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Social Media for Sales Professionals

Learning Module


Social Media for Sales Professionals is intended to support Field Executives in the cosmetic industry. It is an installment in a series to further develop the team member’s skillset in promoting products, developing relationships, driving engagement and ultimately achieving sales goals through social and digital spaces.


social, digital, home office, sales, professional, social media, cosmetics


Social Media for Sales Professionals is intended to support field executives in the cosmetic industry. It is an installment in a series to further develop the team member’s skillset in promoting products through live demonstration, developing relationships, driving engagement and ultimately achieving sales goals through social and digital spaces. 

Team members taking this course have a basic understanding of social media and Zoom. They are able to leverage existing online learning modules and other digital resources while taking this course.

Previous online learning modules include and are not limited to:

  • Social for Beginners
  • Staying In Social Update
  • Staying Connected with Virtual Grassroots Playbook
  • Zoom 101

The team member’s previously completed coursework establishes they are able to do the following prior to participating in this course:

  • Understand the brand’s aesthetic
  • Create a social profile
  • Utilize hashtags
  • Disclose employee status for legal purposes
  • Operate Zoom, Facebook and Instagram
  • Understand lighting fundamentals

The ideal class size is 18 students. The facilitator is available through email or direct message as an ongoing resource for all team members.  

Completion of this optional course will result in a certification status recognized within the organization.

Lesson 1-Introduction

Team Member

Social Media for Sales Professionals is designed to build on the audience’s prior experience and knowledge. It is the intention that team members evaluate their current social media profiles and over the duration of this course, modify and ultimately implement newly discovered elevated skills.

Team members are expected to demonstrate the following over 8 weeks:

  • Update their profile with a professional picture and bio
  • Create their own user generated content in pictures, captions and videos
  • Engage with clients on social media through captions and direct messages
  • Engage with clients in “live” social spaces such as Zoom meetings, Instagram Live or Facebook Live

The expertise developed in this course can be translated to other social media platforms, as well as leveraged in emerging spaces to engage clients.

How to navigate lessons, activities and discussions:

There are 8 lessons within this course. One lesson will be released weekly. Team members are expected to review the content within the lesson and execute the assigned activity prior to attending the weekly group discussions. These discussions will be held over a 45 minute Zoom meeting. Topics for discussion will be previewed within the weekly release of each lesson. Team members should be prepared to share meaningful contributions based on their learnings from assigned activities. Please note: The last 10 minutes of the weekly discussion will be reserved for Q&A.

Must have tools (provided by the company):

  • Computer
  • WIFI
  • iPhone
  • Products
  • Backdrop 6x6ft
  • Ring Light

Apps to download:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Zoom

Optional tools:

  • Mic
  • HD Webcam

Optional apps:

  • Repost
  • Photobooth-filming
  • iMovie- editing
  • Photoshop

Certification in Social Media for Sales Professionals is based on the following:

  • Attendance and contribution during weekly Zoom meeting discussions
  • Completion of a successful profile update
  • Publishing of 3 posts featuring your own user generated content (rubric for posting)
  • 3 peer reviews of posts (rubric for posting below) and 1 peer review of the final project (rubric for live shows below)
  • Completion of the final project (after session 8): Host a Zoom Meeting Show or Live Show via Facebook or Instagram (rubric for live shows below)
Live Show/Video Rubric
Posting Pictures and Captions Rubric


Please complete the SURVEY BELOW prior to the Zoom discussion.


Our first discussion will be a meet and greet format. We will share our social media handles and discuss previous experiences leveraging social media. The last 15 minutes will be held for a Q&A session to answer any outstanding questions about the course.


The content for this course utilizes the New Learning Pedagogy- Learning by Design (Cope & Kalantzis 2015).

Learning by Design (Cope & Kalantzis 2015)

Team members have completed previous coursework and opted in to this optional course to further develop their skillset on social media. Review previous modules to ensure team members are building on their knowledge:

  • Social for Beginners
  • Staying In Social Update
  • Staying Connected with Virtual Grassroots Playbook
  • Zoom 101

Rubric for posting here:

Posting Pictures and Captions Rubric

Rubric for live shows here:

Live Show/Video Rubric

Shipping to home offices currently:

  • Products
  • Backdrop 6x6ft
  • Ring Light

Update Activity-

Read survey results prior to first Zoom discussion and adjust the Q&A session to address any outstanding topics.

First Zoom Discussion-

  • Discuss team members previous experiences leveraging social media.
  • Review how to navigate lessons, activities and Zoom discussion sessions. 
  • Assign groups of 4 and have team members follow each other on social media platforms so they are able to execute peer reviews.
  • Communicate class # hashtag for searching.
  • Communicate facilitator's social media handle for tagging in posts (to provide feedback throughout course).
  • Remind team members of the available online learning modules they have already completed in case they want to brush up on the basic skills.

Lesson 2-User Generated Content

Team Member

Let’s talk user generated content (aka UGC). What is it and why is it beneficial to leverage? Check out the YouTube and article to learn more.

Media embedded November 30, 2020

A subset of UGC is called Employee Generated Content EGC. This is us! Read this article below to understand more about your unique ability to influence and inspire customers.  There are also some great tips.

Starbucks employees are as famous as the brand itself. The company has successfully highlighted their employees through Starbucks Partner EGC. Check out the Instagram dedicated to employees.

Also check out their EGC hashtag:  #ToBeAPartner  I discovered this Facebook post from searching the hashtag for inspiration.

Update Activity-

  • Explore a popular brand’s hashtags. Note how to differentiate between UGC vs Ads? Share a favorite post with your facilitator and group members through direct message.
  • Explore your direct competitors hashtags. Evaluate their employees UGC with the rubric for posting. Think about what you would like to emulate vs. avoid in your own content.

Discussion Questions-

  1. Why is it important that brand content is authentic? How can you keep that authenticity as an employee?
  2. What brands have successfully leveraged UGC? Why are they successful?
  3. How did the competition measure up to the rubric? What common social media pitfalls do you want to avoid after your research for this week’s activities?




Update Activity-

Assess the posts shared with you through direct message. Initiate dialogue with students to encourage open communication and collaboration during the course. Recommend appropriate hashtags if team members are struggling.


Discussion Questions-


  1. Why is it important that brand content is authentic? How can you keep that authenticity as an employee?
  2. What brands have successfully leveraged UGC? Why are they successful?
  3. What are some common social media pitfalls do you want to avoid after your research for this week’s activities?

Listen for:

  • References to the weekly articles/YouTube.
  • Analysis of competitors using rubric.
  • The importance of diversity within UGC.
  • Content that is not consistent or related to the brand can be confusing.

Lesson 3-Polishing the Profile

Team Member

You’ve updated your profile picture based on what you’ve learned in previous social media coursework. Now it’s time to make the words just below that picture count. The bio is an incredibly important component to your social media strategy.  Based on shifting trends, it is a portion of your profile that requires periodic updating.

Review and take note from these two relevant articles from 2020 that can help you to evaluate your bio.

Update Activity-

  • Discover your own social media profile. Consider-what would someone who doesn’t know be able to determine based on the content and information provided?
  • Check out your favorite influencer’s profiles.
  • Modify your picture and bio based on what you learned from the assigned reading and influencer profiles. Not sure about the profile update? Direct message your 3 group members for feedback.

Discussion Questions-

  1. Share what modifications you made to your profile. Why?
  2. Do you feel you need a work and personal IG/FB? Why or why not?


Update Activity-

Take the time to evaluate each team member’s bio. Give positive reinforcement or offer assistance if they are off track. Communicate insights via direct message.

Discussion Questions-


  1. Share what modifications you made to your profile. Why?
  2. Do you feel you need a work and personal IG/FB? Why or why not?

Listen for:

  • Implementation of new skills from this week’s articles.
  • Collaboration between team members and successful integration of any feedback.

Lesson 4-Communication

Team Member

Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites are the modern day client book. Communicating across these platforms with clarity and consistency are critical to building relationships with new and existing clients.

Listen to How to Write Scroll-Stopping Captions for Authentic Engagement from The Jasmine Star Show on Apple Podcasts. Revisit the Posting Pictures and Caption Rubric for reference as you listen in.

Posting Pictures and Captions Rubric

Update Activity-

  • Utilize the rubric and lessons to develop a compelling photo and caption. Post your content to your social media profile tagging the facilitator and the 3 members of your team.
  • Contribute constructive feedback to your team members on the 3 posts you are tagged in. Leverage the rubric for your commentary.

Discussion Questions-

  1. What types of captions make you stop and listen?
  2. What posts did you find particularly engaging from your peers? Why?
  3. How do you maintain ongoing relationships with clients through social media?



Update Activity-

  • Evaluate each team member’s post. Give positive reinforcement or offer assistance if they are off track.
  • Communicate insights via direct message.
  • Search the class hashtag and #repost examples of great content with specifics on previously taught skills.

Discussion Questions-


  1. What types of captions make you stop scrolling?
  2. What posts did you find particularly engaging from your peers? Why?
  3. How do you maintain ongoing relationships with clients through social media?

Listen for:

  • Application and analysis of the rubric.
  • The importance of consistency in posting frequency and responding to messages with urgency.

Lesson 5-The Environment

Team Member

Visual aesthetics can be a powerful component of communication through social media. As with caption writing, clarity and consistency are the most important factors to success. The easiest way to communicate to clients through video is to remove distractions that take away from your message. The lighting skills you learned in previous courses also apply to video content creation. Open the PowerPoint below and read to quickly review the basics in lighting and environment from your previous coursework.

Lighting & Environment

This YouTube provides a 10 minute lesson on Zoom lighting tips. These same principles can be used for any live meeting or when leveraging the "Go live" function on Instagram and Facebook.

Media embedded November 30, 2020

Update Activity-

  • Update your home office environment based on what you learned from the YouTube video.
  • Record a Zoom session of yourself with different lighting options to determine your optimal set up. Don’t forget to incorporate products into the recorded session so you can see how the lighting benefits or hinders what you are trying to communicate. Need feedback? Send the recorded link to team members for a second opinion.

Discussion Questions-

  1. What changes did you make to your lighting? What are the results of those changes?
  2. Are filters false advertising? Is it appropriate to use the filters that are available for video content? Why or why not?


Update Activity-

Check the class hashtag and #repost examples of great content with specifics on previously taught skills.

Discussion Questions-


  1. What changes did you make to your lighting? What are the results of those changes?
  2. Are filters false advertising? Is it appropriate to use the filters that are available for video content? Why or why not?

Listen for:

  • Practical application of the tips provided by the YouTube content.
  • Evidence based discussions on the ethics of over-filtering and false advertising in beauty.

Lesson 6-Storytelling

Team Member

Sales professionals that successfully engage clients through social media know the power of story telling.  Click the link below to read more about how the National Storytelling Network defines storytelling and the important components.

How do these components come together? Pixar is known for telling incredible stories. This podcast breaks down the 6 rules for great storytelling that Pixar implements in their movies.

Where do you begin and how to you keep the story going with endless content? There are numerous apps that can help you organize your thoughts and map out a plan. Mindly is one option to consider.

Check out the demonstration video to understand the features of the app. Notice how one central topic (in this case coffee) can be a source of endless content inspiration when there is a method to developing and keeping track of ideas and concepts.
Media embedded November 30, 2020

Update Activity-

  • Create a map using the Mindly app. Start with the new product launch at the center and see where the story takes you. Share your map with your group.
  • Research Instagram Reels. Find an informative Reel that illustrates product benefits, tag your group and facilitator.

Discussion Questions-

  1. What stories can you uniquely tell your clients based on your expertise? What new stories did you discover using the Mindly app.
  2. How do you determine what formats on social media you use to tell the story?  When do you include text overlay?
  • Posts vs Stories vs Reels
  • Zoom meetings vs Live on social media


Update Activity-

Take a look at the Instagram Reels team members tagged.  What type of content are they most excited about?

Discussion Questions-


  1. What stories can you uniquely tell your clients based on your expertise? What new stories did you discover using the Mindly app.
  2. How do you determine what formats on social media you use to tell the story?
  • Posts vs Stories vs Reels
  • Zoom meetings vs Live on social media

Listen for:

  • Team members ability to own their authority in the subject matter and authentically share their story with the structure of the Mindly app.
  • Understanding of social media formats and when to leverage each for different types of content.

Lesson 7-Video Content

Team Member

What makes a makeup tutorial so engaging 1.2 million people watch?

Media embedded November 30, 2020

Note that the video checks each of these components from the Live Show/Video Rubric:

  • Clean product and environment
  • Color true and bright lighting
  • High resolution video
  • Eye level at camera
  • Simple clean background
  • Clear audio
Live Show/Video Rubric

Recorded video is “controllable” with the magic of editing post-production. Going live on social media raises the stakes with 1 time to get it right. So why go through all of the stress of going live? It adds an additional and important component to engagement. Interaction.

Watch the 2 live shows below and pay particular attention to the live demonstrations and the client/viewer interaction.

Update Activity-

  • Utilize the Live Show/Video rubric to review a live virtual product demo on Facebook. Note strengths and concerns.
  • Create your own product demo script utilizing the the Mindly app and the Live Show/Video rubric. Invite the 3 peers in your group to evaluate your live product demo practice over Zoom (you can record the session for those unable to attend).  Analyze your peer’s feedback, make any necessary modifications to your script and note tips regarding video and environment (you will want to integrate those into your upcoming final project).
  • Evaluate your 3 peers during their live product demo practice.

Discussion Questions-

  1. What does Huda Kattan do in her YouTube videos that drives engagement?
  2. When were you most/least interested in the live virtual product demos on Facebook?
  3. What did you learn from watching your peers’ feedback during the practice over Zoom? What was the most valuable insight?


Update Activity-

Check in with the teams of 4 through direct message. Make yourself available to answer any questions or connect one on one to discuss the live demo practice sessions

Discussion Questions-


  1. What does Huda Kattan do in her YouTube videos that drives engagement?
  2. When were you most/least interested in the live virtual product demos on Facebook?
  3. What did you learn from watching your peers’ feedback during the practice over Zoom? What was the most valuable insight?

Listen for:

  • The power of storytelling and transformation to engage the viewer.
  • How asking questions during live shows can connect the viewer and host.
  • Practice and planning are critical to video and live shows.

Lesson 8- The Final Project

Team Member

The final project includes:

  1. A post with a picture and caption announcing upcoming video content.
  2. A live show/video through one of the following:
  • Facebook Live
  • Instagram Live
  • Zoom Meeting
  • YouTube

Note:  Keep video content between 5 and 15 minutes. 2-3 products are recommended for this duration.  Please save the video appropriately if executing a live show and tag the facilitator as well as your manager.  The facilitator will share feedback within 1 week following the content posts.

Zoom Discussion-

This week’s 45 minute discussion will be an entire Q&A session answering any questions on the final project. Attendance is not mandatory. Team members may use the time to work on their final project if they do not have questions.


Your certification will be celebrated during the upcoming US Team Rally Zoom. You will also receive the formal certification documentation.



Zoom Discussion-

Provide tips and feedback within the rubric framework.

Posting Pictures and Captions Rubric
Live Show/Video Rubric


Partner with the team member's manager to celebrate strengths and coach concerns.  Highlight content on the US Team Rally Zoom.


Belk. (2020, October 16). Estee Lauder’s “must have” Products.

Bloomingdales. (2020, November 12). Director of Education @createbeautybecca on how to get the look.

Buffer The Science of Social Media. (Producer). (2018, March 12). 85: 6 Rules For Great Storytelling & Why Stories Are Your Most Important Social Media Asset. (Audio Podcast).

Cope, B. & Kalantzis, M.. 2015. The things you do to know: An introduction to the pedagogy of multiliteracies. In Cope, W. & Kalantzis, M. (Eds.) A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Learning by design (pp. 1-36) Palgrave

Go Daddy. (2019, July 18). What is User Generated Content and Can it Help Your Business? (Video). YouTube.

Gotter, A. (2020, November 12). How to Write The Perfect Instagram Bio For Your Business (with Examples!). Retrieved December 03, 2020, from

Dripgrind. (2015, December 17). Mindly_Features. (Video). Vimeo.

Huda Beauty. (2019, February 27). How to make your EYES LOOK BIGGER in 6 Easy Steps. (Video). YouTube.

Kunsman, T. (2018, October 23). What is Employee Generated Content? Your Complete Guide for Success.

N. (2017, May 18). What is Storytelling. Retrieved December 03, 2020, from

Schiro, J. (2020, July 13). ZOOM LIGHTING HACKS. Beginning “how to” for cheap Zoom lighting that ROCKS using household lights. (Video). YouTube.

Star, J. (Producer). (2020, April 28). How to Write Scroll Stopping Captions For Authentic Engagement. (Audio Podcast).

Starbuckspartners. (2020, November 29). Instagram Feed.

Starbuckspartners. (2013, July 24). One M.U.G. that’s more than just a cup to us. #tobeapartner.

Vrountas, T. (2020, January 03). User-Generated Content: Why It's Effective and How to Use It in Your Marketing Campaigns. Retrieved December 03, 2020, from

Zote, J. (2020, October 16). How to craft an impactful Instagram bio for business. Retrieved December 03, 2020, from