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Icon for Ethnomusicology


Learning Module

I am a music teacher. This learning module is created for 4th-grade general music. I see the students once per week via Google Classroom. In this module, students will learn about the history of ethnic music, instruments, movement, and songs of specific cultures. After learning the specific knowledge through multimodality activities, students will demonstrate their knowledge through an oral presentation. This module should take four (4) weeks to complete because I only see the student once per week.

I have been teaching general music for ten (10) years. This is my first time transferring my general music curriculum to an online format. The newest transformation in this curriculum is students presenting a project individually or as a group. Traditionally, I would have the students perform as a class. Additional time should be allotted to students for accommodations. Supplementary material is provided in the teacher section for advanced students.

Connection to course material:

I wanted to connect this learning module to the engagement component admin update four (4) of this course. In the engagement segment, the presenter focused on behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement. I intend to have my students engage through these three (3) components during this learning module. During the update number four (4), the presenter also spoke about using technology for engagement. There were three (3) components we spoke about. Those components are interactive, narrative, and novelty. Throughout this learning module, I focus on those components, so my students can make a connection through music with culture and history.

Assessment for students:

Students are going to be assessed through a performance assessment. They are going to receive feedback from their peers and the instructor. The students are going to be assessed on the information they researched and presentation skills. Students are welcome to include music theory components as well. The music theory components could be but are not limited to rhythm, singing, movement, and performing on an instrument. Assessment is in the presentation section. 


  • This module is intended for grades 4th
  • The material can be utilized for 3rd and 5th grade with modifications

Music National Standards:​

  • 6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
  • 7. Evaluating music and music performances.
  • 8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

National Association for Music Education. (2014, November 5). 2014 Music Standards. NAfME.

Prior Knowledge and Experience:

  • None


  • None

Objectives/Learning Target


Welcome to our Ethnomusicology Module!

We will have some exciting goals for this learning module! Please take the time to read over the objectives. We are going to accomplish these learning targets. I am really excited about this week's module.

Learning Targets:

  • I can respond to musical experiences and create movement, using developmentally appropriate movement and dramatization.
  • I can experience and respond to music of various styles and genres from a variety of world cultures
  • I can experience, recognize, identify, and explain aspects of musical rhythm(s)


  • Specific Genre Fillable Worksheet
  • Specific Genre Fun Face Worksheet (puzzle)
  • Reflection Questions
  • Peer Response
  • Participation


Welcome to the Ethnomusicology Learning Module!

Students will have some exciting goals for this learning module! Please take the time to read over the objectives. We are going to accomplish these learning targets. I am really excited about this weeks module.

Learning Targets: Students will be able to:

  • Respond to musical experiences and create movement, using developmentally appropriate movement and dramatization.
  • Experience and respond to music of various styles and genres from a variety of world cultures
  • Experience, recognize, identify, and explain aspects of musical form;


  • Specific Genre Fillable Worksheet
  • Specific Genre Fun Face Worksheet (puzzle)
  • Reflection Questions
  • Peer Response
  • Participation



I have tons of information to share with you, but first, I would love to know what you know about ethnomusicology? Please complete the KWL interactive worksheet. Tell me what you know about the following genres of music and or the culture.

  • African Music
  • Indian Music
  • Chinese Music
  • Indonesia Music

If you have any questions, please unmute yourself, and I would be more than happy to help you!

Don't rush, and if you do not know any information, that is OK!

Kristin, V. A. P. B. (2019, January 3). Taking KWL Charts Up a Notch: Encouraging Wonder, Curiosity, and Reflection Throughout Any Unit. Elementary Inquiry.

Once you have completed your KWL chart please watch the video below. Try to keep up with the rhythms! 

Media embedded September 23, 2020

DANCE MONKEY Body Percussion. (2020, August 3). [Video]. YouTube.


The KWL chart's objective is to gain knowledge of the students' experience and/or exposure to specific music genres. The learning module is a live music class through Google Classroom, so the students are welcome to ask questions and be interactive.

I would suggest setting a timer for the survey. Allow 10-15 minutes for the survey. Allow 10-15 minutes for students to share their answers. If students do not know any information regarding the genres or culture, ask them what they want to know. They can write those statements down and revisit their KWL chart at the end of the learning module.

The students will complete the KWL Chart based on the following genres:

  • African Music
  • Indian Music
  • Chinese Music
  • Indonesia Music
Kristin, V. A. P. B. (2019, January 3). Taking KWL Charts Up a Notch: Encouraging Wonder, Curiosity, and Reflection Throughout Any Unit. Elementary Inquiry.

The students are going to share their KWL Chart. This strategy will help students learn from each other and spark peer-to-peer conversations.

If some students completed the KWL chart before the allotted, have the students watch the video below. The objective of the video is to get the students moving and keeping up with rhythms.

Media embedded September 23, 2020

DANCE MONKEY Body Percussion. (2020, August 3). [Video]. YouTube.

What is World Music?


Welcome to our Ethnomusicology Module! I am so excited about all of the material we are going to cover during this module. It would be best if you had completed your survey. If you haven't completed the survey, please do not move forward. Complete the survey worksheet.

Take some time to read through the rules, expectations, and grading system. I know we are going to rock it out! 

Rules and Expectations:

  • Rule # 1: I am responsible for all my actions and behaviors today.
  • Rule #2: I will work hard, listen, and learn.
  • Rule #3: I will respect myself and others.
  • Rule #4: I will be a good citizen by doing what is right.
  • Rule #5: Take responsibility for all personal choices and actions.
  • Rule #6: I will try my best and be all that I can be.

Grading System:

4th Grade / Grading System. (n.d.). Park Meadow Elementary School.

Let's get started! 

Learning Target: I can experience and respond to music of various styles and genres from a variety of world cultures

What is Ethnomusicology? We are going to take the time to break down the term ethnomusicology.

  • Ethno- Ethnic
  • Music- vocal or instrumental sounds
  • Ology- the study of a specific topic

Ethnomusicology is the study of ethnic (cultural) music. Another term for ethnomusicology is World Music. Now, it is time to learn about the history of the term ethnomusicology. I am going to present my screen. Follow along with the presentation. There is a worksheet that is fill in the blank. The answers are in the presentation, so you must pay attention to complete the assignment.

Complete the "What is World Music?" worksheet that is attached below. 

What is World Music Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

Complete the World Music crossword puzzle below. Time yourself to see how long it takes you to complete the worksheet! Once you have completed the puzzle worksheet, type your time of completion in the chatbox. If you do not want to enter your time of completion in the chatbox, send me a direct message.

World Music Puzzle Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

Take a few minutes to complete the reflection questions below. Upload your assignment to Google Classroom.

Update #1: Reflection Questions:

  • What have I learned so far?
  • Did you give your best effort on this most recent assignment?
  • What class activities or assignments help you learn the most?

Watch the video below. Enjoy! 

Media embedded September 22, 2020

A Musical Journey - SongLibrary. (2015, April 23). [Video]. YouTube.


Welcome the Ethnomusicology Module!

This is a general music course for fourth-graders. The music class is 45 minutes per week via Google Classroom. This module will only reflect 30 mins of the music class. The other 15 minutes o the class is our class routine. It will take four (4) weeks for each class to complete this learning module. There are a total of two (2) fourth-grade classes. The students should have completed their KWL chart for a pre-assessment and a survey. This information can be utilized throughout the module for each student. Ensure that each student review the rules, expectations, and grading system.

Take the time to review the classroom rules, expectations, and grading systems. Provide examples further to explain the rules, expectations, and grading system. You can also have the students provide examples and demonstrations.

Class Routine (15 minutes)

  • Attendance
  • Check-in routine
  • Welcome Song(s)
  • Rhythm Routine
  • Movement Routine

Rules and Expectations:

  • Rule # 1: I am responsible for all my actions and behaviors today.
  • Rule #2: I will work hard, listen, and learn.
  • Rule #3: I will respect myself and others.
  • Rule #4: I will be a good citizen by doing what is right.
  • Rule #5: Take responsibility for all personal choices and actions.
  • Rule #6: I will try my best and be all that I can be.

Grading System:

4th Grade / Grading System. (n.d.). Park Meadow Elementary School.

Let's get started!

Break down the term for the students. You can ask the students to attempt to break the word down.

What is Ethnomusicology? We are going to take the time to break down the term ethnomusicology.

  • Ethno- Ethnic
  • Music- vocal or instrumental sounds
  • Ology- the study of a specific topic

Ethnomusicology is the study of ethnic (cultural) music. Another term for ethnomusicology is World Music. Now, it is time to learn about the history of the term ethnomusicology. There is a presentation on What is World Music. Present the PDF and inform the students to follow along. The students are required to complete a fill in the blank worksheet based on the presentation. 

After the presentation, the students are going to complete a puzzle based on the presentation. Encourage the students to time themselves while completing the puzzle. Encourage the students to post how long it took them to complete the puzzle. If they are uncomfortable with posting their time, they are allowed to send you a direct message. Encourage the students to help each other.

What is World Music Presentation Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
What is World Music Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
World Music Puzzle Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

Students are going to take a few minutes to complete the reflection questions below. Upload your assignment to Google Classroom.

Comment Request:

  • Provide feedback to the student's reflection questions to create an open dialogue.

Reflection Questions:

  • What have I learned so far?
  • Did you give your best effort on this most recent assignment?
  • What class activities or assignments help you learn the most?


If students need additional time, please allow the time to complete the assignment. Once the students complete their assignments, have the class watch the YouTube video below. This video is laying the foundation for the lessons ahead.

Media embedded September 22, 2020

A Musical Journey - SongLibrary. (2015, April 23). [Video]. YouTube.


  • Allow additional time and provide modifications for students.

African Music


African Music 

Learning Target: I can experience and respond to music of various styles and genres from a variety of world cultures.

I am so excited about our new musical journey. We are going to start our journey to Africa. We are going to start with a video! Watch the video below. At the same time, watching the video tries to find the song's tempo (speed) by clapping along with the drum.

Media embedded September 23, 2020


The video below is our introduction video into African music. In the video, the Kennedy center focuses on the Djembe drum. We are going to learn about learn some brief history of the drum.

Media embedded September 23, 2020

Five(ish) Minute Drum Lesson - African Drumming: Lesson 1: The Djembe. (2012, June 4). [Video]. YouTube.

Ok, let's start the presentation on Africa. During the presentation, complete the African Music worksheet. Always remember the answers are in the presentation, so make sure you are paying attention.

African Music PDF Presentation Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
African Fillable Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

Take some time to watch the video below on the Djembe performance 

Media embedded September 23, 2020

Djembe Solo by Master Drummer: M’Bemba Bangoura. (2011, May 13). [Video]. YouTube.

Update #2:

Take 5-7 minutes to complete the Reflection Questions below. We are going to share our answers with the class.

  • Did recognize the call and response rhythms during the Djembe Solo performance? If so, can you clap the rhythms you recognized? If you can clap the rhythms, can you say the syllables and perform those rhythms in front of the class?
  • What did you learn today?
  • How did you help the class today? How did you hinder the class today? What can you do tomorrow to help other learners more?

Notes to students:

  • Remember the class rules when we are presenting.
  • When you are presenting, make sure you are taking your time
  • Submit your answers and worksheet via Google Drive.


African Music

The class routine is going to take place. The world music lesson should last 20-25 minutes and 10 minutes for the writing component. 

Class Routine (5 minutes)

  • Attendance
  • Check-in routine
  • Welcome Song

Once the class routine is completed, transition the students into the African Music module with the following video. Encourage the students to find the tempo (speed) of the song. You could review the definition of the musical term tempo (speed). If you need a mini-review on tempo, class rhythmic patterns at different speeds to ensure the students understand. Encourage students to try to class the repetitive rhythmic pattern during the video. Remember to inform the students to mute themselves during the video.

Media embedded September 23, 2020


The video below is our introduction video into African music. In the video, the Kennedy center focuses on the Djembe drum. We are going to learn about learn some brief history of the drum. If students have questions about the video, please allow time to have a class discussion about their questions. This might limit time for assignments. Assignments can be completed, and the module can be adjusted as well carry along.

Media embedded September 23, 2020

Five(ish) Minute Drum Lesson - African Drumming: Lesson 1: The Djembe. (2012, June 4). [Video]. YouTube.

Present the African Music PowerPoint. During the presentation, the students will complete the African Music worksheet. The answers are in the presentation. The students have access to the presentation, as well.

African Music Presentation Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
African Music Fillable Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

After the presentation show the video below to the students. This video is about the Djembe Drum. 

Media embedded September 23, 2020

Djembe Solo by Master Drummer: M’Bemba Bangoura. (2011, May 13). [Video]. YouTube.

Inform the students to take 5-7 minutes to complete the Reflection Questions below. The students are going to share our answers with the class.

  • Did recognize the call and response rhythms during the Djembe Solo performance? If so, can you clap the rhythms you recognized? If you can clap the rhythms, can you say the syllables and perform those rhythms in front of the class?
  • What did you learn today?
  • How did you help the class today? How did you hinder the class today? What can you do tomorrow to help other learners more?

Comment Request:

  • Provide feedback to the student's reflection questions to create an open dialogue.

Notes to students:

  • Remember the class rules when we are presenting.
  • When you are presenting, make sure you are taking your time
  • Submit your answers and worksheet via Google Drive.

Note to teacher:

  • Allow additional time and provide modifications for students.

Indonesian Music


Indonesian Music

  • I can experience and respond to music of various styles and genres from a variety of world cultures
  • I can experience, recognize, identify, and explain aspects of musical rhythm(s)

Review Questions: We are going to share our answers via vocally or in the chat. When I call your name, please be prepared. Thank you!

  • What world music did we learn about last week? 
  • Can you name the instruments?
  • What is the meaning of Ethnomusicology?

Today we are going to learn about Indonesian Music. We are going to start with a video. While watching the video, take note of the instruments. Do the instrument look familiar? Does the instrument sound different based on what we are used to hearing?

Media embedded September 23, 2020

Gamelan recorded in Peliatan Bali Indonesia in 1985. (2018, October 11). [Video]. YouTube.

Ok, let's share our answers in the chatroom. 

Now, we are going to start the presentation. During the presentation, complete the Indonesian Music worksheet. Always remember the answers are in the presentation, so make sure you are paying attention.

Indonesian Music PDF Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Indonesian Music Fillable Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Indonesian Music Puzzle Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

Now that we have gained some knowledge about Gamelan music, watch the video below and reflect on our performances. Can you recognize some of the main components of the music that we learned during the presentation?

Media embedded September 23, 2020

Balinese Gamelan Angklung. (2017, December 12). [Video]. YouTube.

Update #3:

Reflection Questions: Share your answer in the chatroom. Select one peer to respond to their answers for each question. 

  • What made you curious today?
  • Reflect on our music performances, state two (2) the differences and similarities.
  • Can you find the tempo in this performance? If so, what is the tempo?

Peer response rubric. 

Peer Response Rubric


  • Research 3-5 fun facts about Chinese music and culture. Be prepared to present your fun facts during class next week. You are welcome to create a video presenting your fun facts.


Indonesian Music

The class routine is going to take place. The world music lesson should last 20-25 minutes and 10 minutes for the writing component.

Class Routine (5 minutes)

  • Attendance
  • Check-in routine
  • Welcome Song

Start with review questions. The students are allowed to share their answers via vocally or in the chat. When you call the student's name, please inform them to be prepared.

  • What world music did we learn about last week?
  • Can you name the instruments?
  • What is the meaning of Ethnomusicology?

The students are going to learn about Indonesian Music. They are going to start with a video, and at the same time, watching the video inform the students to take note of the instruments. Do the instrument look familiar? Does the instrument sound different based on what we are used to hearing? The instruments should look familiar to the students based on our previous music classes. The students have had several performances with Orff instruments. The instruments will sound different from the students. Indonesian Music is note based on Western tonality, so the sound is different.

The students will share their answers in the chatroom. You can select a student to monitor the chatroom for you. The student can read the answers out loud.

Media embedded September 23, 2020

Present the Indonesian Music PowerPoint. During the presentation, the students will complete the Indonesian Music worksheet. The answers are in the presentation. The students have access to the presentation, as well. Inform the students to complete the fillable fun fact worksheet.

Indonesian Presentation Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Indonesian Fillable Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Indonesian Puzzle Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

Now that we have gained some knowledge about Gamelan music, watch the video below and reflect on our performances. Can you recognize some of the main components of the music that we learned during the presentation?

Media embedded September 23, 2020

Balinese Gamelan Angklung. (2017, December 12). [Video]. YouTube.

Prompt the students to answer the reflection questions. The students will share their answers in the chatroom. The students will select one (1)  peer to respond to their answers for each question.

  • What made you curious today?
  • Reflect on our music performances, state two (2) the differences and similarities.
  • Can you find the tempo in this performance? If so, what is the tempo?

Comment Request:

  • Provide feedback to the student's reflection questions to create an open dialogue.

Peer response rubric.

Peer Response Rubric


  • Research 3-5 fun facts about Chinese music and culture. Be prepared to present your fun facts during class next week. You are welcome to create a video presenting your fun facts.


  • The students will present their facts the following week. 
  • Allow additional time and provide modifications for students.

Advanced students:

  • They can provide more facts about culture and music. The students can do research on specific instruments, specific artist and their performances. 

Chinese Music


Chinese Music

Learning Targets:

  • I can respond to musical experiences and create movement, using developmentally appropriate movement and dramatization.
  • I can experience and respond to music of various styles and genres from a variety of world cultures
  • I can experience, recognize, identify, and explain aspects of musical rhythm(s)


Review Questions: We are going to share our answers via vocally or in the chat. When I call your name please be prepared. Thank you!

  • What world music did we learn about last week?
  • Can you name the instruments?
  • Can you name some characteristics of Indonesian Music?
  • Present your 3-5 fun facts about Chinese Music and/or Culture.

We are going to start today's lesson with a video. While watching the video, note all of the instruments, the musician's body language, and the song's energy. How does this song make you feel? If you like, get up and dance to the music. Observe your movement. What instrument are you imitating?

Media embedded September 23, 2020

RNZ Music: Hui-Ran Wang – Yi Dance. (2017, February 15). [Video]. YouTube.

Today we are going to learn about Chinese Music. We are going to start our presentation. During the presentation, complete the Chinese Music worksheet. Always remember the answers are in the presentation, so make sure you are paying attention.

Chinese Music PDF Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Chinese Music Fillable Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Chinese Music Puzzle Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

Update #4:

Reflection Questions: Share your answer in the chatroom. Select one peer to respond to their answers for each question.

  • What new information have you learned from today's class?
  • Use the worksheet below to compare and contrast Indonesian Music to Chinese Music. 
  • Add any additional information you would like to share about today's topic.
Compare and Contrast Worksheet
Peer Response Rubric


Create a 30 seconds-1 minute video performing quarter notes, 8th notes, and 16th notes utilizing the Tabla syllables. You can be free with your composition. Submit your work via Google Drive. 


Chinese Music

The class routine is going to take place. The world music lesson should last 20-25 minutes and 10 minutes for the writing component.

Class Routine (5 minutes)

  • Attendance
  • Check-in routine
  • Welcome Song

Start with review questions. The students are allowed to share their answers via vocally or in the chat. When you call the students name please inform them be prepared.

  • What world music did we learn about last week?
  • Can you name the instruments?
  • Can you name some characteristics of Indonesian Music?
  • Present your 3-5 fun facts about Chinese Music and/or Culture.

We are going to start today's lesson with a video. While watching the video inform the students to take note of all of the instruments, the musician's body language, and the song's energy. The students should be aware of non-verbal body language. The students learned about this for our performances. Have the students reflect on how this song make them feel? Encourage the students to get up and dance to the music. Have the students observe your movement. What instrument are they imitating? The students can move their hands while listening to the music. They students can use a scarf or fabric to express movemement as well.

Media embedded September 23, 2020

RNZ Music: Hui-Ran Wang – Yi Dance. (2017, February 15). [Video]. YouTube.

Present the Chinese Music PowerPoint. During the presentation the students will complete the Chinese Music worksheet. The answers are in the presentation. The students have access to the presentation as well. Inform the students to complete the fillable fun fact worksheet.

Chinese Music Presentation Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Chinese Music Fillable Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Chinese Music Puzzle Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

Prompt the students to answer the reflection questions. The students will share their answers in the chatroom. The students will select one (1) peer to respond to their answers for each question.

  • What new information have you learned from today's class?
  • Use the worksheet below to compare and contrast Indonesian Music to Chinese Music.
  • Add any additional information you would like to share about today's topic.
Compare and Contrast Worksheet
Peer Response Worksheet


  • Create a 30 seconds-1 minute video performing quarter notes, 8th notes, and 16th notes utilizing the Tabla syllables. You can be free with your composition. Submit your work via Google Drive.
  • Advance: 1-2 minute video.

Comment Request:

  • Provide feedback to the student's reflection questions to create an open dialogue.


  • The students will present their facts the following week.
  • Allow additional time and provide modifications for students.

Indian Music


Indian Music

Learning Targets:

  • I can experience and respond to music of various styles and genres from a variety of world cultures
  • I can experience, recognize, identify, and explain aspects of musical rhythm(s)


Review Questions: We are going to share our answers via vocally or in the chat. When I call your name, please be prepared. Thank you!

  • What world music did we learn about last week?
  • Can you name the instruments?
  • Can you name some characteristics of Chinese Music?

Watch the below and identify the instruments. If you are unsure of their traditional names, list the Western name for the instrument.

Media embedded September 23, 2020

Best Flute by Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia. (2018, June 18). [Video]. YouTube.

Today we are going to learn about Indian Music. We are going to start with our PowerPoi. During the presentation, complete the Indian Music worksheet. Always remember the answers are in the presentation, so make sure you are paying attention.

Indian Music PDF Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Indian Music Fillable Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Indian Music Puzzle Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

Update #5: Reflection Questions: Share your answer in the chatroom. 

  • Use the worksheet below to compare and contrast Indonesian Music to Indian Music.
  • Use the worksheet below to compare and contrast African Music to Chinese Music.
  • Add any additional information you would like to share about today's topic.
Compare and Contrast Worksheet



Indian Music

The class routine is going to take place. The world music lesson should last 20-25 minutes and 10 minutes for the writing component.

Class Routine (5 minutes)

  • Attendance
  • Check-in routine
  • Welcome Song

Start with review questions. The students are allowed to share their answers via vocally or in the chat. When you call the students name please inform them be prepared.

  • What world music did we learn about last week?
  • Can you name the instruments?
  • Can you name some characteristics of Chinese Music?

Inform the students to watch the below and identify the instruments. If they are unsure of the instruments traditional names, list the Western name for the instrument.

Media embedded September 23, 2020

Best Flute by Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia. (2018, June 18). [Video]. YouTube.

Present the Chinese Music PowerPoint. During the presentation the students will complete the Chinese Music worksheet. The answers are in the presentation. The students have access to the presentation as well. Inform the students to complete the fillable fun fact worksheet.

Indian Music Presentation Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Indian Music Fillable Worksheet Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.
Indian Music Puzzle Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

Prompt the students to answer the reflection questions. The students will share their answers in the chatroom. The students will select one (1) peer to respond to their answers for each questions.

  • Use the worksheet below to compare and contrast Indonesian Music to Indian Music.
  • Use the worksheet below to compare and contrast African Music to Chinese Music.
  • Add any additional information you would like to share about today's topic.
Compare and Contrast Worksheet

Comment Request:

  • Provide feedback to the student's reflection questions to create an open dialogue.



Welcome to Presentation Day!!

Learning Targets:

  • I can respond to musical experiences and create movement, using developmentally appropriate movement and dramatization.
  • I can experience and respond to music of various styles and genres from a variety of world cultures
  • I can experience, recognize, identify, and explain aspects of musical rhythm(s)

Update #6: 

We have learned so much about multiple cultures. Now it is your turn to do some research on World Music.

Prepare for your presentation on world music. You can select any country or continent. Select a genre of music and create a PowerPoint presentation. You are welcomed to use the format of our class presentations. You can be creative and provide an inspired performance of yourself. You can include family and friends in the presentation. Add in prompts with items around the house.

Presentation Checklist:

  • Identify the genre of music
  • Explain why you picked this genre of music (make personal connections if applicable)
  • Provide images of the country or continent
  • Identify instruments (provide images)
  • Provide 3-4 historical factors about the music
  • Provide at least one (1) video

Your presentation is due next week, but we will use class time to share ideas. Before music class is over today, my goal is to ensure that everyone has their genre and feel confident about their presentation. Let's Rock it Out!

Attached is the presentation rubric

Oral Presentation Rubric



Welcome to Presentation Day!!
We have learned so much about multiple cultures. Now it is your turn to do some research on World Music.

Prepare for your presentation on world music. You can select any country or continent. Select a genre of music and create a PowerPoint presentation. You are welcomed to use the format of our class presentations. You can be creative and provide an inspired performance of yourself. You can include family and friends in the presentation. Add in prompts with items around the house.

Presentation Checklist:

  • Identify the genre of music
  • Explain why you picked this genre of music (make personal connections if applicable)
  • Provide images of the country or continent
  • Identify instruments (provide images)
  • Provide 3-4 historical factors about the music
  • Provide at least one (1) video

Your presentation is due next week, but we will use class time to share ideas. Before music class is over today, my goal is to ensure that everyone has their genre and feel confident about their presentation. Let's Rock it Out!

Comment Request:

  • Provide feedback to the student's reflection questions to create an open dialogue and prepare the students for their performance.
  • Review Rubric with students, so they are aware of all components. 

Attached is the presentation rubric

Oral Presentation Rubric



National Association for Music Education. (2014, November 5). 2014 Music Standards. NAfME.

Kristin, V. A. P. B. (2019, January 3). Taking KWL Charts Up a Notch: Encouraging Wonder, Curiosity, and Reflection Throughout Any Unit. Elementary Inquiry.

DANCE MONKEY Body Percussion. (2020, August 3). [Video]. YouTube.

4th Grade / Grading System. (n.d.). Park Meadow Elementary School.

Fun Music Company. (2019, July 5). The Fun Music Company - Resources for Music Education. Https://Funmusicco.Com.

A Musical Journey - SongLibrary. (2015, April 23). [Video]. YouTube.


Five(ish) Minute Drum Lesson - African Drumming: Lesson 1: The Djembe. (2012, June 4). [Video]. YouTube.

RNZ Music: Hui-Ran Wang – Yi Dance. (2017, February 15). [Video]. YouTube.

Best Flute by Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia. (2018, June 18). [Video]. YouTube.

Djembe Solo by Master Drummer: M’Bemba Bangoura. (2011, May 13). [Video]. YouTube.

Gamelan recorded in Peliatan Bali Indonesia in 1985. (2018, October 11). [Video]. YouTube.

Balinese Gamelan Angklung. (2017, December 12). [Video]. YouTube.