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Los factores que impactan la calidad de vida

Learning Module


In this learning module, students will identity how everyday living conditions influence the quality of life, how geographical location impacts the quality of life, and explore how various organizations measure the quality of life around the world. This learning module is designed for a Spanish language learning classroom for advanced speakers of the language as determined by ACTFL standards. It addresses the fifth recommended context of the AP Spanish Language and Culture conceptual framework entitled "Factors the Impact the Quality of Life."


Quality of Life, Geography, Living Conditions, Spanish



Over the past few decades, new principles in interculturality have transformed language learning and pedagogy. Atay et al. (2009) posit that “the objective of language learning is no longer defined in terms of the acquisition of communicative competence in a foreign language, which refers to a person’s ability to act in a foreign language in linguistically, sociolinguistically and pragmatically appropriate ways” (p. 123). Intercultural competence (IC) effectively shifts the focus away from solely an individual’s communicative abilities in the four core language skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) and instead towards the inclusion of cultural knowledge and attitudes.

Deardorff (2006) defines intercultural competence as “the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in intercultural situations based on one’s intercultural knowledge, skills, and attitudes” (p. 247). Thus, one can conclude that the competent use of language skills is equally as important as an individual’s cultural knowledge and attitudes towards practices, products, and perspectives of the target culture.

These new dimensions in interculturality prioritize cross-cultural interactions through intercultural communicative competence (ICC). According to Byram (1997), the target language distinctly separates the concepts of intercultural competence (IC) and intercultural communicative competence (ICC). The former occurs in one’s primary language while the latter transpires in one’s secondary language. For example, for a native English speaker, IC includes correspondence in English. On the other hand, ICC refers to the exchange of ideas in another language, such as Spanish.

The following learning module affords the instructor the opportunity to develop students’ intercultural competence (IC) and intercultural communicative competence (ICC). This learning module is designed with appropriate scaffolding as utilizing the concept of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) as developed by Vygotsky (1978). The zone of proximal development is “the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem-solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers" (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86).

In this way, transformative pedagogy is present as learners participate in the active knowledge making and engage in metacognition, two of the affordances of new learning, as defined by Kalantzis and Cope (2015). Furthermore, learners will illustrate their learning through multimodal meaning in their learning artifacts and complete peer reviews through recursive feedback, two additional affordances of new learning (Kalantzis & Cope, 2015).

ACTFL World-Readiness Standards


  • 1.1 - Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
  • 1.2 - Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
  • 1.3 - Presentational Communication: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.


  • 2.1 - Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.


  • 3.1 - Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the language to develop critical thinking and to solve problems creatively.
  • 3.2 - Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives: Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.


  • 4.2 - Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through the comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.


  • 5.2 - Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.
ACTFL World-Readiness Standards


Target Audience

The learning module was developed for advanced speakers of the Spanish language. All of the communication to students is completely in Spanish; therefore, learners must have command of the target language as they will be required to use all four language skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) throughout each update.

This can be implemented in an AP Spanish Language and Culture class as it relates to and specifically addresses the essential questions of the fifth recommended course framework unit of “Factors That Impact the Quality of Life."

AP Spanish Language and Culture Framework

The author created this learning module for junior and senior high school students in her AP Spanish Language and Culture course. Students in this class successfully completed two or three prior years of study in Spanish. While this learning module was developed for heritage Spanish speakers, it is important to note that it is not necessary that learners be heritage speakers of Spanish. Materials presented in the learning module can be scaffolded appropriately to intermediate speakers of Spanish as well. This can be achieved through purposeful grouping, specifically in the peer review process, and adaptation of the included activities to meet the linguistic abilities of the target learners.

Anticipated Duration

This learning module includes six updates. The length of the completion depends on the learning environment. For example, in a traditional classroom, this learning module might take upwards of five weeks or twenty-five instructional days. It would be up to teacher discretion on how much of the work was completed individually versus collaboratively, as well as how much class time s/he allots for exploration of the materials presented and the appropriate follow-up discussion.

In the case of an online course, updates one through five may be completed fairly quickly; however, update six includes a major work, peer review, and a work revision, which includes a self-assessment component. This update would take course over a few weeks due to the more involved completion process.

Materials Required

Learners will need a personal device (computer or tablet) with an Internet connection to access the materials (e.g., videos, articles) presented in this learning module and to complete the necessary assignments (e.g., posting comments and updates). Additionally, students will need to utilize video creation software or an appropriate application to complete the major work in update six. Examples include Adobe Spark, iMovie, and WeVideo.

Written as is, this learning module can be implemented using the CG Scholar platform. In a traditional classroom, a teacher might choose their own learning management system, such as Google Classroom. In this way, the comments would be posted to the classroom page as a “Google Question” and updates would be completed on a class Google Site. Peer reviews would be assigned and completed through the platform Peergrade.

Para empezar



La calidad de vida es un concepto complicado y subjetivo. Esta unidad temática explorará la vida cotidiana en la sociedad contemporánea de grupos diferentes alrededor del mundo y los factores que impactan la calidad de vida.

Media embedded April 19, 2020

Ni Frida ni Freud. [Username]. (2017, July 24). Explicación animada del concepto calidad de vida [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from


Al final de la unidad, podrás hacer lo siguiente:

  • explorar cómo el estado social de una persona influye en la calidad de vida,
  • investigar cómo las perspectivas y tradiciones culturales se relacionan con la calidad de vida,
  • considerar cómo el acceso a la educación, el sistema sanitario, la justicia, la alimentación y el agua impactan la calidad de vida, y
  • explorar cómo la geografía influye en la calidad de vida.


Learning Objectives:

By the end of this learning module, students will be able to:

  • explore how one’s social status influences one’s quality of life,
  • investigate how cultural perspectives and traditions relate to the quality of life,
  • consider how access to education, health care, justice, food, and water impact the quality of life, and
  • explore how geography influences the quality of life.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

This learning module will provide students with appropriate comprehensible input with a thematic focus on the quality of life in contemporary society. Throughout this learning module, course materials will focus on scaffolding instructions so that students can thoughtfully respond to the following essential questions:

  • How do aspects of everyday life influence and relate to the quality of life?
  • How does where one live impact the quality of life?
  • What influences one’s interpretation and perceptions of the quality of life?

Update 1 - Mi calidad de vida


I. Introducción

A través de esta unidad, aprenderás sobre la calidad de vida alrededor del mundo. Antes de empezar es necesario examinar nuestra calidad de vida.


Toma la siguiente encuesta para reflexionar sobre tu vida personal y tu nivel de satisfacción de varios aspectos que impactan la calidad de vida.


Antes de determinar la calidad de vida de una persona es importante analizar los factores que contribuyen a las condiciones de vida. Visita este sitio para aprender más sobre sobre indicadores.

II. Publica un comentario

Después de hacer la encuesta y aprender sobre los indicadores de la calidad de vida, ¿cómo describirías tu calidad de vida?

Escribe un comentario de por los menos 50 palabras. Después lee y responde a los comentarios de tres de tus compañeros.

III. Reflexión

Crea una actualización sobre las siguientes preguntas. Incluye evidencia en la forma de elementos visuales (gráfica, tabla, infografía) y/o elementos auditivos (video, podcast) a través de tu actualización. Debes de escribir por lo menos 200 palabras.

Preguntas de reflexión:

  • ¿Qué son los aspectos positivos y negativos que la sociedad tiene a la calidad de vida?
  • ¿Cómo se puede mejorar la calidad de vida usando la situación social y/o económica?


ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:

  • Communication: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Lesson Overview:

In this update, students will be introduced to the concept of “quality of life” and how living conditions (both personal and geographical) impact one’s quality of life. First, students will take a survey to help them critically examine their current quality of life (Paso Uno of Part I). Next, they will read a short article that describes indicators from one’s living conditions that ultimately impact one’s quality of life (Paso Dos of Part II). To bridge these two concepts, students are asked to describe their quality of life as an accompanying comment to this update (Part II). Finally, students will create their own update to reflect on the following questions:

  • What positive and negative aspects does society have on quality of life?
  • How can one improve their quality of life using their social and/or economic situation? (Part III).

Pedagogical Rationale:

In this update, students will engage in the process of self-reflection to examine their own quality of life. It is crucial before they start to explore how the quality of life varies around the world. Additionally, upcoming updates will explain different ways of measuring quality of life. This assignment will be revisited in update number six.

Implementation Suggestions:

Depending on the language level of the learners, direct vocabulary instruction and/or scaffolding may be appropriate. Linked below under the supplementary resources is a suggested vocabulary list for this unit.

Supplementary Resources:

Otra versión del test de la calidad de vida

Suggested Vocabulary List


Update 2 - Living on $1


I. Introducción

El siguiente documental se trata de un grupo de jóvenes estadounidenses que vivieron en Guatemala por dos meses con un ingreso diario de solamente un dólar. En este experimento social, se enfrentaron varios desafíos incluso la hambre, enfermedades y estrés financiero extremo.

Mientras ves el documental, contesta las preguntas en el siguiente documento.

Preguntas sobre el documental
Media embedded May 3, 2020

YouTube Movies [Username]. (2019, November 15). Living on one dollar [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

II. Publica un comentario

Ve al siguiente video. Describe tus reacciones a la historia de Rosa. Escribe un comentario de por los menos 50 palabras. Después lee y responde a los comentarios de tres de tus compañeros.

Media embedded April 19, 2020

Optimist [Username]. (2015, October 21). Rosa - These storms [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

III. Reflexión

Crea una actualización sobre la siguiente pregunta. Incluye un elemento visual o auditivo a través de tu actualización. Debes de escribir por lo menos 200 palabras.

Pregunta de reflexión:

  • Además de enviar dinero, ¿cómo crees que la gente común podría ayudar a acabar con la pobreza extrema en lugares como Peña Blanca?


ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:

  • Communication: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
  • Cultures: 2.1
  • Connections: 3.1, 3.2
  • Comparisons: 4.2

Lesson Overview:

In this update, students will examine how living conditions (both personal and geographical) impact one’s quality of life in the rural community of Peña Blanca in Guatemala. First, students will view the documentary “Living on $1” (Part I) and complete a viewing guide. Next, they will watch a short video that details the personal history of one of the Guatemalan women from the documentary, Rosa (Part II). Finally, students will create their own update to reflect on the following question (Part III):

  • Besides sending money, how can ordinary people help those living in extreme poverty, such as the community of Peña Blanca?

Pedagogical Rationale:

In this update, students will first receive comprehensible input regarding the challenges that those who live in extreme poverty face daily. After examining how living conditions ultimately impact one’s quality of life, students will conceptualize how others can creatively contribute to help others in situations less fortunate than their own.

Implementation Suggestions:

Teachers may want to use the documentary viewing guide to facilitate discussion with their students. Linked under supplementary resources is an extensive list of discussion protocols. If implementing this learning module virtually, it is suggested that the instructor use the “breakout rooms” feature in Zoom for this purpose.

Supplementary Resources:

Discussion Protocols

Update 3 - Las familias colombianas y españolas


I. Introducción

En el mundo hispanohablante, los ingresos familiares tienen un mayor impacto en la vida cotidiana. También indica la probabilidad de ser exitoso y seguir adelante.

  • Explora la siguiente página web para aprender cómo viven los colombianos de diferentes ingresos familiares.
  • Lee este artículo sobre las ventajas y las desventajas de vivir en cuatro ciudades principales en España.

II. Publica un comentario

  • ¿Sería mejor vivir en Colombia o España? ¿En cuál ciudad vivirías? Incluye evidencia de las fuentes dadas.

Escribe un comentario de por los menos 50 palabras. Después lee y responde a los comentarios de tres de tus compañeros.

III. Reflexión

Crea una actualización sobre la siguiente pregunta. Incluye un elemento visual o auditivo a través de tu actualización. Debes de escribir por lo menos 200 palabras.

Pregunta de reflexión:

  • ¿Cómo influyen y se relacionan las condiciones de vida con la calidad de vida?


ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:

  • Communication: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
  • Cultures: 2.1
  • Connections: 3.2
  • Comparisons: 4.2

Lesson Overview:

In this update, students will explore how people in different parts of the Spanish-speaking world live, specifically Colombia and Spain (Part I). Next, students will decide which country would be better to live in based on the information from their investigation (Part II). They will have to choose a specific city in one of the two countries and explain their rationale behind wanting to live in that location. Finally, students will synthesize the information by explaining how living conditions influence and are related to the quality of life in Colombia and Spain (Part III).

Pedagogical Rationale:

In this update, students will see how people in other countries live at various income levels. They will also explore how geographical location impacts living conditions as well. It is important for students to gain insight on how their quality of life is different in comparison to others in different parts of the world.

Implementation Suggestions:

Teachers implementing this learning module could poll students about their preferences in part II using various online platforms. See the supplementary resources for linked websites.

Supplementary Resources:

Update 4 - el Índice de capital humano y la calidad de vida


I. Introducción

En la actualización previa, aprendiste cómo medir la calidad de vida en términos de ganancias económicas. Por otro lado, el Banco Mundial propone otra manera de medir la calidad de vida.

Media embedded April 19, 2020


World Bank [Username]. (2018, October 10). ¿Qué es el índice de capital humano del Banco Mundial? [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

  • Explica por qué el Banco Mundial calcula el índice de capital humano (ICH) por medir salud y educación.
  • ¿Qué son los indicadores diferentes que utiliza?

Completa el formulario con tus respuestas.

II. Publica un comentario

Utiliza el siguiente sitio web para calcular el índice de capital humano de varios países hispanohablantes.

  • Haz una comparación entre los Estados Unidos y por lo menos dos otros países.
  • ¿Cuál país tiene el índice más alto?
  • ¿Por qué crees que es así?

Escribe un comentario de por los menos 50 palabras. Después lee y responde a los comentarios de tres de tus compañeros.

III. Reflexión

Crea una actualización sobre la siguiente pregunta. Incluye un elemento visual o auditivo a través de tu actualización. Debes de escribir por lo menos 200 palabras.

Pregunta de reflexión:

Visita esta página web para aprender sobre la calidad de vida en varias ciudades en un país hispanohablante. Explora tres índices diferentes para tu comparación.

  • ¿Por qué escogiste estos índices?
  • ¿Cómo varían las ciudades?
  • ¿Por qué?


ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:

  • Communication: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
  • Connections: 3.1
  • Comparisons: 4.2
  • Communities: 5.2

Lesson Overview:

In this update, students will learn about how the World Bank measures the quality of life using the human capital index (Part I). Next, they will calculate and compare the human capital index for different countries (Part II). Choosing “the best” country from the information gathered in the previous step, students will choose three indices to compare within this country. They will explain the benefits and disadvantages of living in this particular country based on indices chosen (Part III).

Pedagogical Rationale:

In this update, students will examine just one way to measure the quality of life economically speaking. It is important to introduce this common perspective first before the next update, which offers an alternative and more humanistic approach to measuring quality of life.

Implementation Suggestions:

One additional method of measuring the quality of life is the Legatum Prosperity Index. Linked in the supplementary resources this is a video explaining this model as well as the actual website. Students can manipulate the different pillars of measurement (e.g., safety and security, personal freedom) in order of importance to determine which countries have the best world rankings. This website also allows students to see how each country’s ranking has changed over time for each specific pillar. One country of interest would be Venezuela, which shows great change over the past decade due to their political situation.

Supplementary Resources:

Media embedded April 19, 2020

Legatum Institute [Username]. (2019, November 27). 2019 Legatum prosperity index [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Update 5 - Una vida digna


I. Introducción

Las Naciones Unidas mide la calidad de vida en una manera diferente; se llama: Lo esencial para una vida digna.

Media embedded April 19, 2020

Sphere [Username]. (2019, June 18). ¿Qué son las normas humanitarias? [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

  • ¿Qué son las tres dimensiones para una vida digna?
  • Entre cada dimensión, ¿qué son los indicadores?
  • En tu opinión, ¿cuál es la dimensión más importante? ¿Por qué?

Completa el formulario con tus respuestas.

II. Publica un comentario

  • ¿Por qué los que viven en áreas rurales son más afectados por la pobreza?
  • Considera el acceso a las dimensiones diferentes.

Escribe un comentario de por los menos 50 palabras. Después lee y responde a los comentarios de tres de tus compañeros.

III. Reflexión

Crea una actualización sobre la siguiente pregunta. Incluye un elemento visual o auditivo a través de tu actualización. Debes de escribir por lo menos 200 palabras.

Pregunta de reflexión:

  • Hasta ahora has aprendido sobre varias maneras de medir la calidad de vida. En tu opinión, ¿qué es la mejor opción para medir la calidad de vida? ¿Por qué?


ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:

  • Communication: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
  • Connections: 3.1, 3.2
  • Comparisons: 4.2

Lesson Overview:

In this update, students will yet again examine a different way to measure the quality of life. Instead of focusing on the economic view, students will instead shift their focus to “the essential for a dignified life” as presented by the United Nations (Part I). Next, students will examine why those who live in rural areas are more affected by poverty through the lens of the dimensions of the information from the previous section (Part II). Finally, students will synthesize the information presented in modules four and five and determine which model is best to measure the quality of life (Part III).

Pedagogical Rationale:

In this update, students will start to synthesize the course materials to address the three essential questions of this learning module:

  • How do aspects of everyday life influence and relate to the quality of life?
  • How does where one live impact the quality of life?
  • What influences one’s interpretation and perceptions of the quality of life?

Implementation Suggestions:

Two common themes that continually surface behind models that measure quality of life are health and education. Instructors implementing this learning module may want to consider having students reflect on their current health and educational status and how they are able to reach their ultimate goals within these two areas. Students can also compare and contrast how where they live impacts the quality of their health and education and how this differs depending on one’s geographical location. The short video linked in the supplementary resources section would be a good video to spark discussion. Also included in the following section is a document of discussion strategies to utilize in traditional classrooms or online formats.

Supplementary Resources:

Media embedded May 3, 2020

Cortometrajes cortos [Username]. (2013, September 6). Cortometraje de reflexión - Porque todos tenemos derecho a una vida digna [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Discussion Protocols


Update 6 - Evaluación final


I. Introducción

El propósito de la vida es tener una vida de calidad, ¿pero cómo se determina la calidad de vida?

Media embedded April 19, 2020

Diaz, JuanM [Username]. (2014, August 22). Mejora tu calidad de vida [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Completa esta encuesta personal sobre la importancia de los factores.

Visita este sitio web y pon el ranking para cada factor. Después, recibirás una recomendación de dónde deberías vivir.

II. Assessment

Para concluir esta unidad, vas a crear un video para sintetizar la información presentada a través de esta unidad. Debes de incluir información de las fuentes incluidas en esta unidad igual que tus propias experiencias. Ve a la descripción para ver los requisitos específicos.

Video de síntesis

III. Peer Review

Después de entregar tu propio video, hay que ver y calificar el video de dos de tus compañeros. El proceso de repasar el trabajo de tus compañeros te ayudará a entender mejor cómo revisar tu propio video.

Utiliza la lista de verificación para analizar los videos.

Peer Review Checklist and Rubric

IV. Revisiones y autorreflexión

Después de repasar los comentarios de tus compañeros, tienes que hacer revisiones a tu video. Antes de entregar la versión final de tu proyecto, completa la siguiente autorreflexión.


ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:

  • Communication: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
  • Connections 3.1, 3.2
  • Communities 5.2

Lesson Overview:

In this final update, students will synthesize the course materials through the creation of a video. They will participate in the peer review process before making revisions to their own work. Finally before turning in a final project, students will complete a self-assessment to evaluate their own work. The instructor will then evaluate the completed video using the same rubric utilized for the peer and self reviews.

Pedagogical rationale:

Through the peer review process, students will use feedback to better inform their work. The idea behind constant revisions is to provide a complete artifact that demonstrates their understanding of the learning module materials.

Implementation Suggestions:

Model the feedback process for students prior to the completion of the peer review.

Supplementary Resources:


Atay, D., Kurt, G., Çamlibel, Z., Ersin, P., & Kaslioglu, Ö. (2009). The role of intercultural competence in foreign language teaching. INONU University Journal of the Faculty of Education 10(3), 123-135.

Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Cortometrajes cortos [Username]. (2013, September 6). Cortometraje de reflexión - Porque todos tenemos derecho a una vida digna [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Deardorff, D. K. (2006). Identification and assessment of intercultural competence as a student outcome of internationalization. Journal of Studies in International Education, 10(3), 241–266.

Diaz, JuanM [Username]. (2014, August 22). Mejora tu calidad de vida [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Education Service Australia. (n.d.). Strategies to enhance peer feedback. Assessment for Learning.

Gardner, M. (2019, October 8). Teaching students to give peer feedback. Edutopia. Retrieved from

Kalantzis, M, & Cope, B. (2015). "Learning and new media." In D. Scott & E. Hargreaves (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Learning (373-387). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Legatum Institute [Username]. (2019, November 27). 2019 Legatum prosperity index [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Ni Frida ni Freud. [Username]. (2017, July 24). Explicación animada del concepto calidad de vida [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Optimist [Username]. (2015, October 21). Rosa - These storms [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Sphere [Username]. (2019, June 18). ¿Qué son las normas humanitarias? [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

World Bank [Username]. (2018, October 10). ¿Qué es el índice de capital humano del Banco Mundial? [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

YouTube Movies [Username]. (2019, November 15). Living on one dollar [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from