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Geometric Transformations Learning Module

Teaching and learning geometric transformations while implementing differentiated instruction.

Learning Module


This learning module teaches Geometric Transformations with a focus on giving students choice in their learning. The module utilizes UDL and differentiated learning throughout.


Geometric Transformations, UDL, Differentiated Learning


This learning module teaches geometric congruence transformations, but does so with a focus on differentiating intstruction for the students involved. One of the goals of this learning module is to encompass the universal design for learning (UDL) by being flexible with how students learn and obtain the new knowledge and by providing students with choice in their assessment method. When one thinks of universal design of buildings, the same can be paralleled in learning. Margaret King-Sears of George Mason University elaborates on this, "Just as universal design in architecture is about making physical structures 'smart' from the start so that retro fitting is either eliminated or less necessary... making instruction 'smart' from the start includes pedagogical and technological features as different, but not necessarily seperate, choices." (King-Sears, 2009). A UDL approach aims to create an environement where all students of varying abilities are able to learn together and from each other. Drs. Mary Kalantzis and Bill Cope discuss how "productive diversity" is their approach to differentiate instruction for their unique students. They explain four principles to do so, that this learning module is centered around: reframing classroom discourse, collaborative intelligence in knowledge producing communities, e-Learning frameworks after the textbook, and big data comes to school (Kalantzis & Cope, 2016).

I have taught geometric congruence transformations in previous years, and have edited those lessons to fit a learning module that is designed with UDL as its focus. In previous years, I have taught the entirety of this module in person. With covid-19 affecting school this year, I taught it in a hybrid environment. I modified the previous lessons to incorporate more technology like instructional videos, interactive simulations, online game-based activities, and multiple forms of assessment. This learning module takes those modifications one step further by incorporating instructional choices to encourage richer discourse among the students related to the concepts, providing students with a choice in the way their learning is assessed, and by implementing a peer review process. The targeted audience for this learning module ranges from eighth grade students to potentially juniors in high school.

Intended Learning Outcomes

For the Student

Before starting this learning module, you must be able to complete the following IXLs with at least smartscores of 80 on each:

This learning module should talk about 5 weeks for you to complete. Here is the outline:

  • Week 1: Complete Translations, Reflections, and Rotations
  • Week 2: Complete Sequences of Transformations and Tessellations
  • Week 3: Complete Assessment
  • Week 4: Complete Peer Review
  • Week 5: Complete Summarize

The learning objectives for this learning module are as follows:

  1. The student will be able to (SWBAT) graph congruence transformations (either through the use of electronic platforms or on paper).
  2. SWBAT explain the congruence transformation rule that a given graph shows.
  3. SWBAT describe the sequence of congruence transformations that maps one figure onto another figure.
  4. SWBAT apply congruence transformations to create their own knowledge artifact.


For the Teacher

From my experience teaching these concepts, many students are familiar with translations and can often move through this part of the module much quicker than others. Typically before learning about congruence transformations, students are proficient in basic algebra skills (simplifying expressions, solving multi-step equations), basic graphing skills (graphing points, graphing figures on the coordinate plane), basic comprehension of rotational and reflection symmetry, and understanding of congruence.

This learning module should take approximately 5 weeks to complete, but can and should be modified based on the students' needs. The outline of the timeframe is provided in detail on the "Student" side of this section of the learning module.

Students will need access to Internet and a device like a laptop or tablet to effectively work through this module. Supplemental materials that would be beneficial for students would include: graphing paper, straightedge/ruler, patty paper, and a mirra. These materials are supplemental because some students may not benefit from these manipulatives, but other students may need to physically interact with the concepts to fully grasp them.

The following Common Core State Standards align with this learning module:

  1. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.2 - Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometric software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not.
  2. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.3 - Given a rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, or regular polygon, describe the rotations and reflections that carry it onto itself.
  3. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.5 - Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection or translation, draw the transformed figure suing, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.
  4. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.MG.A.3 - Apply geometric methods to solve design problems.





1. Translations

For the Student

Learning Objectives

  • I can graph congruence transformations (either through the use of electronic platforms or on paper).
  • I can explain the congruence transformation rule that a given graph shows.

You have two options to learn about translations in this section:

Option 1: Watch the video and take notes on translations.

  1. Watch the video and take notes on translations.
  2. Create an update discussing how translations move figures. Explore ways translations can be seen in our world, in the workforce, in your daily life.
Media embedded November 22, 2020

 Wilson, G. (29 Mar, 2020). "Geo 9.1" Retrieved from:

Translation Notes

Option 2: Explore translations through Geogebra.

  1. Explore how translations move around the graph through the Geogebra aplet
  2. Create an update discussing your observations. Be sure to answer the questions posed in the Geogebra aplet as well. What phenomena do translations model in our lived experiences?



  • Practice graphing translations by completing IXL L.2 Translations: graph the image
  • Practice finding the rule for translations by completing IXL L.4 Translations: write the rule
  • Create an update based on which option you chose for this section.
  • Comment on at least 3 other peers' updates. One of these three comments needs to be on an update that was from a different option than you chose.



For the Teacher

This section on translations, I have found, is usually easier for students to grasp. Because of this, I always introduce congruency transformations with translations. This gives students a boost in their confidence at the beginning of a unit that will help them throughout the entire module. The students have two options to choose from to learn about translations. The first is a flipped classroom approach that is more direct. The students will watch the video lecture and copy down the corresponding note pages provided as a PDF in this section. The second is a more exploratory approach with the help of Geogebra. Tha aplet provided will allow students to manipulate the parameters of a general translation to observe and record their findings from. By allowing students to choose the way they want to learn the content, the principles of universal design for learning are implemented. Erika Patall, Harris Cooper, and Susan R. Wynn discussed the importance of choice in education in their article for the Journal of Educational Psychology saying, "In this study, teachers reported believing that providing students with choices increases student interest, engagement, and learning; that sutdents spend more time and effort on the learning task if they are offered choices" (Patall et al., 2010). They elaborated upon this saying how teachers were able to better motivate students that typically had little interest in a specific task. By providing students with options to choose from, the students had higher engagement with the task. That is the goal with how this section (and subsequent sections) of the learning module are formatted.

In my previous experience teaching this, I have found many students struggle with vector notation. Encourage the students to compare and contrast the coordinate and vector notations of a given translation. This will help them see the similarities between the two to help better understand vector notation altogether. Additionally, if you are unfamiliar with Geogebra and its aplets, I highly suggest exploring through the translations aplet on your own and drawing your own conclusions from it before assigning it to students. Students often strugle to understand how to efficiently manuever within Geogebra, and they will need help with the basics of it.


The Common Core State Standards aligned with this section include:

  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.2 - Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometric software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not.

  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.5 - Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection or translation, draw the transformed figure suing, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.

2. Reflections

For the Student

Learning Objectives

  • I can graph congruence transformations (either through the use of electronic platforms or on paper).
  • I can explain the congruence transformation rule that a given graph shows.

You have two options to choose from on how to learn about reflections. Your assignment is explained at the end of this section.

Option 1

  1. Watch the video and take notes on reflections.
  2. Watch the video on using a mirra to graph reflections.
  3. Complete the attached worksheet to practice graphing and finding the line of reflection. 
Media embedded November 22, 2020

Wilson, G. (29 Mar 2020). "Geo 9.2" [Video File] Retrieved from:

Reflection Notes
Media embedded November 22, 2020

Dobble, A. (24 May 2012). "Mira reflection." [Video File] Retrieved from:

Practice Worksheet:

Reflection HW Practice

Option 2

  1. Explore reflections through this Geogebra aplet.
  2. As you work through, be sure to answer the questions posed in Geogebra.
  3. Complete IXL L.5 and L.6 on reflections



  • Create an update on reflections. How would you teach this concept to a friend? What are the important factors of this section that need to be covered? Your update should be a mini lesson on reflections. You can teach your mini lesson in whichever way you choose, but be sure to include all needed explanations and concepts. At the end of your update, provide some sort of short 'homework' for your peers. Make it no more than 5 questions that will assess the learning that your mini lesson teaches.
  • Comment on at least 3 others' updates. In your comments, explain which factors of their mini lesson were helpful, which needed to be strengthened, and what additional information you learned from your peers. Be sure to provide your answers in response to thier 'homework' assignment posed.

For the Teacher

Just as in the translations section, the students have a decision in how they learn the new concepts of reflections. The different aspect in this section comes in the assignment. Students are being put in the role of the teacher by being asked to create an update that models a lesson on reflections. Jessica Lander of Hardard Graduate School of Education discusses how allowing students to teach to their peers sends strong messages that allow for a natural way to strengthen leadership skills, build confidence, and grow empathy. Lander states it relays to students that they "have knowledge worth sharing, you have a teacher's trust, and you have an opportunity to support your friends' learning and growth" (Lander, 2016). This positive impact affects not only the students engaged in teaching, but also the students learning from their peers. From this experience, students see themselves and their peers as "role models with similar experiences and concerns, who can affirm them and also push them to reach higher" (Lander, 2016). Engaging in this update will further build the students' confidence as they continue to grow. The students will grow in their communication skills in an academic way that will support them as they move through life.

I have found that students typically struggle with visualization of reflections and finding the line of reflection given a set of reflected figures. Having access to mirras for the students to use are immensely helpful for the visual students that need to physically see how a line of reflection corresponds to a given graph. In the same sense, many of my past students have benefited from seeing a simulation of a reflection through a platform like Geogebra or Desmos.

The Common Core State Standards assessed in this section include:

  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.2 - Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometric software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not.
  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.5 - Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection or translation, draw the transformed figure suing, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.



3. Rotations

For the Student

Learning Objectives

  • I can graph congruence transformations (either through the use of electronic platforms or on paper).
  • I can explain the congruence transformation rule that a given graph shows.
  • I can describe the sequence of congruence transformations that maps one figure onto another figure.

You have two options to learn about rotations this week. Your assignment is posted at the bottom of this section.

Option 1

  1. Watch the video below and take notes on rotations.
  2. Read and work through the website that explains rotations that carry a figure onto itself.
  3. Watch the video explaining how to use trace paper to rotate and find the degree of rotation.
Media embedded November 22, 2020

Wilson, G. (29 Mar 2020). "Geo 9.3" [Video File] Retrieved from:

Rotation Notes

The Rotational Symmetry Website walks you through what rotational symmetry is.


Media embedded November 22, 2020


Ohashi, R. (10 Sept 2013). "How to Draw Rotations with Tracing Paper." [Video File] Retrieved from:


Option 2

  1. Explore rotations through this Geogebra aplet. Be sure to answer the questions posed at the bottom of the Geogebra page.
  2. Watch the Khan Academy video on Rotational Symmetry.
Media embedded November 22, 2020

Khan Academy. (16 July 2015). "Intro to rotational symmetry." [Video File] Retrieved from:



  • Complete IXL L.8 and L.9 on rotations.
  • Create an update that summarizes your understanding of rotations. What are some of the unique factors of rotations? How can you find rotational symmetry applied in our world? Compare and constrast rotations to translations and to reflections. What additional information can you find about rotations?
  • Comment on at least three others' updates. Did you find the same unique factors or were yours different? Does the application posed seem relevant or realistic

For the Teacher

As with previous sections, the instructional decision of providing students choice in the way they learn new material stays constant for this section as well. The assignment for this section of the module emphasizes a richer dialogue related to rotations. Students are asked to describe the factors of rotations they found unique or interesting, to compare and contrast the concept of rotating a figure to that of translating and reflecting a figure. Enhancing discourse in the mathematics classroom is essential in our ever-evolving technological world. There is no longer a need to produce students that can memorize rote facts and regurgitate formulas and multiplication facts because we live in a society where a calculator that can do all of that fits in the palm of one's hand. Because of this, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) explains the following:

"Changes in the workplace increasingly demand teamwork, collaboration, and communication. Similarily, college-level mathematics courses are increasingly emphasiing the ability to convey ideas clearly, both orally and in writing. to be prepared for the future, high school students must be able to exchange mathematical ideas effectively with others." (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2005)

In summary, it is more important for students to be able to communicate their thought processes when solving mathematics problems and to be able to explain the underlying conceptual understanding of the mathematical idea. Thus, it is important to include opportunities for students to do so, just as the assignment portion of this section does.


Generally, students strugle to understand the notation involved with the coordinate rules for rotations. Because of this, I try to take time to go through examples of what a transformed point would look like. An example of this is shown in the screenshot below:

The directions of clockwise and counterclockwise are often difficult for students to grasp as well (hello, digital clocks everywhere). Because of this, students struggle with understanding how 90 degrees counterclockwise is the same as 270 degrees clockwise (and 180 degrees clockwise is the same as 180 degrees counterclockwise; 90 degrees clockwise is the same as 270 degrees counterclockwise). If possible having students physicall turn 90 degrees in a clockwise direction and comparing that end result to where they end up after turning 270 degrees in a counterclockwise direction is a great visual that is concrete for students. You can also look into simulations online that virtually express this same concept.


The Common Core State Standards aligend with this section include:

  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.2 - Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometric software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not.
  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.3 - Given a rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, or regular polygon, describe the rotations and reflections that carry it onto itself.
  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.5 - Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection or translation, draw the transformed figure suing, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.


4. Sequences of Transformations

For the Student

Learning Objectives

  • I can graph congruence transformations (either through the use of electronic platforms or on paper).
  • I can explain the congruence transformation rule that a given graph shows.
  • I can describe the sequence of congruence transformations that maps one figure onto another figure.

Sequences of transformations will combine the three previous sections learned so far. In the video below, you will see how you can take a figure and reflect then translate, translate then rotate, or reflect then rotate to transform into a new figure.

Media embedded November 22, 2020

Diller Knarr, J. (9 Oct 2016). "Sequence of Transformations." [Video File] Retrieved from:

Complete the Desmos Activity - Transformation Golf linked here. As you work through the activity, keep track of the sequence of transformations you used to complete each challenge.


  • Create an update from the two options below:
  1. Option one for update: Share your results from the Desmos Transformation Golf activity. Summarize your findings and answers from the activity. What parts of the challenge did you struggle with? What were your strategies to de-struggle and complete the challenge? What advice would you give to someone else working through this activity? What ways could this activity be strengthened?
  2. Option two for update: Create a mini lesson activity that involves sequences of transformations. Can it be modeled by a phenomena in our world? What explicity directions would the students need to work through your activity? Your peers should be able to work through your activity when it is completed.
  • Comment on at least 3 others' updates. One of these three comments must be the other option from what you created. Compare and contrast the results from the Transformations Golf activity to your own results. Why do you think they were different? How could there be more than one way to correctly answer those challenges? Or work through the mini activity posed. Compare and contrast it to the Transformation Golf activity. Did it assess the same learning skills or was it different altogether? What ways could it be improved? What ways was it helpful to learn about sequences of transformations?

For the Teacher

When learning sequences of transformations, students have already learned the basic concepts to do so. Sequences of transformations is a combination of the three previous lessons on translations, reflections, and rotations. Since students are combining multiple transformations to create one final image, the visualization can often be lost in that process. It can be tedious and take away from the underlying concept to have students repetitively graph these sequences of transformations on paper. Thus, incorporating virtual simulations can enhance their learning process. As previously mentioned, the need for students to regurgitate fluency procedures and facts is mute. In today's society, there is a higher need for conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas. NCTM states, "The computational capacity of technological tools extends the range of problems accessible to students and also enables them to execute routine procedures quickly and accurately, thus allowing more time for conceptualizing and modeling" (NCTM, 2005). The Desmos activity does just that. Throughout the Desmos Transformation Golf activity, students are focusing more on the underlying concepts of building a sequence of transformations by repetitively reflecting, translating, and rotating a figure. They are able to do this and easily visualize these processes through the Desmos platform and not be overwhelmed by the repetitive procedure of graphing each step along the way. Doing this places their focus solely on the concept of sequences of transformations.

Students generally struggle to initially understand how a sequence of transformations builds upon each other as opposed to having multiple new images that stem from the original. Providing the visual representation like the YouTube video and the Desmos simulation activity helps those students physically see how the sequence builds.

The Common Core State Standards this section assesses include:

  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.2 - Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometric software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not.

  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.5 - Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection or translation, draw the transformed figure suing, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.

5. Tessellations

For the Student

Learning Objectives:

  • I can graph congruence transformations (either through the use of electronic platforms or on paper).
  • I can describe the sequence of congruence transformations that maps one figure onto another figure.
Tessellation Examples. (n.d.). Miss Harris' Website [image]. Retrieved from:

"A tessellation is a tiling over a plane with one or more figures such that the figures fill the plane with no overlaps and nogaps... Examples of tessellations are: a tile floor, a brick or block wall, a checker or chess board, and a fabric pattern." (CK-12, 2017). Tessellations are often called tilings. Try to think of some example of tessellations you see every day in your life. Tessellations combine translations, rotations, reflections, and the sequences of these congruence transformations to create tilings of figures like the ones shown above. Watch the videos below on how to start a basic tessellation

Media embedded November 22, 2020

Watson, C. (23 Nov 2015). "What is Tessellation? | by M. C. Escher inspired Tessellation Art" [Video File] Retrieved from:

Media embedded November 22, 2020

Tupper, B. (22 Aug 2018). "What is a Tessellation?" [Video File] Retrieved from:

Both of the videos mentioned M. C. Escher's art. Take a look at some of his works linked below:



  • Create an update from one of the options below:
  1. Option 1: Evaluate one of M. C. Escher's artworks. What is the sequence of transformations that was done to accomplish this art? Is there more than one way to create the same pattern? What does this artwork model in the world?
  2. Option 2: Research examples of tessellations. Are they only relevant in artwork? in construction? in design? Look into new applications of tessellations
  • Comment on at least three others' updates.

For the Teacher

The tessellations section of this learning module focuses on connecting mathematics and art. Creating the connection between mathematics and something visual, like art, or something students are more interested in, being creative, can help increase their overall motivation to do so. Ivona Grzegorczyk and Despina Stylianou completed a study on classrooms that integrated mathematics and art curricula. From their study they found that "an art-studio environment and art-based instructions support development of abstract mathematics thinking." (Grzegorczyk & Stylianou, 2006). The students involved in this study were able to engage in deeper conversations related to the underlying mathematics being completed. The goal with including a section on tessellations is to deepen students' understanding of congruence transformations. In this section, they are applying their knowledge of the mathematical concepts learned thus far to an artistic perspective.

Tessellations are difficult to do through a virtual platform in a way that ensures students are using their knowledge of congruency transformations (and not just pushing buttons that create the sequences for them). I have found that many students prefer to complete their tessellations on paper, even if they traditionally do not prefer working out these concepts on paper. However, the very computer-savvy students will prefer to manipulate programs like Geogebra to create their own images which is still a great option.

The Common Core State Standards that align with this section of the module are:

  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.2 - Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometric software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not.
  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.3 - Given a rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, or regular polygon, describe the rotations and reflections that carry it onto itself.
  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.5 - Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection or translation, draw the transformed figure suing, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.
  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.MG.A.3 - Apply geometric methods to solve design problems.

6. Assessment

For the Student

Learning Objective

  • I can apply congruence transformations to create my own knowledge artifact.

For your final assessment on Congruence Transformations, choose one of the options from the choice board below. The rubrics are also provided for each option and are found below the choice board.

Assessment Choice Board:

Rubrics for each of the choice board assessments:


Choose one of the six assessments from the choice board above. Complete your first draft of the assessment you choose using the rubrics provided.


For the Teacher

The assessment portion of this learning module is centered around the idea of student choice. Traditionally, students simply memorize formulas and regurgitate them for the test, just to be forgotten the following day after. By implementing a choice board of assessments for students to choose from, their engagement with the content is heightened. Casey Cook of Texas A&M University conducted a study among her mathematics classes that dove into the benefits of implementing choice boards. Her findings were that the majority of her students enjoyed being given a choice in their learning and were thus more motivated to engage in the activity they chose to complete. Cook goes on to discuss how choice boards led to an overall higher motivation among her students (Cook, 2020). For these same reasons, a choice board was implemented in this learning module in the form of an assessment.

The Common Core State Standards aligned with this section of the learning module are:

  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.MG.A.3 - Apply geometric methods to solve design problems.

7. Peer Review

For the Student

During this section, your assignment is to review at least 3 of your peers' first drafts of their assessments. When doing so, please refer to the rubrics below for each specific assessment option:

In addition to the rubrics for the corresponding project, look at the image below that discusses how to provide effective feedback to your peers:

“Glow and Grow”. (n.d.). The Art of Education University [image]. Retrieved from:

As you are reviewing the works assigned to you, be sure to suggest specific ways for your peers to improve their work. Use the Glow and Grow image to help along with the rubrics provided.



  • Use the corresponding rubric provided to review at least 3 of your peers' first drafts of their assessment. Provide specific comments to critique and compliment their work.


For the Teacher

The peer review is its own section for this learning module because it is vital for students to learn how to effectively provide efficient and detailed feedback on others' works. Doing this will help them, the editors, better understand parts of their own project that may need improvement. Ngar-Fun Liu and David Carless discuss the learning element involved with peer feedback in their article for Teaching in Higher Education. They summarize that having students apply a grade to an assessment is only part of the process. When students are engaged in asking questions about how effective an assessment is based on a provided rubric, they are understanding "what one is trying to assess and by what means one comes to an accurate judgement" (Liu & Carless, 2007). By having students engage in the peer editing process, they are engrossed in the underlying conceptual understanding involved with the content taught. Thus, when students are peer editing, they are checking not only that the work follows a given rubric, but also that the concepts discussed are correct. In order to determine if concepts are correctly discussed, the student must be knolwedgeable on those concepts.


8. End of Unit Survey

For the Student

Take a moment to reflect on what you've learned from this module. What surprised you? What was challenging? What was easier than expected?


For the Teacher

Allow students ample time to complete the End of Unit Survey. You can provide this survey as early as section 6 "Assessment" in this module. Analyze and apply the data to adjust and modify the learning module for your future use. If the survey link does not work, a screenshot of the questions in the survey is provided below:

I encourage you to modify these survey questions to fit your own instructional needs. If the survey needs to include more content based questions for your analysis, this survey should include them.



Cook, C. (May 2020). "The Effect of Choice Boards on Student Motivation: An Action Research Project." ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Retrieved from:

Diller Knarr, J. (9 Oct 2016). "Sequence of Transformations." [Video File] Retrieved from:

Dobble, A. (24 May 2012). "Mira reflection." [Video File] Retrieved from:

Geogebra. (2020). Free Math Apps - used by over 100 Million Students & Teachers Worldwide. Retrieved December 14, 2020, from

“Glow and Grow”. (n.d.). The Art of Education University [image]. Retrieved from

Grzegorczyk, I & Stylianou, D. (2006). "Development of Abstract Mathematical Thinking Through Artistic Patterns." International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.

IXL. (2020). IXL: Learn Geometry. Retrieved December 14, 2020, from

Kalantzis, M & Cope, B. (17 Oct 2016). New Media and Productive Diversity in Learning. p. 310-335. Retrieved from:

King-Sears, M. (1 Sept 2009). Universal Design for Learning: Teachnology and Pedagogy. SageJournals. Retrieved from:

Khan Academy. (16 July 2015). "Intro to rotational symmetry." [Video File] Retrieved from:

Lander, J. (20 Dec 2016). "Students as Teachers." Harvard Graduate School of Education. Retrieved from:

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2005). Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. NCTM, 24-25, 348-350.

Liu, N. & Carless, D. (24 Jan 2007). "Peer Feedback: The Learning Element of Peer Assessment." Teaching in Higher Education. 279-290.

Ohashi, R. (10 Sept 2013). "How to Draw Rotations with Tracing Paper." [Video File] Retrieved from:

Patall, E. et. al. (18 Mar 2010). "The Effectiveness and Relative Importance of Choice in the Classroom." American Psychological Association, 102(4), 896-914.

Tessellation Examples. (n.d.). Miss Harris' Website [image]. Retrieved from

Tupper, B. (22 Aug 2018). "What is a Tessellation?" [Video File] Retrieved from:

Watson, C. (23 Nov 2015). "What is Tessellation? | by M. C. Escher inspired Tessellation Art" [Video File] Retrieved from:

Wilson, G. (29 Mar, 2020). "Geo 9.1" [Video File] Retrieved from:

Wilson, G. (29 Mar 2020). "Geo 9.2" [Video File] Retrieved from:

Wilson, G. (29 Mar 2020). "Geo 9.3" [Video File] Retrieved from: