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Looking After Me

Science and Health Education

Learning Module


Kindergarten students learn about the needs of living things. They also learn how they can look after their health through diet and dental hygiene.


Health, Diet, Teeth.

Knowledge Objectives

Australian Curriculum


Foundation Year Content Descriptions

Science Understanding

Biological sciences

Living things have basic needs, including food and water (ACSSU002)

Science as a Human Endeavour

Nature and development of science

Science involves observing, asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE013)

Science Inquiry Skills

  • Questioning and predicting

Pose and respond to questions aboutfamiliar objects and events (ACSIS014)

  • Planning and conducting

Participate in guided investigations and make observations using the senses (ACSIS011)

  • Processing and analysing data and information

Engage in discussions about observations and represent ideas (ACSIS233)

Health and Physical Education

Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS006)


Foundation to Year 2 Content Descriptions

Use media technologies to capture and edit images, sounds and text for a purpose (ACAMAM055)

Create and present media artworks that communicate ideas and stories to an audience (ACAMAM056)


1. What do you need?

For the Student

Learning Intention: To share what you know about what you need to survive.

What do Living Things Need to Survive?

All living things - people, animals and plants, need things to survive.

What do you need to survive?

Screw up the paper and come to a circle. Throw your paper in the circle.

Let's see what most people think that we need to survive.

Media embedded December 8, 2016

Living things have basic needs to survive, including food, air, warmth and water.

Write or draw things you need to survive - you can draw 1, 2, 3 or 4 things.

 In this unit we are going to focus on the food that we need to survive. So you are going to keep a food diary. Let's start by writing/drawing what you have eaten today.


Fig. 1: Every Day Food

For the Teacher

The science focus of this learning module is that living things have basic needs, including food and water with a focus on nutrition. Take every opportunity to reflect on this science outcome so it is embedded in students' understanding.

Purpose of this Update: To draw on and value students' prior knowledge and experiences in relation to food and survival.

Establish the food diary at the beginning of the learning module so students can share and reflect on it, identify healthy food choices they have made, and analyse whether their food choices are changing. This can be done at any time throughout the learning module, perhaps on a weekly basis.

Daily Health and Body Fun Facts

Each day at fruit break time, put up a health and body fact. These can be collected in a file to be accessed by all teachers in the unit. Students might also have ideas they can contribute. About 50 will be required over the term of 10 weeks. Some examples:

  • A burp is a bubble of air that comes up from your stomach.
  • The strongest muscle in your body is your tongue.
  • The tongue is also the most movable organ in your body as it is made up of several small muscles that let it move in many different ways.
  • The average person produces about 4 cups of mucus inside the nose every day.
  • You can't sneeze with your eyes open.
  • The bones under your eyebrows make little ledges that also protect your eyes.
  • Most freckles appear on the face and hands.
  • Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body.
  • An average yawn lasts about six seconds.
  • You blink about fifteen times a minute.
  • Doctors say that you shouldn't put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear.
  • Few people blush before the age of two.
  • Another name for your belly button is navel.
  • You are taller in the morning but then you become shorter a s you move because of gravity.

2. Let's Read/View

For the Student

Learning Intention: To read and respond to E-book ' Magic lunchbox'


Look at the front cover of The Magic Lunchbox.  Let's read the blurb. In a Think-Pair-Share, predict what you think the story will be about.

Reflection: What foods did the magic lunchbox like? What foods didn't it like?

Get your lunchboxes out ! We are going to see what they magic lunchbox thinks of what has been packed for you today!?

Leave the things that you think the magic lunchbox likes for school and take out the things that the magic lunchbox wouldn't like.

Draw how you have sorted your food on the activity sheet.

For the Teacher

 Purpose: To engage students in the unit through an engaging text about the body. 

Use reading strategies such as predicting and connecting to engage students. Use open-ended questions in Think-Pair-Share activities to promote thinking about the ideas in the text.

Throughout the unit, use YouTube clips and other books to reinforce the ideas in the text.

Other literacy activities are included in the attached Leanring by Design placemat. (Attach file)

Do this activity just before they have eaten anything out of their lunchbox so children can sort their food.

Students are to sort the items in their lunchbox on their desk and complete the activity sheet.

Lunchbox Activity


3. Healthy/Unhealthy

For the Student

Learning Intention: To understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods. 

Lets have a look at the Australian guide to Healthy Eating. 

Guide to Healthy Eating Poster

Discuss with a partner - What can you see ? What do you think the graph is telling us?

The foods that are inside the circle are Healthy foods, the foods down the bottom are only 'Sometimes' foods and are unhealthy.

- A lot of the 'sometimes foods' are sugary foods, as too much sugar is not Healthy for your body or teeth. How do you know when a food has lots of sugar in it? 

We must drink water everyday and it is the healthiest drink we can drink. 

Concept attainment - Healthy and unhealthy food ( Sometimes foods and Healthy foods ) 

I wonder if you can identify which foods on the smartboard are foods we would eat everyday, and which foods are the ones we would only have sometimes. 

Healthy vs Unhealthy Picture Sort


Lets see if we can brainstorm some more! Who can think of anymore  'everyday foods.'

Who can think of anymore 'sometimes foods'?

Now you need to sort the unhealthy foods from the healthy foods and stick them under the correct heading. 

Think-Pair-Share - random selector

Healthy vs Unhealthy Sort

Four Corners Game

I'm going to give you each a picture of a different food. There are pictures around the room students pictures of foods from different food groups. Move around until the music stops. When the music stops, FREEZE. Then find the correct food group that your picture belongs to. 

Reflect: What do you think are the best foods to help our bodies survive and grow?

For the Teacher

This lesson is aimed at students gaining an understanding of Healthy Eating and the difference between 'everyday foods' and 'sometimes foods.'

  • Point out that sugary foods are 'sometimes food.'  Get students to think of how they know when something has sugar in it - it is nice and sweet. 
  • Point out when looking at Healthy drinks, that a lot of the sweet drinks that taste really yummy have a lot of sugar in them and that's why they are outside of the circle.

Teacher needs to have ' Australian Guide to Healthy Eating poster' up on the smartboard or whiteboard. 

Concept Attainment 

Healthy vs Unhealthy Concept attainment

Four Corners Game

It is important they know that they are all expected to speak in the think pair share and report at least once to the class. 

4. Let's Look Further

For the Student

LI: To understand that lots of sugar is hidden in foods that we think are healthy.

Look at the poster and all of the different types of food on it

Do you think all the foods here are Healthy? 

Think, pair share which food you think has the most sugar in it and which food would have the least amount of sugar in it. 

Students draw which food has the most sugar and which food has the least amount of sugar.

We are now going to measure out how much sugar is in each of them.

Watch as I show you how much sugar is them.

Were you right !? Did you think that ....... would have the most sugar in it?

Do you think these foods are everyday foods or sometimes foods?

Label your pictures healthy or unhealthy with a tick or a cross.

Fig. 4: How much sugar is in that?


For the Teacher

The purpose of this lesson is for students to gain an understanding that sugary foods are unhealthy and should only be eaten occasionally. 

Teacher needs to prepare a poster of food packets stuck on a piece of cardboard and some plastic grip lock bags underneath each one ready to put the amount of sugar in.

Choose packet foods that children at your school bring in their lunch box and think are healthy.

Sugar Content Demonstration

Do this activity as a whole unit or class by class. Before measuring the amount of sugar, get students to estimate how many teaspoons they think is in each food. Do activity in book. 

5. Visit by the Dentist

For the Student

Learning Intention: To understand the importance of brushing teeth and regular visits to the dentist.

We are going to fill out a KWL chart (the first two columns only at this stage) before our guest speaker begins.

What I Know What I Want to know What I Learned

Guest Speaker: A special guest will talk about caring for your teeth, and in turn answer questions.

OR ...View a video of a visit to the dentist

Media embedded June 24, 2016

Watch the song clip below, a fun way to complement the learning

Media embedded June 24, 2016

We will now complete the final column in the KWL chart. What did we learn today?

For the Teacher

Purpose: To understand the importance of brushing one's teeth and regular dental visits.

Start a KWL chart with the class before the guest speaker arrives

Begin with -

1. What they already Know about brushing teeth

2. What they Want to know

Leave 3. What I Learnt, until after the guest speaker leaves.

Teeth KWL chart

Organise a guest speaker, if not watch the recommended clip.

Possible interactive activity of brushing teeth with colour tablet to highlight missed areas when brushing quickly, not thoroughly.

Question/answer time with the guest speaker.

Here are some additional resources that may be useful:

Have you ever seen a moose brushing its teeth

Colgate Australia

Bernstein Bears - Visit the Dentist

Dentist Visit (Elmo, Sesame Street)

After our guest speaker leaves, or after the clip and interactive teeth brushing activity: Record children's learning using step 3. on a KWL chart. The purpose is to draw out the main ideas/concepts presented. 

Also link back to the science understanding of living things have basic needs, including food and water - dental hygiene is not a basic need nut it helps our bodies to grow and be healthy.

6. Why should I clean my teeth?

For the Student

Learning Intention: To understand why it is important to clean my teeth.

Start by watching this clip.

Media embedded December 8, 2016

 Who can tell us why it is important to brush your teeth?

How often do you need to brush your teeth?

Today we are going to do an experiment to show how important brushing your teeth is.

The things that you will need to do the experiment are called the materials.

The materials we need are:

- Clear cups - Dark soda

- Toothbrush  - Toothpaste 

- Hard boiled egg.

We then need to follow the steps in order to conduct the experiment correctly.

Step one: Everybody fill your cup with dark soda to cover the egg. We are going to leave the egg in the drink overnight.

* This is just like if you drank a cup of fizzy drink and then went to bed without brushing your teeth.

Step two: Scoop the egg out on a paper plate and brush the egg in a circle motion without toothpaste on it. Now put some toothpaste on your toothbrush and do the same to the egg. 

 What can you see is happening?

The only way to get them white again is to brush your teeth or even better not drink the sugary soda.

Now look at this untouched egg. Can you see a difference between your egg and this one?

Fig. 6: Egg and Soda Dental Experiment


For the Teacher


Egg and Soda dental experiment

This experiment is aimed to highlight the importance of brushing your teeth. It also shows the effect of sugary soda drink on your teeth.

During the experiment make sure to point out that the egg is like the enamel on their teeth.

Get students to follow the procedure to conduct the experiment. After the children put their egg into the cup of soda drink, leave it sit in there over night for the best results.

Get students to try and brush the egg with and without toothpaste to see the difference.

At the end of the lesson pull out an untouched egg that is perfectly white and show them the difference even after brushing.

In all of the learning module, use scientific terminology wherever possible such as materials, equipment, observe. Also use content specific vocabulary such as enamel, flossing.

Also link back to the science understanding of living things have basic needs, including food and water - dental hygiene is not a basic need but it helps our bodies to grow and be healthy.

7. What If?

For the Student

Learning Intention: To understand the importance of washing my hands and being hygienic.

Today we are going to do an experiment to show how important it is to be hygienic and wash our hands.

What do we call the things we use in an experiment? ( materials or equipment)

The materials we are using today are:

  • sliced bread
  • Snap lock bags
  • Pump soap

1.In your group, each have a turn of putting your dirty hands on the piece of sliced bread. Once you have all had a turn, put it in the snap lock bag and make sure that wt is closed properly.

Can 1 person from each group please stick on their snap lock bag the label that says 'dirty'

We are now going to use some microscopes to look closely at how dirty our hands really are. 

- Look closely at the crevices on your hands?

- Did you think your hands had that much dirt on them?

2.Next we are going to put our clean hands over a piece of bread. 

What do we need to do to make our hands clean? What do we need to use to make sure our hands our clean? How long must we wash them for to make sure they are clean?

Now that our hands are clean, each person needs to put their hands on the new slice of bread. Once you have all had a go, put the piece of bread into a snap lock bag and closed it properly. 

Can 1 person from each group please stick on their snap lock bag the label that says 'clean'

We are now going to use the microscopes to look closely at our hands now that they have been washed with soap. 

- Are the cleaner than before?

- Look closely at the crevices on your hands? Is there dirt in their now?

3.In an experiment you always have something called the 'control'. So when you do an experiment you do the experiment but change 1 thing. So we have 1 piece of bread and not washed our hands and touched it. Then we did the experiment again and washed our hands with soap and touched it. The control is the piece of bread that we havent done anything to. 

So we will take out a piece of bread with tongs ( to make sure we don't touch it with anything) and put it in a snap lock bag to be our 'control.' 

We will now have to leave our experiement and watch them over the next week to see what happens. 

I want you to now think about what you think might happen in the experiment. I want you to predict what you think might happen. In science this is called a hypothesis. 

In your journal write what you think might happen. 

Use the sentence starter - I think ....

Inquiry Experiment


Let's make an observation. That means that we have a look and see what has happened. 

In your groups talk about what you can you see?

Is it important to wash your hands? Split the room - go to one side of the room if you think yes. Go to the other side of the room if you think no. 

Why you need to use soap experiment
Fig. 8: Soap Experiment


For the Teacher

This experiment is aimed at showing how washing hands is hygienic.

Teacher gets students into groups of 4 and provides students with the materials that they need for the experiment. 

  • 2 slices of bread per group
  • 2 snap lock bags per group
  • 1 slice of bread and snap lock bag as control for whole class.

Ensure students put the palms of their hand on the bread. 

Before asking students to go and wash their hands, pump, 1 pump of soap in each of the students hands to make sure they use soap and wash properly. 

When setting up the ' Control' make sure use a pair of tongs to pick up the bread and put into a snap lock bag. ( DO NOT TOUCH IT ) 

Teacher needs to have hand-held microscopes for students to look closely at the dirt on their hands before washing them.

Also link back to the science understanding of living things have basic needs, including food and water - hygiene is not a basic need but it helps our bodies to grow and be healthy.

8. Let's Cook

For the Student

Learning Intention: To show what you know about healthy and unhealthy food.

Let's cook. The children rotate classrooms and have a go at making a variety of healthy and unhealthy treats.would like to make and then what ingredients you would like to use.

You could make:

  • mini pizzas/muffins
  • smoothies
  • pikelets with toppings

Planning: With your partner, discuss what you would like to make and how you will make it healthy. Also how will you make sure that you are hygienic?

Reflecting: Talk about what you have made to your partner and explain why it is healthy and how you made it hygienicaly.

Afterwards, complete the Healthy/Unhealthy Foods worksheet. (attach)

Fig. 9: Smoothies - Yum!

Healthy Song for Kids 

Food Group Song (Rockin)

For the Teacher

The purpose of this update is for students to demonstrate what they have learned about the concepts of healthy/unhealthy and hygienic/unhygienic through the choices that they make.

Line up the ingredients and utensils so students can select from them. For example:

  • chopped fruit
  • milk
  • tomatoes
  • tomato paste
  • pikelets
  • muffins
  • pizza triangles

Ensure students plan with a partner before starting. The reflection is also important to justify their choices and ensures metacognition of the concepts (otherwise some students will just think they are having some fun cooking).

9. Designing a Milk Shake

For the Student

Learning Intention: To make a healthy milkshake.

On the worksheet, design your own milkshake. Above the glass, draw and label what you will include in the milkshake.

Then show your drawing to your partner and tell them what you would include and why. Use an iPad to video each other. Then watch your videos and comment on what you think you did best. Watch other students' videos and give them feedback on what you think they did best.

For the Teacher

This update provides an assessment opportunity as well as showing if students could apply their learning at home.

Give students the milkshake template to illustrate and label the food that they will include in their milkshake. Record any observations, including:

  • students who approach the task independently and who need support to get started
  • independence in drawing and labelling
  • competence in using iPads
  • metacognition of key concepts in reflection
MilkShake Template

You can also interview students about any changed habits in cleaning teeth and washing hands.

10. Acknowledgements

Title: Photograph by Anthea Theodoridis; Fig. 1: (Source); Fig. 2: (Source); Fig. 3: (Source); Fig. 4: (Source); Fig. 6: (Source); Fig. 7: Soap (Source); Fig. 8: Smoothies (Source); Fig. 9: Milk Shake glass (Source).