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From Ten to Teen

Puberty and Changes

Learning Module


From Ten to Teen for years 5-6 looks at the changes that both males and females go though during puberty. It covers puberty, reproduction and personal hygiene issues


Personal Development, Health, Puberty, Hygiene, Reproduction, Sex Education

1. What I already Know about Puberty?

For the Student

What I already know about puberty:

  • What do you already know about puberty and body systems (reproductive system)?
    Fig. 1: Oh no!

For the Teacher

Knowing and Naming – things about puberty:

  • Class Brainstorm about puberty, focussing on the correct names for the correct body parts.
  • Write the word "Penis" on the board and have students brainstorm all other words used for the term. Write them all on the board.
  • Repeat for "Vagina" and "Breasts".
  • Discuss what denotations and connotations are and use the example "sick". My brother is sick in bed today. That jump was totally sick. Discuss
  • Explain the denotations of the terms penis, vagina and breasts and the connotations of the different words listed.
  • Emphasise that as mature students they will now refer to these body parts using their correct names only for the remainder of the unit.

2. Figure out the Right Names for the Right Parts

For the Student

Figure out the right names for the right parts

  • Generate list for labelling activity.
  • Figure out the right names for the right parts.
Fig. 2: Puberty

For the Teacher

Extract correct terminology from student generated naming activity

  • Extract correct terminology from student generated naming activity. Add terminology where necessary and discuss importance (medical, social) of using correct terms.

3. In Small Groups Create Body Outlines and Label

For the Student

In small groups create body outlines and label

  • Use the body diagrams and label the parts correctly.

For the Teacher

Using the information gathered from the class brainstorm

  • Using the information gathered from the class brainstorm, students use a diagram of male and female bodies and create labels from the finalised list of appropriate terms established during brainstorm exercise.


Diagrams of the male and female body systems.

4. Read

For the Student

  • Read and discuss “Where Willy Went... The big story of a little sperm" by Nicholas Allan.
  • What do you think about what you have just read? What do you think are the major points the story was trying to get across?

For the Teacher

Read and discuss

  • Read and discuss “Where Willy Went... The big story of a little sperm" by Nicholas Allan.
  • Whole class discussion about the text and inferring meaning. What does the text represent?
  • Respond and record in Integrated Studies books.

5. Watch the Human Body Video

For the Student

Watch the Human Body video

  • Watch the Human Body video.

For the Teacher

The Human Body video (BBC)

  • Begin watching The Human Body video (BBC). View the section entitled "First Steps".
  • Start the video at 5:00 minutes and watch to the end.


"The Human Body" Video- BBC Productions. 

6. Think-Pair-Share about How you Felt about the Film

For the Student

  • Think-Pair-Share about how you felt about the film. What do you think were the main points the film wanted you to know?
  • Draw a timeline from birth through to adolescents. Mark where you are on the timeline.
  • Read the text about acne and hormones and discuss with your shoulder buddy. Record your thoughts in your book.

For the Teacher

Think-Pair-Share on what students noted in the film

  • Think-Pair-Share on what students noted in the film. Share ideas with the whole class and record on a whole class mind map.
  • Create a timeline from birth through to adolescents. Ask each student to mark where they think they are on the timeline.
  • Read and discuss page 9 of The Human Body booklet (Daily Telegraph). Look specifically at the acne and hormones sections.
  • Students work in pairs to complete a Think-Pair-Share about this text and respond and record in their workbooks.


"The Human Body" booklet from the Daily Telegraph.

7. Raging Teens

For the Student

This video clip will introduce you to teenage years and the changes that take place.

For the Teacher

Watch the Video "Raging Teens". Start at 35 seconds AFTER the introduction.

8. Draw a Picture that Represents something you have Learnt so Far about Puberty

For the Student

Draw a picture that represents something you have learnt so far about puberty

  • Draw a picture that represents something you have learnt so far about puberty.

For the Teacher

Draw a representation of what you have understood from what we have discussed about puberty

  • Draw a representation of what you have understood from what we have discussed about puberty (eg. before and after pictures; life cycles; consequences – maybe draw gravestones as a consequence of us not going through puberty, i.e. people would become extinct.) Look at metaphors (eg. cells = imprisonment, apple = teaching etc.) Can use symbols to assist in representation. (Link to Text Illustrator role)

9. Answer True/False Questions about Male and Female Development

For the Student

Answer true/false questions about male and female development

  • Complete cloze activity about male and female development.

For the Teacher

Students complete ‘What do you know? Questionnaire’ on male and female development

  • Students complete ‘What do you know? Cloze exercise’ on male and female development.



10. KWL

For the Student

What do you know?

What do you want to know?

What have you learnt?

For the Teacher


Complete class KWL on what students want to know from now.

11. Read ‘Changing from a Girl to a Women’ and ‘Changing from a Boy to a Man’

For the Student

  • Read ‘Changing from a Girl to a Women’ and ‘Changing from a Boy to a Man’.
  • Discuss important points and use a Venn diagram to look at the similarities and differences between males and females during puberty.
  • Discuss

For the Teacher

In small group’s students read ‘Changing from a Girl to a Women’ and ‘Changing from a boy to a Man’

  • In small group’s students read ‘Changing from a Girl to a Women’ and ‘Changing from a boy to a Man’ (pages 6&7 Persoanl Development booklet).
  • Discuss important points as a whole group. Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast between changes that males and females go through during puberty.
  • Discuss.

12. Want a Tic Tac?

For the Student

  • Smelly socks and pongy pits? Eew!
  • Talk about ways of keeping yourself clean and healthy during puberty.

For the Teacher


  • Circle time – students discuss potential hygiene issues around puberty, including basics such as breath, deodorant, feet etc.

13. “Your Breath Stinks!” Vs “Want a Tic Tac?”

For the Student

  • “Your breath stinks!” Vs “Want a tic tac?”
  • Role play how to deal with hygiene issues in a caring and sensitive way.

For the Teacher

Brainstorm different scenarios where issues with hygiene may come up

  • Brainstorm different scenarios where issues with hygiene may come up. Students create role plays to demonstrate sensitive and appropriate ways to assist peers with hygiene issues.

14. Split Session, Boys with Men and Girls with Women

For the Student

  • Split session, boys with men and girls with women.
  • Brainstorm topics to cover.
  • Discuss.
  • Write questions on paper and hand in.

Lesson 2:

Answer questions, clarify and summarise.

For the Teacher

Students are split into gender groups

  • Students are split into gender groups to explore specific hygiene issues related to being male and female (eg. menstruation etc.)
  • Teachers decide on most appropriate content and lead discussion.

15. Where did I Come from and other Interesting Facts?

For the Student

  • Watch video/DVD “Where did I come from”
  • Watch "What's happening to me?"
  • Talk about the film.
  • Respond and record in workbooks.

For the Teacher


  • Watch video/DVD “Where did I come from”.
  • Watch "What's happening to me?"
  • Discuss: what did you think of the film? What were the major points/issues the film was trying to get across?
  • Respond and record in workbooks.

16. Watch ‘Life Story’ and ‘An Everyday Miracle’

For the Student

Watch ‘Life Story’ and ‘An Everyday Miracle’

  • Watch ‘Life Story’ and ‘An Everyday Miracle’.

For the Teacher

Return to the Human Body video (BBC)

  • Return to the Human Body video (BBC). View sections 1 & 2 about the beginning of life (Life Story and An Everyday Miracle).

17. Think-Pair-Share about How you Felt about the Film

For the Student

  • Think-Pair-Share about how you felt about the film. What do you think were the main points the film wanted you to know?
  • Read and discuss "Human Body" Pages 8 and 9.

For the Teacher

Think-Pair-Share on what students noted in the film

  • Think-Pair-Share on what students noted in the film. Share ideas with the whole class and record on a whole class mind map.
  • Read and discuss "Human Body" Pages 8 and 9.

18. Use De Bono’s Thinking Hats to Talk about What you have been Learning about.

For the Student

Use De Bono’s thinking hats to talk about what you have been learning about.

  • Use De Bono’s thinking hats to talk about what you have been learning.

For the Teacher

Use De Bono’s thinking hats to discuss aspects puberty.

  • Use De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats to examine one of the texts about puberty.
  • Choose one of the available texts.

19. Discuss How the Baby Grows and Complete the ‘Foetal Development’ Activity

For the Student

Discuss how the baby grows and complete the ‘Foetal Development’ activity

  • Discuss how the baby grows and complete the ‘Foetal Development’ activity.

For the Teacher

From conception to delivery, how does the baby grow?

  • From conception to delivery, how does the baby grow? Discuss foetal growth and the changes that occur. Use 3D pictures from ‘The Facts of Life’ (Jonathan Miller and David Pelham) and complete activity on Foetal Development (pages 8 & 9 Puberty information booklet).

20. Finish Watching The Human Body Video

For the Student

Finish watching The Human Body video

  • Finish watching The Human Body video (sections 5 – 7).

For the Teacher

Finish watching The Human Body video

  • Complete viewing The Human Body video (BBC) – sections 5 – 7 (‘Brain Power’; ‘As Time Goes By’; ‘The End of Life’).

Review before watching.

21. What have you Learnt?

For the Student

What have you learnt?

  • Talk about what you have learnt about during this unit. Go back to your KWL and fill in the ‘What I have learnt’ section.

For the Teacher


  • Brainstorm/review what students have learnt throughout the unit. Students now return to their KWL activity and fill in the ‘What I have learnt’ section.

22. Acknowledgements

Title: (Source); Fig. 1: (Source); Fig. 2: (Source).