, 2020


For the teacher

Students will develop the following skills through this update:

  • They need to be able to translate the name of an organic compound into its structural formula.
  • They need to be able to name a compound from its given formula.
  • How to decode names and turn them into formulae. In the process they will also pick up tips about how to produce names by themselves



Worksheet posted under student community



Students are individually expected to make a table to list out the alkanes, alkenes and alkynes learnt along with structural and molecular formula. Then a class discussion is held to explore special features or application of each hydrocarbon listed. Teacher encourages students to come up with model 3D structures, each one making one structure and coming up with a moving model and explaining the significance of the structure in our lives.


Update 4: Homologous Series through Virtual Lab

For the student

Homologous Series: Compounds with the same general formula, neighboring members differing by CH2, and similar chemical properties. There is a predictable gradation in physical properties. The following video serves as a summary of previous lessons and gives an idea about differentiating different hydrocarbons with their properties. Chemical exploration with virtual reality can be an eye opener for students in organic teaching labs.

Video 5: To identify saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons using their properties:


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The following video is an example of a virtual lab where different alkenes can be identified.

Video 6: To identify alkenes:


Media embedded May 10, 2020


For the teacher

Students will develop the skill of identifying and relating the physical and chemical properties of various organic compounds using the trends in boiling points of members of a homologous series.


Teacher helps out students in attempting many simple experiments using the hydrocarbons. Students perform the experiments and write down detailed reports about the experiments in a structured format with proper analysis and conclusion.

Update 5: Functional Groups

For the student

Functional groups are the reactive parts of molecules. More complicated functional groups contain elements other than C or H (heteroatoms). Functional group containing molecules can either be saturated (alcohols, ethers, amines etc.) or unsaturated (carboxylic acids, esters, amides, etc.).

Compounds that contain C-O bonds each possess differing reactivity based upon the location and hybridization of the C-O bond, owing to the electron-withdrawing effect of sp-hybridized oxygen (carbonyl groups) and the donating effects of sp2-hybridized oxygen (alcohol groups).

Source: Digital text book - International Baccalaureate Diploma Program


Video 7: Tests for the functional groups in virtual lab:
Source :

Media embedded May 10, 2020


For the teacher

The teacher should encourage students to find other functional groups and their structures and also try to discuss with them the purpose of these groups in day to day life.

Update 6: Haloalkanes

For the student

Haloalkanes are a class of molecule that is defined by a carbon–halogen bond. This bond can be relatively weak (in the case of an iodoalkane) or quite stable (as in the case of a fluoroalkane). In general, with the exception of fluorinated compounds, haloalkanes readily undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions or elimination reactions. The substitution on the carbon, the acidity of an adjacent proton, the solvent conditions, etc. all can influence the outcome of the reactivity.


For the teacher

Students will develop the following skills

Identification of different classes: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, halogenoalkanes, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, esters, carboxylic acids, amines, amides, nitriles and arenes.

Identification of typical functional groups in molecules e.g. phenyl, hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxyl, carboxamide, aldehyde, ester, ether, amine, nitrile, alkyl, alkenyl and alkynyl.


Construction of 3‐D models (real or virtual) of organic molecules. This will be an interdisciplinary project (ICT and Chemistry) for students to exhibit their skills.



Update 7: The purpose of organic chemistry in life

For the student

The following video shows how chemistry and knowledge about hydrocarbons is useful in routine life and how it makes students go further and learn advanced molecules.

Video 8: An augmented reality app for organic chemistry


Bringing molecules to life! MoleculAR is an Augmented Reality app that gives you the ability to visualize and interact with molecules. Point your device's camera at a MoleculAR structure in your lecture notes, and an interactive, 3D representation of that molecule will appear before your eyes! You can rotate the molecule with your fingers on interactive white board.

Media embedded May 17, 2020

Video 9: Watch this video about drawing 3D Structures of Organic Molecules and answer the following questions

Video Source:

Media embedded May 17, 2020


For the teacher

Various models with spatial meanings are used while teaching structure of organic compounds. Bodner and McMillen (1986) found a correlation between tests of spatial ability and achievement in general chemistry on both spatial and nonspatial tasks. Students are expected to score significantly better on questions which required problem solving skills, such as completing a reaction or outlining a multi-step synthesis, and questions which required students to mentally manipulate three-dimensional representations of a molecule.

The organic compound questionnaire was designed to determine whether and to what extent the new teaching improves concept understanding and bi-directional transformations. The student’s preference for a particular model type can also be examined.

Assessment rubric

Students are able to fulfil the following assessment objectives:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

facts, concepts, and terminology
methodologies and techniques
communicating scientific information

2. Apply:

facts, concepts, and terminology
methodologies and techniques
methods of communicating scientific information

3. Formulate, analyse and evaluate:

hypotheses, research questions and predictions
methodologies and techniques
primary and secondary data
scientific explanations.

4. Demonstrate the appropriate research, experimental, and personal skills necessary to carry out

Insightful and ethical investigations.




Yackel (1984) provided a theoretical basis for understanding why students who draw preliminary figures or additional structures for questions are more likely to get the correct answers. She concluded that diagrams: (I) serve as an external aid to memory, (2) facilitate the formation of subsequent mental images, and (3) draw attention to additional, often implicit, relationships between the components of a problem.

By the end of the module, all the intended learning outcomes have been fulfilled and the results of the questionnaire and the reports given by the students can serve as a strong assessment tool to evaluate the understanding of the students. The entire module allows students to understand organic chemistry through virtual learning labs and spatial understanding of the molecular structures. This will enhance interest of the students towards the molecules and make them innovate different structures and reactions thereby finding or discovering something useful to our day to day life.


Anne O' Dwyer and Peter E Childs, EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education ISSN: 1305-8223 (online) 1305-8215 (print) 2017 13(7):3599-3620 DOI 10.12973/eurasia.2017.00748a

Bodner, G. M., & McMillen, T. L. B. (1986). Cognitive & restructuring as the first step in problem solving. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 23, 727-738

Barak M. & Dori, Y. J. (1999). Model perception and understanding the spatial structure of organic molecules by high school chemistry students. Paper presented at the workshop Science Teachers Education toward the New Millennium, December 12-15, 1999, Technion, Haifa, Israel.

Dori, Y. J. & Barak, M. (1999). Computerized molecular modeling as a collaborative learning environment. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL99, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 142-150,

Dori, Y. J., & Barak, M. (2001). Virtual and Physical Molecular Modeling: Fostering Model Perception and Spatial Understanding. Educational Technology & Society, 4(1).

Gabel, D. (1998). The complexity of chemistry and implications for teaching. In B. J. Fraser & K. G. Tobin (Eds.) International Handbook of Science Education, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 53-66.

Gabel, D. & Bunce, D. M. (1994). Research on problem solving: Chemistry. In D. Gabel (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning, New York: Macmillan, 301-326.

O’Dwyer, Anne and Childs, Peter E. and Hanly, Noreen (2013) Teaching Organic Chemistry – a challenge or an opportunity? In: 5th Eurovariety in Chemistry Education, University of Limerick, 3rd – 5th July 2013. “Smarter Teaching-Better Learning, Limerick, Ireland.

Wikipedia contributors. (2020, April 1). Functional group. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 00:36, May 5, 2020, from

Yackel, E. B. S. (1984). Characteristics of problem representation indicative of understanding in mathematics problem solving. (Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN). Dissertation Abstracts International, 45, 2021A.

Video sources:

Video 1: Chemistry and our universe

Video 2: Organic chemistry in everyday life

Video 3: Drawing skeletal structures for organic molecules

Video 4: To explain the naming of hydrocarbons

Video 5: To identify saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons using their properties:

Video 6: To identify alkenes:

Video 7: Tests for the functional groups in virtual lab:

Video 8: An augmented reality app for organic chemistry

Video 9: Drawing 3D Structures of Organic Molecules