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Hi5: Being a TV Presenter

Analysing a Children’s Television Phenomenon: Using Hi5 as a Teaching Resource

Learning Module


This Learning Module offers ideas for the exploration and critical analysis of a popular packaged children's phenomenon. It suggests a pathway for the deconstruction of a children's television program, the surveying of others' attitudes, allows for assessment of associated merchandising, and introduces students to a website related to the group. It gives opportunities for students to transfer knowledge gained to the creation of their own programs as well as to an analysis of other packaged children's phenomena.


Hi5, Characters, Themes, Puppetry, Sound Effects, Colour, Costume, Logo, Merchandising, Purpose, Audience, Storyboard, Filming.

Knowledge Objectives

As a result of completing this Learning Module, students will be able to:


Watching and relating to TV programs

  • Watch and relate to a familiar children's television program.
  • Watch and relate to an unfamiliar children's television program.


Identifying concepts and ideas in TV programs

  • Be able to use the concepts of character, puppetry, sound effects, colour, costume, logo.
  • Be able to distinguish different visual ways of representing people, such as photo, caricature, sign.
  • Be able to distinguish different themes, such as summer, treasure, animals, etc.
  • Be able to make a distinction between program segments shot in the studio and segments shot on location.
  • Be able to identify different segments in the program: drama, stories, song, art, craft, dance, etc.
  • Be able to identify the merchandising: videos, books, games, jig-saw puzzles, CDs, clothing.
  • Be able to identify the different places where the merchandise can be purchased such as stores and the program webpage.


Why does Hi5 exist?

  • Identify the purpose of Hi5.
  • Identify the target audience of Hi5.


Planning and making a TV program

  • Plan a short program segment.
  • Present it to an audience.
  • Film the segment.

1. What do You Know about Hi5?

For the Student

Who likes Hi5? Draw or write what you know about Hi5.

If you've never heard of Hi5, draw or write about your favorite children's television program.

Do you like Hi5? If you do, what do you like about it? If you don't, what is it that you don't like about it?

Fig.1: Hi5 Logo

For the Teacher

Hi5 is an Australian production which has been sold internationally. It has been chosen as a focus because of its popularity with young children. Not only is there the television program, there is also a whole series of related merchandising items and promotional activities, a website, Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram and a YouTube Television channel. Merchandising items include videos of the program, books, games, jigsaw puzzles and clothing. Related promotional activities include concerts and guest appearances at shopping malls. 

Identify What Children Know About Hi5

Draw on the students' prior knowledge, life experience, and community background to elicit their knowledge of the Hi5 group, programs, and associated merchandise and promotion. This may include their knowledge of:

  • the television program
  • the characters
  • the singing group who perform at concerts
  • the products and promotional activities
  • the webpage and other social media

Ask the students to draw/write what they know about Hi5. Within shared writing, model a graphic organiser incorporating students' ideas - words and symbols.

Some students may not have heard of Hi5 or not be familiar with Hi5. In that case, ask them to draw/write about a program they know and like.

Identify why the children like Hi5 (or another children's television program). Is there anything they don't like about it? What?

2. Watch Hi5

For the Student

Watch a Hi5 program.

Draw or write what happens in the Hi5 program.

Fig. 2: Hi5 DVDs


For the Teacher

View a Hi5 Program

Shared viewing of the Hi5 program:  Dream House or So Many Animals are recent releases.You could choose older programs, but will have to adapt the activities that follow to the actors who are included.

The first viewing would not involve direction in order to enable students to engage with the program in an uninterrupted way.

During a second viewing, students are asked to draw/write things that happen in the program. During the second viewing the program can be paused for students to draw and make notes. Alternatively, the teacher can record student responses on the whiteboard.

The assumption is made here that Hi5 is very familiar to students - hence the starting point 'Experiencing the Known'. However, there may be some students in the class who have never seen Hi5 or who are relatively unfamiliar with it. For these students, this task will involve 'Experiencing the New'. However, it is assumed these children will be sufficiently familiar with the genre of a children's television program to make the experience meaningful.

3. What is in a Hi5 Program?

For the Student

What time of year is it? How do you know? What is the setting?

How does the Hi5 program begin?

What are the different things that happen in different segments of Hi5? Which is art, craft, drama, make-believe, song, dance?

Which parts are filmed in a studio, and which parts on location?

Who are the characters? Each character has his or her own segment. Connect the names with the characters:



Table 1: The Characters in Hi5

For the Teacher

Identifying the Elements of a Hi5 Program

Ask students what they noticed about the organisation of the program. Students may use the attached file or work online, drawing/writing about the character driven segments of the program.

Attachment 1: Who are the characters in Hi5?

Introduce storyboards as a way of capturing film action on paper. Model a simple storyboard incorporating writing and drawing. They may need to watch the program segments again.

Attachment 2: Storyboard

Element/features for discussion include:

  • thematically based around 'summer'.
  • each character has his/her own segment.
  • the role of puppets.
  • each segment explores an aspect - art, craft, drama, make-believe, song, dance.
  • each studio segment is reinforced by related 'real world' footage of Hi5 characters with children.

Film language includes: segment, program, introduction, characters, set design, studio, location, puppets, storyboard.

4. Draw or Write about the Hi5 Characters

For the Student

I think:

I think Stevie is .......
I think Mary is .......
I think Ainsley is .......
I think Tanika is .......
I think Dayen is .......


Attachment 3: I think


For the Teacher

Investigating the Hi5 Characters

  • Ask students to describe each of the 5 main characters.
  • What do they look like?
  • What is their style? Their interests? Their segment specialty? Their costumes, their caricature (from merchandising), their signature?
  • How are they similar? How are they different?
  • Why do you think they were chosen to be in Hi5?

Shared writing - the teacher collates students' responses into "What we know about ............." character charts. Independently, students write and draw about the different characters.

Attachment 3: I think


5. Which Character is Which?

For the Student

Attachment 4: Which Hi5 Character is Which? Connect the sign with the photo and the cartoon character. How do we know which character is which?

Photo Sign Cartoon Character






Attachment 4: Which Hi5 Character is Which?


For the Teacher

How the Characters are Represented

The Hi5 characters are represented in photographs, caricatures, and signatures.

Ask the students to identify the differences between these different forms of representation. Link the five characters to their 'cartoon' equivalent. What has the artist highlighted? Why might they have cartoon personas?

When are the characters represented one way or the other?

Attachment 4: Which Character is Which?


6. How is the Program Organised?

For the Student

Lets see how the program is organised.


So Many Animals Dream House Segment
    Introduction and Theme Song


Fig. 3: A Hi5 Performance


For the Teacher

Identifying the Structure of a Hi5 Program

View another Hi5 program and discuss the structure and the characters. Do all Hi5 programs have the same structure? Create two simple storyboards and compare and contrast program structures.

7. Watching another Children's Television Program

For the Student

Watch another children's television show.

What's similar? What's different?

Fig. 4: Sesame Street


For the Teacher

View an Unfamiliar Children's Television Program

Show a children's television program in a similar format to Hi5 but which is unfamiliar to the students - such as a program from another country, or an older program that has now gone out of fashion.

Discuss other TV shows that follow a similar format

  • Their themes.
  • Their characters.
  • Their settings: studio/real life/cartoon.
  • Their segments (e.g. art; drama; etc.)

8. Favourite Characters

For the Student

Character Favourite Character of ...
My favourite character is.............


____ people like Tanika best

____ people like Mary best

____ people like Dayen best

____ people like Ainsley best

____ people like Stevie best

____________ is the most popular

For the Teacher

Surveying the Most Popular Hi5 Character

Students survey a sample of those who like Hi5 by asking:

  • Which character do you like the best?

Make a large wall mural, to which students add their names. Children could use standard sized cards to write their names on - producing a standard graph.

Students analyse attitudes:

  • Which character is the most popular?
  • Why do you like him/her?
  • What do other people think?

9. Who Likes Hi5?

For the Student

Write your name in to say whether you like Hi5 or not.

    Likes Hi5      Doesn't like Hi5   Doesn't know 

____ people like Hi5.

____ people don't like Hi5.

____ people don't know.

Fig. 5: Hi5


For the Teacher

Evaluating the Appeal of Hi5

Discuss with students who they think would watch Hi5.

Establish possible motivations by asking 'why' or 'why not'.

(Possible responses might include: it's fun; I like/don't like the characters; I learn new songs and dances; I like/don't like the music! It's got real children, etc.)

Discuss the appeal of Hi5 in terms of age group; gender; interest etc.

Students prepare survey proforma by drawing a face showing appropriate expression (smiling, frowning, etc.) in each of the three columns.

They then survey attitudes by asking:

  • Do you like Hi5?

Respondents write their names in the appropriate columns of the graph.

10. Hi5 Things

For the Student

What Hi5 things can you see here?

Hi5 merchandise 

Find out what other Hi5 things you can buy.

Draw/write/paste here Hi5 things that you can buy.


For the Teacher

Exploring Hi5 Merchandising

Ask students to research examples and collect evidence of Hi5 commercial material. Collect advertising material. In shared writing on large paper, incorporate these examples into a graphic organiser. This process can be continuous throughout the Learning Module.

(Products include books, tapes, CDs, books, clothing, bags, toys such as cards, play dough, dolls, etc.)

Ask students:

  • Do you have any Hi5 things ... which ones?
  • What do you do with the different things?
  • What products have you seen in the shops? In catalogues? On television? On the Hi5 Website?

Add to the organiser as students discover new products.

11. Finding Hi5 on the Web

For the Student

What can you buy for the Tour Merchandise and the Hi5 website?


Why do you think Hi5 sells these things?

What are the other things you can do on the website?

What do you like and not like about the website?

Why do you think Hi5 has a website?

Fig. 7: Hi5 Merchandise


For the Teacher

Exploring the Hi5 Website

Introduce the Hi5 website.

Conduct a shared reading of the website with students and ask them to decide on features they like, don't like, and find interesting. Have students suggest why they do/don't like the various features. Note these on a Plus/Minus/Interesting chart.

Ask students what merchandise can be bought on the Hi5 website. Get them to suggest reasons why these products are for sale. Ask the students why they think Hi5 sells so many things. Investigate how they compare in price and quality with other similar products without the 'branding'.

How are the Hi5 products advertised? Discuss the role of the merchandising.

Hi5 webpage

12. Look at Playschool

For the Student

Draw/write a storyboard of what happens in the Play School program.

Fig. 8: A scene from Play School (ABC TV)

For the Teacher

Analysing Another Children's Television Program

With students, watch a Play School program. Identify the program structure:

  • What are the topic segments?
  • Who are the characters?
  • What is the use of studio and out of studio segments?

Compare and contrast the structure and characters of a Playschool program with Hi5 programs.

13. Make a TV Program!

For the Student

Title of Program:

Draw/write a storyboard of what happens in your program.

Attachment 2: Storyboard
Fig.9: The Wiggles


For the Teacher

Creating a Children's Television Program Segment

Invite students to create their own storyboard concept for a TV segment.

Discuss considerations of format, characters, settings, and merchandising.

Students can pitch the idea by acting out a segment of the program for the class.

Video and discuss the segment.

14. Acknowledgements

The original version of this learning module was designed by Anne Cloonan and William Cope.

Title: (Source); Fig. 1: (Source); Fig: 2: (Source); Fig. 3: "Hi-5 performing Jan 06 in Wellington NZ". Licenciado sob CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons (Source); Fig: 4: Sesame Street (Source); Fig. 5: (Source); Fig: 6: Photograph by Anne Cloonan and Clock (Source); Fig. 7: Puppet and Water Bottle on Gumtree (Source); Fig. 8: (Source); Fig: 9: "Wiggles 2007 Lineup" by Led2life at en.wikipedia. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons (Source); Attachments 1, 3 & 4: Images from the Hi5 Website.