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Integrated Chinese Learning Module

Diet and Health

Learning Module


This Learning Module is part of the Chinese Mandarin (CM) Refresher Course. Through this learning module, post-basic learners will reinforce and make progress on their CM language competency under the topic "Diet and Health", based on their individual competency level.


Integrated Chinese; Learning-by-Design; Differentiate Instruction; Content Based Instruction; Self reference assessment

The Chinese Mandarin (CM) Refresher Course is a five-week intensive language course designed for adult learners who lack CM language training or exposure over a significant period of time, intended to review, reinforce, and upgrade their CM language competency. Some learners might just have recently graduated from other language training while some might not have any exposure to the language for years. Gaps among the learner's proficiency levels under such course setting challenge the instructional design and delivery. Therefore, this learning module reconstructs the pre-existing refresher course content from Speaking Chinese (DLIFLC, 2014), by applying the Differentiate Instruction Theory to address the learner differences issue. The curriculum is based on content-based instructional design that guides and develops learner’s language competence over a wide range of topics. On their individual learning progress, learners will comprehend and advance their CM proficiency in all four skills through the knowledge processes identified by Kalantzis and Cope (2012). This integrated learning module represents one of the topics - Diet and Health. The module learning time is 40 hours.

The design principles are described in the following sections.


Content-based Instruction (CBI)

Content-based Instruction (CBI) is the second language acquisition theory embedded in this curriculum design. Through understanding and comprehending the content on specific topics, communicative competence will be developed (Leaver & Stryker, 1989). CBI contains four characteristics (Leaver & Stryker, 1989, pp. 270-271): 1/ subject matter core; 2/ use of authentic texts; 3/ learning of information; and 4/ appropriate to the specific needs of students. Over the five-week course period, a spectrum of subjects based on our learners’ needs is distributed for extensive exposure. This learning module presents one subject matter topic. Materials are adapted from Speaking Chinese (United States. Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, 2012)



Differentiate Instruction

In order to address the various competency levels, the learning module adapts differentiate instruction approach and learning-by-design framework in the design. Hall (2002) defines differentiate instruction as following:

 To differentiate instruction is to recognize students varying background knowledge, readiness, language, preferences in learning, interests, and to react responsively. Differentiated instruction is a process to approach teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class. The intent of differentiating instruction is to maximize each student’s growth and individual success by meeting each student where he or she is, and assisting in the learning process. 

Differentiate instruction approach addresses the student variations presented in the CM refresher course. Therefore, in this learning module, learners will choose one to two activities to work on based on their own learning progress in each update. All works will be peer-reviewed with a rubric, revised and collected in the final portfolio. The work design features integrated skills comprehension. Learners will choose their specific emphasis in the work process. The following document demonstrates the activity collection and the rubric designed for peer-review.


Learning by Design

To accompany the CBI embedded curriculum, the learning module follows the Learning by Design framework and organized with the eight knowledge processes identified to assist learners in mastering the content. Also, the work project includes a collection of activities designed to exercise language through different knowledge processes.

Figure 1. Knowledge Process. Retrieved from:


Self-referenced Assessment

Learners enrolled in the CM Refresher Course vary in proficiency levels and learning styles. Therefore the integrated learning module utilizes the self-referenced assessment model (Cope & Kalantzis, 2012) as an essential principle to address the individual needs.

Figure 2. Self referenced model. Retrieved from:

Before the course starts, each learner will complete two sets of pre-assessment: 1/ Online Diagnostic Assessment (ODA) to receive their current listening and reading proficiency level reference; and 2/ the self-assessment in three linguistic modalities: listening, reading and speaking.

Finally, learners bring their ODA and self-assessment profiles to the one-on-one oral proficiency diagnostic interview session with the instructor. By the end of the oral proficiency diagnostic interview, the Instructor will go over the self-assessment profiles with the students and assist each student to establish their learning goal utilizing the SMART model. To make sure their goals are clear and reachable, each one should be:

  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
  • Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
  • Achievable (agreed, attainable).
  • Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
  • Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)

A Knowledge Survey will be distributed to learners at the third week to review their learning process toward the learning goal and revised if necessary. At the end of the course, learners will examine their portfolio with the instructor and establish a follow-up learning plan.

Getting Started - Setting your goal

For Instructors

One of the core values of this curriculum is self-referenced assessment. Three phases are designed to facilitate this approach:

[Initial self-assessment]

  • Go over learner’s self-assessment (ILR Homepage, n.d.) cross-referencing ODA results
  • Discuss each learner’s SMART goals with them
  • Encourage learners to regularly check their progress in the self-assessment document

[Mid-term self-assessment] (Knowledge survey)

  • A soft-reminder to encourage learners to review their own progress
  • Schedule interviews with learners who need assistance revising their goals
  • Distribute to learners by the end of the 3rd week

[Final self-assessment] (portfolio)

  • Learners will evaluate their portfolio using the portfolio checklist
  • Schedule interviews with each learner
  • Review their profile of self-assessment and work
  • Ask learners to self-evaluate their current status compared to the beginning of the course
  • Help learners to set goals and strategies for self-learning


[SMART feedback]

While learners utilize SMART goals to check their own progress, instructors can use the same principle to provide meaningful feedback. The video below explains how to apply SMART feedback:

Media embedded February 26, 2020

Laser Learning. (2018, Apr. 25). Achieving Quality Through Giving SMART Feedback. Retrieved from:

For Learners

1/ Complete the following pre-course analysis and upload to your google classroom drive folder:

  • ODA
  • ILR self-assessment

2/ Schedule an interview with the instructor for the oral diagnostic interview.

3/ According to your ODA, oral diagnostic interview and self-assessment results, set your learning goal for the next five (5) weeks using the SMART model. The following video explains how the model works:

Media embedded February 26, 2020

DecisionSkills. (2014, May 22). SMART Goals - Quick Overview. Retrieved from:

Your goal should be:

  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
  • Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
  • Achievable (agreed, attainable).
  • Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
  • Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)

We will review your self-assessment and learning goal at the beginning of the third week and revise if necessary.



Which of the SMART model criteria is the most important to you in your own goal setting? Why?

Update 1

For Instructors

The first update on the topic “Diet and Health” focuses on “experiencing the know” learning process. Key verbs for this process are: “Connect with”, “Research”, “Predict” and “compare”.


Knowledge Process

Connect and Research

Guide learners to brainstorm the topic-related vocabulary; check the provided source ( to make connections between CM and English terminology under similar concepts (without a dictionary). Write the vocabs on the whiteboard or use a shared document.




Before watching the video “Non-GMO food in China”, predict the content by completing the sentences below. Encourage learners to use the vocabulary discussed in the “Connect and Research” activity.







Watch the video individually to check their prediction and the content.


Knowledge Outcomes

The integrated learning activities are created based on The Learning by Design pedagogy (Kalantzis & Cope, n.d.). Each activity is embedded with one or more of the eight knowledge processes.

Learning Focus: Learners choose tasks according to their learning process and study goal.

Give learners the options to

  • Keep working on the core material
  • Work on the extended activity individually or in pairs/groups. Here is the Instructor's version. Assist learners to choose an activity, noting the different knowledge processes, that will examine their comprehension and also challenge language knowledge application. (50 mins)
  • Assign peer-review for the work, and arrange oral presentation if any. (20 mins)
  • Revise work based on peer-review (can be assigned as homework)


For Learners

Knowledge objectives:

  • Associate knowledge about genetically modified foods with CM and Chinese society
  • Be familiar with the scientific terms related to food safety
  • Use acquired knowledge to explain food safety-related concept

Knowledge Process:

  • You must have seen the labels in American supermarkets. Do you know what they mean? In pairs, take turns to explain these labels in CM to your partner.
Figure 3. Labels in the US supermarkets. [Online Image] (n.d.) Dealmoon.
  • Check this webpage for more information without using a dictionary or translator. Many terms in this topic are translated from English. Pay attention to the origin of the translation.
  • The video below is about Chinese people’s knowledge of non-GMO food. Complete the following sentences to predict the content




  • Watch the video closely and compare with your prediction. Are they the same or different? Complete the sentences again according to the video content.
NON-GMO. [Embedded Video]. (2014) Speaking Chinese (p.241).

Knowledge Outcomes:

You can choose to

  • Work more on the core material
  • Work by yourself or in pairs, based on the core materials covered, choose one of the extended activities. Your work will be reviewed by at least one peer based on the rubric included in the document.
  • Submit or present your work presentation for peer-review. The assigned reviewer will add their feedback using this form.
  • Based on the peer-review feedback, revise work and upload the revision to your portfolio.



Which task did you choose and why? Name one highlight of your work.

Update 2

For Instructors

This update focuses on “Analyzing” learning process. Key verbs for this process are: “Analyze”, “Compare”, “Understand” and “Explain”.

Analyze and Explain

Guide learners to understand the chart and point out the language note about how to state a viewpoint










Understand and compare

Go over the video content with learners and pay attention to the cultural notes on the topic. Encourage learners to make comparisons with their own experiences.














Knowledge Outcomes

Learning Focus: Learners choose tasks according to their learning process and study goal.

Give learners the option to

  • Keep working on the core material
  • Work on the extended activity individually or in pairs/groups. Here is the Instructor's version. Assist learners to choose an activity, noting the different knowledge processes, that will examine their comprehension and also challenge language knowledge application. (50 mins)
  • Assign peer-review for the work, and arrange oral presentation if any. (20 mins)
  • Revise work based on peer-review (can be assigned as homework)

For Learners

Knowledge Objectives:

  • Utilize data to support opinions
  • Relate and connect information
  • Be familiarized with the cultural point

Knowledge Process:

  • Use the statistics from the “Numbers of McDonald Diners” to prepare an oral summary report. You may select a few numbers to make a comparison and to explain your viewpoint. You can search online for additional information to support your viewpoint.
Figure 4.

Watch and study the following video, apply the content and key phrases to answer the following question:

The Culture of McDonald’s. [Embedded Video]. (2014) Speaking Chinese (p.210).



当大洋彼岸的西方人已经开始拒绝一些快餐类食品时,中国的年青一代却对洋快餐乐此不疲,他们喜欢洋快餐因为它价格不贵、来得方便;有些小青年盲目崇洋,常喜欢邀朋友到快餐店聚一聚,显摆显摆慷慨和阔气;还有的把洋快餐的汉堡和薯条融入生活的每一顿。随着洋快餐消费在中国的日益增多,一些医疗专家指出,‘洋快餐’ 消费是造成中国年轻人群大量糖尿病和高血压发病的主要诱因。请你就快餐文化在中国的流行,谈谈个人的看法.


Knowledge Outcomes:

You can choose to

  • Work more on the core material
  • Work by yourself or in pairs, based on the core materials covered, choose one of the extended activities. Your work will be reviewed by at least one peer based on the rubric included in the document.
  • Submit or present your work presentation for peer-review. The assigned reviewer will add their feedback using this form.
  • Based on the peer-review feedback, revise work and upload the revision to your portfolio.


Which task did you choose and why? Name one highlight of your work.

Update 3

For Instructors

This update focuses on “Conceptualizing” learning process. Key verbs for this process are: “Interpret”, “Categorize”, “Identify” and “Explain”.

Interpret and Categorize


The image posts an unfamiliar concept with culturally specific notes. Guide learners to interpret the information presented and discuss how these elements are categorized.



Identify and Explain

The material content contains rich scientific factors to support an opinion. Guide learners to identify details responding to the content questions and explain the usage of those factors in an opinionated argument.


Knowledge Outcomes:


Same learning activity model and guidelines as update 1 &2. Assist learners to choose a different activity from their previous choices to experience various knowledge processes.


For Learners

Knowledge Objectives:

  • Deduct and categorize information
  • Identify supporting details
  • Be familiarized with the cultural point

Knowledge Process:

Study the following figure, what do you think it represents? Do you agree with the concept?

Figure 5. Chinese diet composition. [Online Image] (n.d.) 健康無憂網. Retrieved from:

Watch the video and explain the reasons for the trend mentioned in the video content by answering the following questions.

Chinese people's diet composition. [Embedded Video]. (2014) Speaking Chinese (p. 212)


一、 经济发展之后,中国人的饮食搭配发生了什么变化?

二、 根据视频,北京的营养调查结果显示什么 ?

三、 1989年美国参议院营养听证会对中国饮食的评价是什么?

四、 提高健康水平的一个有效方法是什么?


Knowledge Outcomes:

You can choose to

  • Work more on the core material
  • Work by yourself or in pairs, based on the core materials covered, choose one of the extended activities. Your work will be reviewed by at least one peer based on the rubric included in the document.
  • Submit or present your work presentation for peer-review. The assigned reviewer will add their feedback using this form.
  • Based on the peer-review feedback, revise work and upload the revision to your portfolio.


Which task did you choose and why? Is it the same from the previous choices? Why? Name one highlight of your work.

Update 4

For Instructors

This update focuses on “Conceptualizing” learning process. Key verbs for this process are: “Deduct”, “understand”, “compare” and “analyze”.

Deduct and analyze

Guide learners to study and deduct the information in the given text to complete the paragraph.


Compare and understand

Watch and study the video with learners, compare their answers with the content and discuss the differences.


Knowledge Outcomes:


Same learning activity model and guidelines as the previous updates. Assist learners to work with partners to experience various knowledge processes.


For Learners

Knowledge Objectives:

  • Deduct information within the context
  • Compare knowledge with information and analyze the differences


Knowledge Process:


  • Fill in the possible word choices for the blanks in the context.

  • Watch the video and check your choices of words. Revise as necessary.
Vegan Diet. [Embedded Video]. (2014) Speaking Chinese (p.215).

Knowledge Outcomes:

You can choose to

  • Work more on the core material
  • Work by yourself or in pairs, based on the core materials covered, choose one of the extended activities. Your work will be reviewed by at least one peer based on the rubric included in the document.
  • Submit or present your work presentation for peer-review. The assigned reviewer will add their feedback using this form.
  • Based on the peer-review feedback, revise work and upload the revision to your portfolio.


Which task did you choose and why? Is it the same from the previous choices? Why? Name one highlight of your work.

Update 5

For Instructors

This update focuses on “Experiencing” and Analyzing” learning process. Key verbs for this process are: “connect with”, “Evaluate”, “compare” and “summarize”.


Connect with and Evaluate

Discuss the image and meaning with leaners about the comic presented. Is the issue culturally specific or universal? Encourage learners to evaluate the message with their judgment.











Compare and summarize

Pair up learners, assist pair work to watch the video individually first, and then compare notes with their partner, use the questions to guide their comprehension of the content.



Knowledge Outcomes:

Same learning activity model and guidelines as the previous updates. Assist learners to choose a different activity from their previous choices to experience various knowledge processes.

For Learners

Knowledge Objectives:

Recall and increase the knowledge base about food safety

Understand the food safety issues in China and summarize the information


Knowledge process:

What does this comic remind you of in your own experience on this topic? Do you think the message is correct?

Figure 6. Artificial Ingredients. [Embedded Image]. (2014) Speaking Chinese. (p.206)

Brainstorm the language related to food safety and organize them in groups.


Watch this video twice and discuss the following questions with your peer:  

Food Safety. [Embedded Video]. (2014) Speaking Chinese (p.206).





Form groups to compose an oral summary that addresses the details above with a conclusion.


Knowledge Outcomes:

You can choose to

  • Work more on the core material
  • Work by yourself or in pair, based on the core materials covered, choose one of the extended activities. Your work will be reviewed by at least one peer based on the rubric included in the document.
  • Submit or present your work presentation for peer-review. The assigned reviewer will add their feedback using this form.
  • Based on the peer-review feedback, revise work and upload the revision to your portfolio.


Which task did you choose and why? Describe a method you used to complete the work.

Update 6

For Instructors

This update focuses on “Applying” and "Analyzing” learning process. Key verbs for this process are: “Apply”, “Compose”, ”Demonstrate” and “Conclusion”.


Apply, Compose, Demonstrate and Conclusion

  • Begin the lesson by identifying the main issues. Guide learners to search online for figures or images that illustrate the obesity issue. Learners will present their findings and demonstrate their known knowledge


  • The main topic for this update is a debate about the relationship between fast food and obesity.
  • Before the two groups commence debate on the central topic, divide into subgroups to prepare some specific debate outlines
  • Divide the class into two groups that support each point of view; conduct further searches online to find facts and supporting evidence.
  • Prior to the debate, assist the learners to be fully prepared for what they are going to say, including commonly used patterns and vocabulary in the debate.


During the debate, emphasize

1/ the use of vocabulary patterns and phrases learned, especially the proverbs and idioms,

2/ correct wording and diction, and 3/ the coherence of ideas in paragraphs.

For Learners

Knowledge Objectives:

Apply and organize information to support arguments
Construct a strategic debate plan that includes an opening statement, supporting arguments and conclusion

Knowledge process:

Search online to find a chart or figure that illustrates the current status of the worldwide obesity issue. Examine and induce data. Present your findings to the class.

Knowledge Outcomes:


Topic: The relationship between fast food and obesity.

Divide into “affirmative” and “negative” teams
Before commencing debate on the central topic, divide into subgroups to prepare some specific debate outlines that support each point of view; you may also conduct further searches online to find facts and supporting evidence.
During the debate, use as many of the vocabulary items and phrases you have learned in this lesson as possible, especially the proverbs and idioms.
During the debate, pay careful attention to correct wording and diction, and concentrate on expressing your ideas in paragraphs.


Organize and review the works in your current portfolio. Which task did you like the most? If you can change one thing about it, what would that be?


Hall, T. (2002). Differentiated instruction. Wakefield, MA: National Center on.

ILR Homepage. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Leaver, B. L., & Stryker, S. B. (1989). Content‐based instruction for foreign language classrooms. Foreign language annals, 22(3), 269-275.

Kalantzis, M., & Cope, W. (n.d.). Learning by Design. Retrieved from

United States. Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center. (2014) Diet and Health. Speaking Chinese (pp.205-260).