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Icon for Skatecraft


Improving Community Skate Parks through Technology

Learning Module


In this learning module, year 5 and 6 students investigate design websites as well as alternative modes of transport such as human-propelled transport, e.g. skateboards and scooters. They then create a design proposal for a more effective and functional community skate park.


Skate Park, Technology, 3D Print


Unit Learning Intentions:

LI: Share initial thoughts and feelings regarding Lanyon skating facility.

LI: Access prior knowledge and work cooperatively with others to investigate alternative modes of transport, safety and practise.

LI: To create 3D models using multimedia.

LI: To identify the structural features of a skatepark

LI: To design and create a 3D model of a new and improved Lanyon Skatepark

LI: Reflect on and appraise the design process

This 5/6 Skatecraft unit has been designed with the purpose of investigating alternative modes of transport, and designing and creating a new look for the local skatepark.

Before commencing the unit, ensure all students have access to Scholar with individual logons,  and TinkerCAD (one account should be used for all students)

Lesson 1's 'Survey' focuses on the Learning Intention LI: Share initial thoughts and feelings regarding Lanyon skating facility. Students will begin the unit by completing an online survey .This initial survey will be used to investigate the students understandings and thoughts in regards to alternative transport and their local skatepark.

Lesson 2's 'Introduction to Skating' focuses on the Learning Intention LI:  Access prior knowledge and work cooperatively with others to investigate alternative modes of transport, safety and practise. The lesson investigates alternative modes of transport, exploring equipment and maintenance, looking at current road rules, safety and hazards, and practising different alternative transport techniques when in use.

Lesson 3's 'Designing with Tinker CAD' focuses on the Learning Intention LI: To create 3D models using multimedia. Students will work cooperatively to investigate 3D printers and be introduced to the design program Tinker CAD.

Lessons 4-9 'Design and create your skatepark', Lesson1 of this 5 part series focuses on the LI: To identify the structural features of a skatepark. In this lesson students investigate, examine and compare the 2 local skateparks. They learn the technical language associated with the sport of skating, describe the features of a skatepark, and identify the different types of skateparks. For Lessons 2,3, 4 and 5, the students then begin the task of improving Lanyon Skatepark by designing and creating a new park on TinkerCAD focusing on the learning intention LI: To design and create a 3D model of a new and improved Lanyon Skatepark.

Lesson 10 'Assessment and reflection' focuses on the Learning Intention LI: Reflect on and appraise the design process. In this lesson students will complete the reflection survey, write and exposition (persuasive text) and complete a PMI. The results will be used to compare, assess the students learning, and to reflect on their alternative transport knowledge and skatepark design.

Initial survey

This is where the magic happens....

For the Student

LI: Share initial thoughts and feelings regarding Lanyon skating facility.

Follow the link and complete the survey:

For the Teacher

Facilitate students taking survey.  

Ensure they complete every question.

You can access your students results individually or as a cohort from the 'analytics' tab, surveys, results.

This initial survey will be used to understand the students thoughts in regards to alternative transport and their local skatepark.

This survey will also be used as a comparison tool for the final reflection and assessment survey in the final lesson.

Introduction to skating

So who wants to skate?

For the Student

LI:  Access prior knowledge and work cooperatively with others to investigate alternative modes of transport, safety and pr.

In groups discuss the following questions.  Record your answers in your book.

Modes of transport:

How do primary school students get around the suburb?  Are some forms of transport more suited to short trips?  Discuss your answers with your group.  

Equipment and maintainence:  

What equipment do you need to use these transport forms?  Is it easy to access?  Are there safety issues that need to be addressed?  What protective equipment do you need?  What happens when things break or wear out?

Safety, road rules and hazards:  

What behaviours would be considered safe while using these modes of transport out in the community?  What are some road rules that you know?  Are these applicable to you?  What kinds of hazards might you find while out in ther community?

Practise: Techniques and levels:  

How do you know that you are good at something?  What do you have to do to get better at a skill?  What are some personality traits that you would need to use to get better at something?  What are you going to do if you can't master a skill the first time you try?

What is a skatepark?  What do you do there?  How do you use a skatepark?  Discuss with your group.

For the Teacher

This lesson features the following:

Modes of transport: Scooters, skateboards, bikes etc

Equipment and maintainence

Safety, road rules and hazards

Practise: Techniques and levels

Investigate skateparks

Follow the student page for lesson instructions

Extra Resources:

ACT BMX: Watch without sound

12 year old Australian scooter champ:

Female skateboarders:

Tinker CAD design

For the Student

LI: To create 3D models using multimedia

We need a better skatepark!

Think, pair and share with a partner about what you know about 3D printers. Think of any intersting stories you may have seen in the media.

Take a look at this video

How do 3D printers help build our understanding of things?

Log into using the sign in: (Mosit#33)

Click Features

Then watch the tutorial video

Now go to designs and click create a new design

Your goal is to create a skate ramp that meets the specifications

Success Criteria

  • It is named after you
  • It sits flat on the plane
  • It has a box and a connecting ramp
  • The box is 30mm high, 50mm wide and 50mm long
  • The Ramp is 30mm high 40mm wide and 50mm long

Check a partners' and have them check yours to make sure the success criteria has been met.

For the Teacher

Have students think/pair/share (TPS) their prior knowledge of 3D printing

Show class the video of students printing dinosaur bones

Lead a class discussion about how we can use 3D printers to model and practice a design to appraise and edit it before the actual model is built, e.g. we can see if a skate ramp will be the right size/steepness/location before we pour the concrete.

Introduce the class to which is an online program that allows students to design 3D models in a 3D printer format. 

Give students the chance to create their own ramps that meet success critiera using TinkerCAD

Extra Resources

TinkerCAD tutorial:


Design and create your skatepark

For the Student

LI: To identify the structural features of a skatepark

Now the fun really begins!

Take a look at Tuggeranong skate park

Now take a look at Lanyon Skatepark


Lanyon      Both           Tuggeranong

Skate parks have different features with different names. Use the website to name the different parts of the skateparks you see in each photo above. Comment below on the parts you discovered.

Now its your turn! 

LI: To design and create a 3D model of a new and improved Lanyon Skatepark

Over the next 5 lessons you need to work with a group to redesign Lanyon Skatepark to make it more accessible and engaging for the community.

You will need to follow your Gantt Chart to complete all necessary requirements for your proposal including:

  • A 3D scaled map of your park
  • A description of the park inlcuding measurements and feature names
  • A written exposition on the benefits of your design

Using TinkerCAD and Scholar, design and make your ideal vision for Lanyon Skatepark.

For the Teacher


Run the class through a Venn Diagram of the two community skateparks by examining the photos with them.

Have the students visit the linked skate park website to gain technical language of skatepark design and share one new peice of information on the comment thread. 

Introduce the major project and group the students into 4s using preferred cooperative learning structure. 

Refer class to the Gantt chart and discuss possible jobs and roles for your group.

Show the students the project page where they can write their expositions. (To be completed by

Extra Resources:

Skatepark Design Youtube:


Skatecraft Gantt chart

Learning activity

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Complete survey


Complete introduction to skating lesson


Complete Venn comparing Lanyon and Tuggeranong skateparks.


Complete Tinkercad tutorial


Discuss design and decide what features you will include in your skatepark


Draft your proposal exposition


Design your park including measurements


Publish your exposition on scholar.


Finish Tinkercad design


Complete DMA individually and parking lot


Skatecraft Parking lot

I have enjoyed learning about…..Because


Things that I would improve are..

Questions I have from what I have learned


Ideas I have for improvement

Plus minus interesting

Assessment and Reflection

Time to wrap it up!

For the Student

LI: Reflect on and appraise the design process

Follow the link and complete the survey:

Complete Design, Make, appraise activity based on your skatepark design

Complete Skatecraft parking lot reflection

For the Teacher

Have students complete the design portion of the DMA process.  They will need to complete this activity individually.  Ensure that students are apraising their design on a deep level by getting them to look for both positives and negatives (PMI chart)

Students then complete the Parking lot reflection of the unit.


Title; By Franck Schneider (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons (Source); Fig. 1: (Source);