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Kids in the Kitchen

Grade 7 Food Technology

Learning Module


This course focuses on the basic components of food, the nutritional value of foods and how students can select a balanced diet appropriate to their needs. Students will develop their food preparation skills using a wide variety of equipment and gain a greater understanding of the main food groups and nutrients, their importance in a balanced diet and experiment with food preparation techniques using these foods. Students will also begin exploring the hospitality industry, menu design and the role of marketing and advertising in their choices as food consumers. Working in teams will be a significant component of this course.


Healthy Eating, Kitchen Dafety, Food Preparation, Food Technology, Nutrition, Menus.

Knowledge Objectives

As a result of completing this learning module, students will be able to:

  • develop and apply practical skills and techniques
  • evaluate and manage potential risks and hygiene practices when working with food and equipment
  • develop an understanding of the relationship between food choices and health
  • make, present and appraise a variety of dishes

1. What is Food Technology?

For the Student

What is Food Technology?

List 5 words that you can think of that may be used in a definition of food technology.

Share your 5 words with the class brainstorm.

From the class list chose 15 - 20 words that you feel BEST describes or fits into the topic of Food Technology.

Use your words in a word cloud such as Word Clouds, Wordle or Word Mosaic

If you type the words "Food Technology" at least 4 times at the beginning then you will have these words as a central and larger theme.

Print out your word cloud to place in the front of your student work book.

Fig. 1: Food Technology is not just about cooking!

For the Teacher

Write on the board the Question "What is Food Technology?".

Ask the students to look at the question and think about it - tell them to try ignoring the word technology and the word food to think about the question in a different way.

Ask the students to write on a post it note 5 words they can think of that may be used in an answer to the question.

Record the students words in a brainstorm for the whole class to see.

Discuss with the students what food technology means and what they will be covering in the class. Perhaps a good time to go over the unit outline with them.

Have students select from the class list 15 - 20 words that they feel best suits a definition of "Food Technology". Have the students put their words into a word cloud - Hint if they write the words Food Technology at least 4 times it will come up larger and as a main word. 

Students can use these printed word clouds as title pages for their books.

2. Kitchen Safety - Why do We Have Rules?

For the Student

Imagine a world without rules.

What are the good things about this world? What are the bad things?

Consider the rules your family has for the kitchen at home. Would these rules suit the school kitchens?

Fill in the sheet your teacher will give you about the safety rules for the school kitchens.

Choose one of your rules to turn into a safety awareness poster to display.

Fig. 2: Kitchen safety is important to prevent burns.

For the Teacher

Ask students to imagine a world without rules.

Using a noisy round robin have them list all the good things that would/could happen in this imaginary world.

Have the students use the same technique to list all the bad things that would/could happen in a world without rules.

Ask the students to consider and record in their books "Why do we have rules?". Ask students to share their best reason with a partner and then they will have to tell the class what their partner said.

Discuss with the class some of the rules they have for their kitchens at home. Discuss why some of these rules would be the same for school and why we have different rules.

Students record school rules for kitchen on the thinking about dangers in the kitchen sheet. 

Have students choose 1 rule to turn into a safety poster to display in the classroom.

3. Personal Hygiene

For the Student

Personal Hygiene - what does it mean and why is it important?

In a group you will be given a picture of a Food Handler and you will need to list all the concerns that you have about his personal hygiene and why.

Your teacher will give you a personal hygiene sheet to complete and place in your book.

Fig. 3: The Food Handler

For the Teacher

Discuss the term "Personal Hygiene" with the students and what it means overall and in the kitchen. Discuss why Personal Hygiene is important in a kitchen when preparing food.

Have students in pairs or groups look at the poster of the chef and give examples of why this is poor hygiene practice and what could be the result. 

Students complete the personal hygiene sheet individually after working in a group. 

4. Food Temperature Danger Zone

For the Student

What happens to food when it isn't stored at the right temperature?

Fill out your blank thermometer with the important temperature information and food hygiene rules.

Fig. 4: Thermometer

For the Teacher

Discuss these scenarios with the students:

  • Apples kept in a cupboard.
  • Ice blocks left out of the freezer.
  • Milk left out of the fridge.
  • Fish not placed in the fridge.
  • Bananas put in the fridge.

Read the information aboutthe temperature danger zone and complete the thermometer activity.

5. Kitchen Safety - Identify the Safety Hazards

For the Student

Discuss with the class what "hazard" means.

In groups identify all the hazards you can see in a picture.

Individually identify the hazards in the picture. Choose 10 to write about. You will need to record the hazard, what could happen and which rule protects people from that hazard.

Fig. 5: Kitchen Safety Hazards

For the Teacher

Write the definition of the word "hazard" on the board and discuss the meaning with the class.

Give students a picture of kitchen hazards and in groups have them identify all the hazards they can see with a marker pen. Each person in the group takes a turn at circling a hazard and as they circle it they need to say why it is a hazard.

Students repeat the process individually by identifying the hazards, choosing 10 and recording in their books why they are hazards/what could happen - and which rule protects people from injury due to this hazard.

6. First Aid

For the Student

What injuries can you get in a kitchen?

Record in your book some basic first aid that you may need to know in an emergency.

Fig. 6: First Aid Kit - an essential item!

For the Teacher

Brainstorm with the students what are some potential injuries that could happen in the kitchen.

Discuss and have students record basic first aid that they will need to know when in the kitchen.

7. Kitchen Safety Test

For the Student

You will be required to sit and complete a kitchen safety test to show that you are aware of kitchen safety before you will be allowed to cook in the kitchen.


For the Teacher

Have students complete a kitchen safety test to demonstrate their understanding of kitchen safety before they are allowed to cook in the kitchen.

An example that you may want to use is in the 'Kitchen_Safety_Quiz.pdf'.

8. What is That and Where does It Go?

For the Student

First you are going to identify the names of common objects in the school kitchens.

Once finished draw up five columns in your workbook with the headings - Drawers, bay cupboards, back storage cupboard, bench, other. You are then going to go on a treasure hunt for objects in the kitchen. When you find each object, tick it off on your sheet and record in your workbook where it belongs.

When you have finished labelling where all the objects go draw a map of the kitchen labelling: bay numbers, where the stoves and stove power points are, back storage cupboard, fridge, bag area, prep room, fire extinguisher, power points for turning on ovens, oven mitts, chopping boards, trays.
Fig. 7: Kitchen Utensils

For the Teacher

Introduce the students to the school kitchens by having them go on an object hunt in the kitchen where they have to find where objects are kept in the kitchen and identifying the name of them.

Start by giving the students the following work sheet and have them identify the names of each of the objects.

When they have identified the names of each of the objects have them walk around the student kitchens to find each of the objects and where they live. Have them draw up a table in their books a five column grid with the headings - In drawers, in bay cupboards, in back storage cupboard, on bench, other. Get the students to list each of the items on their sheet on their grid as they find them in the kitchens stating where the objects go.

Students can also draw a map of the kitchens labelling the bay numbers and the main areas eg back storage cupboard, fridge, bag area, prep room, fire extinguisher, power points for turning on ovens, oven mits, chopping boards, trays.

9. How To Activities

For the Student

In the back of your book write the heading "How To . . . . . . "

At the beginning of a series of lessons your teacher will give you a demonstration of how to do fundamental activities in the kitchen. For each activity draw an illustration to show how you need to complete each activity and write a quick explanation or label your illustration to show your understanding of what you will need to do when you perform this activity in the kitchen.

For the Teacher

For a few minutes at the beginning of lessons introduce students to a How To . . . Activity covering the fundamental skills they will need when working in the kitchen. Have students illustrate each how to activity in a section in the back of their book with a quick description to confirm their learning.

How to Activity suggestions:

How To . . . . . tie up an apron.

How To ......... Wash Hands.

How To ......Wash Up.

How To........collect ingredients for a recipe.

How To....... measure dry ingredients.

How To....... measure liquid ingredients.

How To . . . . . use the scales and weigh ingredients.

How To...........use a knife.

How To . . . . . . wash a knife.

How To..........peel vegetables.

How To..........cut an onion

10. Kitchen Cooking Terms

For the Student

What is an abbreviation? Why do we use them?

What are some abbreviations that you know?

What are kitchen/recipe specific abbreviations?

Complete the mix and match sheet  and place it in your book as a reminder later on when you are using recipes.


For the Teacher

Discuss with students what is the purpose for using an abbreviation. Have them brainstorm some abbreviations that they know of.

Talk about Kitchen specific abbreviations and what they mean.

Have the students complete the abbreviation match as a reminder of what these terms mean when they use them later on in recipes.

11. What is a Procedure Text?

For the Student

Your teacher is going to show you some examples of procedure text. From these examples come up with a definition of procedure text answering the following questions:

What does a procedure do?

Where are procedures used?

When are procedures used?

Who uses them?

What are the elements that all procedures have?

How are procedures organised?

For the Teacher

Give students examples of different procedure texts and have them come up with a definition of what is a procedure text. 

12. Procedure Jigsaw

For the Student

Organise the cut up recipe into the correct sequence. Use your definitions from the last lesson to help you.

Fig. 8: Lemonade Scones

For the Teacher

Give the students a cut up recipe (e.g. scones) and have them organise the recipe into the correct order from their definitions they developed in the previous activity.

13. Write a Recipe

For the Student

Your teacher is going to demonstrate how to make a dish. During the demonstration you will need to record the steps as a recipe in your book.

Use the recipe you wrote during the demonstration lesson to make the dish.


For the Teacher

Give a demonstration to the students for the preparation of a recipe they are going to prepare (e.g: Anzac Biscuits). Have them write out the recipe as a procedure text as the demonstration happens.

Have the students follow their recipe to prepare a dish in a practical lesson.

14. Describing Food

For the Student

In this lesson you will develop a list of words that you can use to describe food in your reflections.


For the Teacher

At the end of this lesso.n students will have a word bank of words that they can use in their reflections to describe food.

Give students the Attribute word cards to sort out in paris under the headings.

Have students record the words on the cards in their books as a reference list to use when writing their own reflections.

Have students use their word lists to describe some foods.

15. Practical Reflection

For the Student

You are going to write a reflection about the practical lessons that you participate in. You will need to consider the whole process of the practical including what you did and how the food turned out. Questions you will need to answer are:

Give yourself a score for how well you:

Worked in a group.

Followed instructions.

Cleaned up the bay and your equipment.

Followed safety rules.

Followed hygiene rules.

What did you do well?

How do you know you did this well.

Write a PEC (Point, Example, Comment) paragraph about the food prepared discussing the taste, texture and appearance.

What could you change in the recipe to make it different?

How would this have changed the final result?


For the Teacher

Have students reflect on the food they prepare during the practical lesson (a good idea is to have them take a photo of their food so they can include it in their reflection).

Give the students feedback on their reflections so that they can make improvements to their work.

16. A Healthy Lifestyle Quiz

For the Student

Complete the quiz about your lifestyle. After completing the quiz make a decision about things you could do to be healthier.


For the Teacher

Have students complete a quiz that gets them to examine their lifestyle and make an assumption about how healthy they are and what they could do to improve.

17. Eat a Variety of Foods Every Day

For the Student

Eat a Variety of Foods Every Day

What does this mean? Write it down in your book.

Share your thoughts with a partner.

Tell your partner something you liked about what they wrote and something you would have said or written differently.

Share what your partner wrote with the rest of the class.

Fig.9: Food Variety

For the Teacher

Write the statement "Eat a Variety of Foods Every Day" up for the students to see.

Ask the students to consider what this means and write it down in their book.

Students share their answer with a partner.

Partners give feedback to each other with something they think was said well in their partners statement and something that they would have done differently.

Partners share each others information with the rest of the class.

18. Food Variety Chart

For the Student

Look at "Eat a Variety of Foods Every Day".

What type of foods are in each group?

Label the groups accordingly:

Bread, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles

Vegetables, legumes,


Milk, yoghurt, cheese

Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, legumes

Foods to eat in small amounts.

Draw/write these foods near or next to the sections they belong: yoghurt, pineapple, nuts, cucumber, lollies, lamb chop, milk, bread, cheese, meat patty, egg, corn flakes, tuna, banana, spaghetti, margarine, potato, rice, sugar.


For the Teacher

Have a look at the Guidelines for "Eat a Variety of Foods Every Day"

Ask students to identify what types of foods are in the largest section, middle sections and smaller sections. What type of foods are on the outside of the eating plate.

Get the students to label the food groups:

Have students identify which section these foods would go in:

Yoghurt, pineapple, nuts, cucumber, lollies, lamb chop, milk, bread, cheese, meat patty, egg, corn flakes, tuna, banana, spaghetti, margarine, potato, rice, sugar.

19. What does Each Section of the Variety of Foods Do?

For the Student

Why do we have to eat?

What does food do for us?

Label the parts of the "Enjoy a Variety of Foods" according to the main function that the foods perform for each group.


For the Teacher

Ask the students to consider why is it we have to eat?

What does food do for us?

Give them a copy of the 4 functions of food sheet to put into their books. 

Have students go back to the enjoy a variety of foods and have them label each section of the "Enjoy a Variety of Foods" as to the main function each group performs.

20. A Healthy Person

For the Student

When you are healthy and eat healthily, what happens to your body?

Fig. 10: Exercise is essential to good health

For the Teacher

Class discussion about when someone eats the right foods every day in the right amounts what is going to happen?

Have students theorise on a drawing of a person what happens to different areas (eg: brain, breath, sleep, bones, organs, energy, weight, attitude, hair, teeth, eyes, gums, posture, skin, muscles, height and behavior) of body/behaviour when they are healthy.

21. What Happens if You don't Eat a Variety of Foods.

For the Student

Have a look at different people's diets and decide what might happen to them if they don't eat a variety of foods.


For the Teacher

Give the students an imaginary diet of a 'person' for a couple of days/meals and have them identify the foods that are eaten and where they come from in the variety of foods template.

Make sure the diet is not balanced for each menu and have the students theorise what might happen to this person if they ate this way all the time.

22. My Diet Activity

For the Student

Keep a diary of all the food you eat for a set time.

Analyse your diet using the "Enjoy a Variety of Foods Plate".

What are 2 good things you can say about what you ate for this time?

What is 1 or 2 concerns you could say about what you ate for this time?

What is something you can do to improve your diet to stay healthy?


For the Teacher

Have the students keep a diary of all the foods they eat in a period of time.

Get the students to mark on a blank food wheel the food groups that their food came from with their diary.

Get them to write 2 positives and 1 or 2 concerns about their diet for the period of the diary.

Get them to write 1 comment about how they could have improved their diet/health after looking at the results.

23. Canteen Food - How Healthy Is It?

For the Student

Using a copy of the canteen menu decide which of the food groups on the menu are covered.

What is something healthy about the canteen menu?

What is something unhealthy about the canteen menu?

What is your suggestion for the canteen menu to make it healthier?


For the Teacher

Give the students a blank copy of the Eat a Variety of Foods Every Day and a copy of the school canteen menu.

Students number each of the items on the canteen menu and then record on their blank Eat a Variety of Foods sheet where each food from the canteen would belong using their numbers or writing each food out individually.

24. Tips for Healthy Eating

For the Student

Rank the "Tips to Healthy Eating" from what you think is the most important to the least important.

Record some of the things you are going to pledge to do in order to be healthier in your eating.


For the Teacher

Get the students to rate on a ranking ladder the tips for healthy eating from what they think is the most important to the least important.

When they have rated the tips get the students to pledge things they are going to do to have a healthier diet.

25. A Healthy Days Eating

For the Student

Plan a balanced diet for a day.


For the Teacher

Get the students to plan a balanced days eating for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

Have them check that their diet plan is healthy by marking all the foods on the "Eat a Variety of Foods chart.

26. Cook a Healthy Meal at Home

For the Student

Find recipes for a healthy balanced meal you can cook at home.

Justify why it is a healthy meal.

Provide the recipes for the meal.

Take photos of the meal.

Write a reflection about the process.

For the Teacher

Have students plan a healthy balanced meal, find the recipes and cook it as a home assignment.

27. Nutrient Individual Research

For the Student

Your teacher will assign you to a nutrient that you will need to research information for.


For the Teacher

As students have looked at the importance of healthy eating they are now going to spend the next few lessons focusing in on the different nutrients and what they do for the body. As this is a major factor in the Senior Nutrition class this is only going to be a brief introduction to the nutrients that the students will cover.

Divide the students into different categories to individually research information about nutrients. The categories are: Fats, Proteins, Water, Carbohydrates, Vitamins and Minerals. A suggestion might be to give students a specific vitamin ( B or C) and a specific mineral (calcium or iron)

Give the students a set of focus questions they will have to research for their nutrient. These questions might be: Name of the Nutrient, What foods are good sources for this Nutrient, What the nutrient does for the body, What happens if the body doesn't get this nutrient, How much of the nutrient does a person need each day.

28. Group Peer Tutoring PowerPoints

For the Student

You will need to work with the other students who also research the same nutrient as you.

You will need to put your research information into a PowerPoint to present to the rest of the class to teach them about your Nutrient.

You will also be required to record information about the other Nutrients that other groups present.


For the Teacher

Have students for into groups according to the nutrient they researched. They can use their research information on Nutrients to create a PowerPoint presentation to teach the other students in the class about their nutrient.

While students are presenting information about their Nutrient have the rest of the class record notes on the Nutrient.

29. Food Nutrient Match

For the Student

Using the sheet provided by your teacher and the information you have learnt in class, you will need to match the names of nutrients to the foods they come from and what function the nutrient has in the body.


For the Teacher

This activity will enable students to demonstrate what they have leaned about nutrients.

30. Individual Research on Dietary Related Disease

For the Student

Select a Dietary Related Disease to reasearch and present in a poster.

You will need to provide answers to the following focus questions:

Name the disease.

Give some information about the disease (ie definition).

Who is most at risk?

What causes it?

How can it be prevented?

How the disease affects the body?

Who else is impacted by the disease?

For the Teacher

Students will choose a dietary deficiency disease to research and present information about on a poster.

31. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

For the Student

While watching :Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", record all the foods you see in the film on the "Eat a Variety of Foods Wheel".

When you have finished watching the film, answer some focus questions provided to you by your teacher.


For the Teacher

While watching "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", have the students record the different foods seen in the film on the "Eat a Variety of Foods Wheel".

When finished watching the film have the students to answer a number of focus questions about the film and food consumed in the film.

Suggested questions are included on the attached sheet.

32. Food Labels

For the Student

Have a look at a number of foods and their packages.

What do they all have?

Why do you think companies are required to have these items on their boxes?


For the Teacher

Class discussion about what things every box/container of food has to have on it?

Give students some food items and have them identify things that all the items have in common and theorise why they think they have it.

Things that the students should come up with should include:


Use by date


Place of Origin



Nutritional Information

Allergy Advice

Give students a copy of the Food Labelling worksheet 'Food_Labelling.pdf' and see how many of the items they could identify.

Get them to record/theorise for each of the items why they would need to be on the food products.

33. Guideline Dietary Amounts system

For the Student

Have a look at the two different food labelling systems: the Traffic light system and the Guideline Daily Amounts.

In groups record an answer for each of these questions:

Do you think the nutritional information is useful? Why?

Which of the two food labelling systems do you prefer? Why?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two labelling systems?


For the Teacher

Have students examine the required nutritional information panel on foods and explain what they mean.

Ask they students to look at the two different systems available and answer the questions in pairs or groups:

Have the groups share their responses with the rest of the class.

34. Food Packaging

For the Student

Draw up a table of the different food packaging under the headings of




Foods that this packaging would be good for.

Foods that wouldn't suit this packaging.


For the Teacher

Have students examine different food packagings by listing on a table:

a definition or description



good foods

not good for

This could be done through examining products with packaging.

35. Food Influences for Other Countries

For the Student

There are a number of foods that are common in Australia that have a multicultural influence. How many can you name and identify?


For the Teacher

The objective for this activity is for students to understand that a lot of food that is consumed in Australia has an influence from other countries of the world.

Have them identifty a number of different foods and where they come from in the world using research.

36. Paddock to Plate

For the Student

What happens to foods so that they can be eaten by you?

Categorise foods into plant and animal source.

How does food get from a farm to your plate?

Put together a food chain and then do your own.


For the Teacher

The aim of this lesson is to have students think about where their food comes from and the source.

Have the students categorise foods into animal and plant sources.

Have them theorise and discuss the process of common foods and the stages that they go through from the beginning until they get to their plate.

Get the students to choose one product and create a food chain of the steps it goes through to become a product that can be eaten. Get the class to do one together and then have students work either individually or in pairs on another product.

37. How does a Microwave Work

For the Student

Lesson Objective: To gain an understanding of the workings of a microwave.

Class brainstorm on what you already know about how a microwave works.

Draw 3 columns in your work book.

Label the KWL.

In the K column record all the things you know about Microwaves and How they work.

In the W column record some things that you would like to know about how a microwave works.

Read the information about Microwaves.

After record in the L column everything you have learnt about how a microwave works.


For the Teacher

How a Microwave Works

Class discussion / brainstorm of what they already know about a microwave.

Students record this information in the K section of a KWL chart about a microwave.

Have the students write down at least one or two points in the W section on what they what to know about the workings of a microwave.

38. Acknowledgements

The original version of this learning module was written by Cathy Wyatt.

Title: (Source); Fig. 1: (Source); Fig. 2: (Source); Fig. 3: Lanyon High School Teachers; Fig. 4: (Source); Fig. 5: Lanyon High School Teachers; Fig. 6: (Source); Fig. 7: (Source); Fig. 8: Lanyon High School Teachers; Fig. 9: (Source); Fig. 10: (Source).