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Mapping Your Future

Learning Module


This learning module is intended for high school seniors to assist them with mapping their future with the transition to college.


High School, Senior, College, Career, Learning Module


This course is intended for high school seniors, to help prepare them for their transition to college. Through participation in this course, students will develop the skills necessary to make a successful transition to college. Students will learn financial planning, about various university resources, learn about diversity and inclusion in a university setting, learn about exploring college majors and strengthen their understanding of what it means to be a college student.

This course is set up with a variety of activities to keep students engaged. As stated in the first video by Dr. H. Chad Lane (week 4, 2017), educators should have active learning to be more effective. Having engaging games and activities allows students to learn and explore at their own pace. Then activities throughout this course, some are individual and some are in groups, will keep the students engaged, continue learning while having fun, and help them increase their achievement.

I taught this course to college freshman with undeclared majors a few years ago, and have modified the content to better fit high school seniors.

Intended Learning Outcome

This module was modified for high school seniors. These students will have little experience in a college setting and little prior knowledge of the details of being a college student. They should have experience writing papers that include citations. Through classroom discussions and readings, students will examine strategies for addressing common challenges facing first-year undeclared students, enhance time management and study skills, introduce collaborative learning, and assist the students in developing a greater awareness in the academic and broader community.

This module includes five online learning modules that will take approximately 45-60 minutes each module, and assignments outside of the module may take an additional 60 minutes per week. This module will run a period of five weeks with one lesson per week.

Students will be required to complete readings and videos each week. There is one activity per module that must be completed, in addition to posting updates, one paper and a peer review.

The teacher will be available throughout the module to assist students in their learning. The teacher will facilitate the classroom activities. Preparation for the activities will be completed before each class. The teacher will review each module lesson directly to ensure everything is ready for the class activities each week.

The modules are as follows:

  • Module 0: Introduction: Expectations, goals, campus involvement
  • Module 1: Developing academic skills: Learning styles and time management
  • Module 2: Academic integrity, policies and regulations
  • Module 3: Identifying strengths; career exploration
  • Module 4: Exploring majors
  • Module 5: Diversity, inclusion and privilege


Module 0 - Introduction

For the Student

Learning objective:

In this lesson you will learn:

  • The definition of college student
  • Why is it important to develop good study skills?

You should complete the following tasks below before attending the first class session.

1. Watch the video below.

This video explains the importance of being a college student. Your goal is to understand the definition and learn the reasons why it is important to be a academically successful.

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Media embedded September 27, 2020

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2. Post an update.

Go to the classroom forum and post an update. There will be a discussion board for each module. For this first discussion, you will use the board titled “Welcome to College 101”. Please make sure to title your post and include the required information in the post. For your update, please post a discussion about your thoughts of being a college freshman. This should include what you're excited about, your college major (if decided), and what you're concerned about. Your post should be at least 200 words in length and use at least one cited source, APA format.

3. Comment on two updates made by your peers.

Your comment should include an encouraging discussion about their excitement and concerns. Your post should be at least 50 words and include at least one cited source, APA format, to support your opinion.

4. Take the Learning Style Survey found here. We will discuss this in class.



For the Teacher

Learning objective:

  • The definition of college student
  • Why is it important to develop good study skills?

The pre-class introduction will help high school seniots to gain a basic understanding of why it is important to develop good study skills in college.

Each of the following five modules has a corresponding activity. Please be sure to read through the activities in advance so you can schedule time to prepare the activity materials (if necessary) so you are ready for the next class session.

Students will be asked to do four tasks before the first face-to-face class session.

1. Watch a video. You are responsible for posting the video and watching it so you are better able to answer any questions the students may have.

2. Post an update. Students will be posting an update before the first class session. All updates should be reviewed by the teacher. The update should include the following:

  1. Thoughts of being a college freshman.
  2. What excites the students about being a college freshman.
  3. What concerns them about being a college freshman.

Their update should be at least 200 words in length and use at least one cited source, using APA format. Please provide feedback to the students, encouraging them with their concerns. Your feedback should be provided to the students via the LMS Learning System.

3. Comment on two updates made by your peers.

The students should comment on two peers discussion posts, and should be at least 50 words in length and use at least one cited source, APA format, to support their opinion.

Please provide feedback to the students on their ability to engage with their peers. The feedback should be sent via the LMS Learning System.

4. Students will take a short Learning Style Survey and come prepared to discuss for the first class session.

Module 1 - Developing academic skills: Learning styles and time management

For the Student

Welcome! It's a pleasure to have you in this class, and I look forward to getting to know each of you! If at any time, you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask.

Why are academic skills so important?

You should complete the following tasks below before attending Module 1 class session.

1. Please watch the short video below:

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Students learn at different rates, and motivation will vary learner by learner. We all learn in different ways. Please take the learning style quiz found here, to determine what your preferred learning style is. 

2. Post an update.

Go to the classroom forum and post an update. There will be a discussion board for each module. For this weeks discussion, you will use the board titled “Academic Skills”. Please make sure to title your post and include the required information in the post. For your update, think about your time throughout high school. Did you use time-management effectively? Do you think you could have managed your time better and focused on school more? Please post a discussion about what is one of the most important keys to developing effective study skills, and how you think it will be different in college than high school. This should include what strategies you believe is important to use in college. Your post should be at least 200 words in length and use at least one cited source, APA format.

3. Comment on two updates made by your peers.

Your comment should include an engaging discussion about their post on academic skills. Your post should be at least 50 words and include at least one cited source, APA format, to support your opinion.

4. Student Organization Summary paper is due. Choose a college of your choice, and look at their student organizations. Pick one (social club, honor societies, departmental organizations, academic interests, Greek system, etc.) and write a one-page summary of the organization. Answer the following questions:

  • Why did you choose this organization?
  • Describe the organization (how many members, how often do they meet, what is the mission of the organization).
  • How could your involvement in this organization help you in college?

This paper should have 1-inch margin, Times New Roman font, 12-point, double-spaced and two pages in length.



For the Teacher

Welcome students to the course. 

Provide a notecard to each student and ask them to put their name and phone number to contact in the event of an emergency. Ask students to write down one question or concern they have about their future (finances, college, career, etc.).

Learning objectives for module 1:

  1. Learning the importance of developing academic skills
  2. Students will determine their preferred learning style 
  3. Help students identify multiple learning styles
  4. Help students understand how they are using their time and how to best manage time in college

As soon as class begins, place a box on your desk and pull out 10 random items one by one (small doll, post-its, tape, can of soda, scissors, etc.). This demonstration can be found here:


Discuss the methods they used to remember the contents, some may group alphabetically, some by color, some by use, etc.

Discuss the Learning Style Survey that students completed before class. Review the three types of learning styles, Visual, Auditory and Tactile.

Go through PowerPoint presentation (reviews the learning objectives).

Explain the Student Organization Reflection assignment that's due next week. Remind the students that the papers should be submitted via Google Classroom.

Review next weeks assignment of writing a reflection paper.

If time allows, read some of the questions on the notecards and answer. Review the topics that will be covered during this course. Ask students if they have any questions.

Students will be asked to do four tasks before next week.

1. Watch a video. You are responsible for posting the video and watching it so you are better able to answer any questions the students may have.

2. Post an update. Students will be posting an update before the second class session. All updates should be reviewed by the teacher. The update should include a discussion on what is one of the most important keys to developing effective study skills, and what strategies the student believes is important to use in college.

Their update should be at least 200 words in length and use at least one cited source, using APA format. Please provide feedback to the students, encouraging them with their concerns. Your feedback should be provided to the students via the LMS Learning System.

3. Comment on two updates made by their peers.

The students should comment on two peers discussion posts, and should be at least 50 words in length and use at least one cited source, APA format, to support their opinion.

Please provide feedback to the students on their ability to engage with their peers. The feedback should be sent via the LMS Learning System.

4. Students will submit a Student Organization Summary paper. They will choose a college of their choice and choose an organization. They will write a two-page, 12-font, Times New Roman, paper on why they chose this organization, describe the organization, and how could their involvement in the organization help them in college.

Module 2 - Academic integrity and Plagiarism

For the Student

Welcome to our second week!

Learning objectives:

  • Understand academic and personal integrity in college
  • Understand plagiarism and how to avoid it in college

What does Integrity mean? How does one show they have integrity?

What does Plagiarism mean? What are different types of plagiarism? How can you avoid plagiarism in college?

Before attending our second session, you should complete the tasks below.

1. Please watch the video below on academic integrity and plagiarism. Your goal is to understand what these are, and ways to avoid plagiarism.

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2. Post an update.

Go to the classroom forum and post an update. There will be a discussion board for each module. For this weeks discussion, you will use the board titled “Academic Integrity and Plagiarism”. Please make sure to title your post and include the required information in the post. Reflect on your years from K-12. Was there a time when you cheated on an exam, or copied a friends homework assignment? For your update, please post your thoughts on ways you can avoid plagiarism in college. Your post should be at least 200 words in length and use at least one cited source, APA format.

3. Comment on two updates made by your peers.

Your comment should include an engaging discussion about their post on academic integrity or plagiarism. Your post should be at least 50 words and include at least one cited source, APA format, to support your opinion.

4. Please take the following strengths/career assessment before next weeks class. We will discuss in detail next week.

For the Teacher


  • Help students understand academic and personal integrity in college
  • Help student understand plagiarism and avoid it in college
  • Help students understand the Illinois Student Code and consequences of violations
  • Facilitate discussion on difficult issues related to academic and personal integrity in college

Materials needed:

PowerPoint presentation
Copies of “Cheating or Fair Game” handout – This can be used for participation points today.


Class Outline:

  • Confirm attendance
  • Have students take the "Cheating or Fair Game" quiz. Review answers and discuss.
  • Go through Power Point Presentation
  • Announcements
  • Go over next week’s homework


Students will be asked to complete the following assignments before class.

1. Watch a video. You are responsible for posting the video and watching it so you are better able to answer any questions the students may have.

2. Post an update. Students will be posting an update before the second class session. All updates should be reviewed by the teacher. The update should include what ways they can avoid plagiarism in college.

Their update should be at least 200 words in length and use at least one cited source, using APA format. Please provide feedback to the students, encouraging them with their concerns. Your feedback should be provided to the students via the LMS Learning System.

3. Comment on two updates made by their peers.

The students should comment on two peers discussion posts, and should be at least 50 words in length and use at least one cited source, APA format, to support their opinion.

Please provide feedback to the students on their ability to engage with their peers. The feedback should be sent via the LMS Learning System.

4. Students will take an online quiz to assess their strengths to help determine careers for them. It's your responsibility to be sure the quiz is uploaded and ready for the students to use. You will discuss this next week.

Module 3 - Identifying strengths; career exploration

For the Student

Welcome back!

Learning objectives:

  • Put into meaning the strengths/career assessment results
  • Understand the difference between a talent and a strength
  • Begin to understand the value of a talent in college major and career exploration

Reflect on the following sentences and how you would finish them:

  • The time when I am at my best is . . . .
  • The best thing about me is . . . .
  • What I enjoy doing most is . . . .
  • The best time in my life is/was . . . .
  • I earn my best grades when I . . . .
  • I enjoy learning about . . . .
  • The best job I ever had was . . . .
  • The best project I've ever been involved with was . . . .

Please watch this video:

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Below is a writing activity that you should post an update. During class, you will share your strengths and possible careers in small groups.

Post an Update:

Please start with the writing prompt: "The time when I am at my best in school is . . . " and explain why. Are you using any of your strengths during this time? Is this time you are working independently or in a team?

You do not need to comment on your peers' updates this week, but please take time to review your peers' discussion posts.

Before class next week, please take the "Career Quiz". This will provide you with career suggestions based on your strengths. We will dsicuss this next week.

For the Teacher

Learning objectives:

  • Put into meaning the strengths/career assessment results
  • Understand the difference between a talent and a strength
  • Begin to understand the value of a talent in college major and career exploration

Students will come to class with their strengths assessment that was assigned last week. You will ask students to share some of their strengths. Did their strengths surprise them? 

Share with the students some thoughts from Don Clifton:
“Learning about your talents and developing them into strengths so that you reach your maximum potential isn’t just good for you; it’s good for everyone. Simply put, if we all focused our lives on making the most of our talents, the world would be a better place. And could there be an outcome more worthy than that?”

Review powerpoint presentation and discuss the difference between talent and strength, focusing more on the strengths, as we will use their strengths to determine possible careers that will be discussed next week.

Assignments due next week:

1. Students will post an update, beginning with the writing prompt: "The time when I am at my best in school is . . . " and explain why. Students will not comment on peers' updates this week, but are asked to take time to review their peers' discussion posts.

2. Before class next week, students will take the "Career Quiz". It is your responsility to be sure this link is working properly. Students will come prepared to discuss this next week.

Module 4 - Exploring majors

For the Student

Welcome to Exploring College Majors!

Learning objectives:

You will clarify your values and what you do best
Learn about multiple ways to explore majors
Understand that choosing a major is a process
Learn that major does not always equal career
Learn about the importance of transferable skills

What is a college major?

Your major in college is your specialized area of study. Beyond general college requirements, you'll also take a group of courses in a subject of your choosing such as Chemistry, Comparative Literature or Political Science.

How important is your major?

The major you choose will neither predict nor guarantee your future. Many graduates find jobs that have nothing to do with what they studied in college. According to the U.S. Departmnet of Labor, the average twenty-something switches jobs once every three years and the average person changes career fields two or three times in their lifetime.

Think about which statement best describes you:

  • I have absolutely no idea which major I want to declare.
  • I thought I knew what I wanted to declare, but now I'm not so sure.
  • I have narrowed my options down to a few majors.
  • I know exactly waht I want to declare.

If you're undecided, you have plenty of time to explore your interests. Make the most of any required general education courses - choose ones that interest you. Talk to professors, advisors, department heads, and other students. Exploring your interests will help you find your best fit major - and maybe even your ideal career.

How important is your major choice?

  • The right major for you will be one that gives you academic, personal, and professional satisfaction while you attend Illinois.
  • In most cases your major will not train you for a single, specific job. Instead it should develop your skills and abilities so that you can use them in the broadest variety of careers.
  • Many careers will require more training and education after you have attended your bachelor’s degree

There is no expert that can tell you what your career choice should be. The only expert on what is best for you is YOU!

Please watch this video on "How to Choose the Perfect College Major for you".

Media embedded October 10, 2020

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Before next weeks class, please do the following:

1. Post an update.

Go to the classroom forum and post an update. There will be a discussion board for each module. For this weeks discussion, you will use the board titled “Diversity, inclusion and privilege". Please make sure to title your post and include the required information in the post. For your update, please post your thoughts on what your community would be like if you had an environment that truly valued diversity. Your post should be at least 200 words in length and use at least one cited source, APA format.

2. Comment on two updates made by your peers.

Your comment should include an engaging discussion about their post on diversity, inclusion and/or privilege. Your post should be at least 50 words and include at least one cited source, APA format, to support your opinion.


For the Teacher

Learning objectives:

  • You will help students clarify their values and what they do best
  • Teach them about multiple ways to explore majors
  • Help them understand that choosing a major is a process
  • Teach them that a major does not always equal career
  • Teach about the importance of transferable skills

Students will watch a video this week, it is your responsibility to upload the video to the LMS.

Discuss the Career Quiz that students were supposed to take prior to this class, focusing on strengths and how it relates to careers.

During class, divide the students into small groups of 3 or 4 for 10 minutes and have them discuss what they do best and how it relates to their strengths.

Explain to students the many ways to help them choose a major:

  • Explore classes
  • Web searches
  • Career Center at their college
  • Academic Advisor
  • Volunteer
  • Job shadow
  • Online assessments
  • Career fairs
  • Join a student organization
  • Internships

Go through PowerPoint presentation, explaining topics and answering questions.

Review their assignment for next week:

  1. Students will post an update with a discussion on what their community would be like if they had an environment that truly valued diversity. Their posts should be at least 200 words in length and use at least one cited source, APA format.
  2. Students will comment on two updates made by their peers. Their posts should have at least 50 words and include at least one cited source, APA format, to support their opinion.


Module 5 - Diversity, inclusion and privilege

For the Student

Welcome to class! This is our last class session, and we will discuss diversity, inclusion and privilege.

Learning objectives:

  • Provide a safe space to discuss issues of diversity, inclusion, privilege, and micro-aggressions
  • Understand the diversity that exists at most, if not all, colleges and appreciate the opportunities for learning that exist.
  • Provide an understanding of privilege

This weeks topic is a very sensitive topic to discuss, and important one to discuss, too.

Racial privilege is only one form of privilege. What are other examples of privilege? (gender, sexual orientation, class, religion).

Diversity is not a sometimes issue that only needs to be addressed sometimes. Diversity is an always issue that needs to be cultivated, supported and reinforced. By recognizing people’s similarities and differences, we can become better employees and stronger leaders. In order to strengthen the sense of teamwork in the workplace, it is vital that people have an understanding of diversity and to be able to communicate about it. In order to help people learn how to recognize and correct stereotypes, to find common ground and to be able to work with and celebrate difference within the team, open communication about diversity must be fostered.

We need to remember that learning is the process of acquiring attitudes and values through experiences or changes of behavior.

Please watch the following videos:

Media embedded October 10, 2020

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Media embedded October 21, 2020

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Take a minute to think about equity and equality. What is the difference between the two?

Equality has to do with giving everyone the exact same resources.

Equity involves distributing resources based on the needs of the recipient.

Below is a great visual showing the difference.

In the illustration above, three identical boxes are given to three people of different heights, it's an equal distribution fo resources, but it fails to consider that the tallest person doesn't need a box to see over the fence, while the shortest person could clearly use an extra one. Then the boxes are redistributed equitably, as seen on the right side, all trhee individuals watch the game.

What is privilege? Privilege can be defined as:

  • a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage or favor
  • special enjoyment of a good or exemption from an evil or burden
  • a special opportunity to do something that makes you proud
  • the advantage that wealthy and powerful people have over other people in a society

Please come to class prepared to discuss diversity, inclusion and privilege.

Your last assignment for the class is to write a letter to incoming high school freshman. Reflect on your high school years. What would you do different? Was there anything you did not do that you wished you would have done? If there something you did that you wished you wouldn't have? You are tasked with writing a one-page letter to incoming freshmen to help with their transition to high school. What advide to you have about being successful in high school? Upload this assignment in LMS. Your name will remain confidential to incoming freshman.

For the Teacher

Learning objectives:

  • Provide a safe space for students to discuss issues of diversity, inclusion, privilege, and micro-aggressions
  • Help students understand the diversity that exists at the University of Illinois and appreciate the opportunities for learning that exist.
  • Provide an understanding of Privilege for students

Students will watch a video this week, it is your responsibility to upload the video and ensure it's ready to review by studen

After taking attendance, begin class by doing the "Perception Game". Come prepared with three colored pieces of paper. The purpose of this is to demonstrate how we interpret and perceive things differently, just as people of varying cultures see, interpret and perceive things differently.

Before proceeding with teaching and discussions, explain the ground rules for class:

  • Everyone should have an opportunity to contribute, one speaker at a time.
  • Respect others' opinions and their iwllingness to share them by:
  1. Listening actively
  2. Use "I" statements and talking from your perspective
  3. Keeping confidentiality
  4. Behing honest
  5. It is okay to disagree

Advocate for the classroom to be a safe and respectful environment to enhance the living, learning and working community.

Divide students in groups of three. Have them share a time when they engaged with someone across difference (for example, different high school, faith, gender, race or ethnicity). Ask them to share a quick reflection about the experience, how they felt and if they would do it again.

Discuss as a whole class what the small groups discussed, what they learned from each other.

Show PowerPoint and explain about diversity, inclusion and privilege.

The last assignment for students is to write a one-page letter to incoming high school freshman. They are to write about what they would have done differently in high school, and share advice about what it takes to be successful in high school. This will be uploaded in LMS. Their names will be confidential and not shared with incoming freshman.




101 Mentor. How to choose the perfect college major for you [YouTube channel]. Retrieved May 10, 2015 from

Academic Skills, The University of Melbourne. Introduction to Academic Skills [YouTube channel]. Retrieved February 16, 2017 from

Career Vision. Major decisions: How to explore college majors. Retrieved from:

Education Planner, retrieved from

KTG Leadership Solutions. The Difference Between Talents and Strengths [YouTube channel]. Retrieved January 27, 2015 from

Lane, H. C. (2017). The role of technology in active learning. [YouTube channel]. Retrieved April 11, 2017 from

Morris, Erica J. Academic integrity matters: Five considerations for addressing contract cheating. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 14(15).

SoulPancake. Teacher Brings HISTORY to LIFE for a Lesson about Diversity. [YouTube channel]. Retrieved May 12, 2017, from

Tedx Talks, retrieved from

The University of Melbourne, retrieved from 

UVicLibraries. Academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism [YouTube channel]. Retrieved March 2, 2016 from

What You Need to Know. Diversity and inclusion (in 2020) [YouTube channel]. Retrieved April 25, 2018 from