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Critiquing Artwork

Learning Module


This modularized content will introduce students to critiquing artwork, understanding their critical voice, and composing an exhibition of personal and professional artwork with connected themes.


Art, Critique, Critical Voice, Art Education, High School

In this module students will develop an understanding of how to critique works of art by applying a historical understanding of what makes art “good” and utilizing their own cultural experiences to apply meaning to artworks. Students will participate in group discussions while completing work of their own with a final peer reviewed museum style critique of a work of art. Students participating in this module should be at the high school level, grades 9 – 12, and at least one semester of an art class at this level. All units are scaffolded to build on prior knowledge and new knowledge.

My background with the creation of this module includes five years of teaching experience at the high school level. I have taught art classes that range from painting, drawing, photography, cinematography, and introduction level courses. I have never developed an entire unit dedicated to critique, instead just incorporating many of these ideas throughout a school year. I believe this learning module will help me better understand the process of how students of all different leaning styles learn how to critique art.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Learning standards are taken from the National Core Standards for Art and learning objectives are designed around those standards.

Student Outcomes

Students Will…

  • Investigate methods of critiquing works of art
  • Critique works of art utilizing techniques from this learning module
  • Apply their own experiences to the understanding of a work of art
  • Participate in a group critique utilizing new media
  • Develop their own rubric for critique
  • Create a peer reviewed investigation of an artwork


All learning objectives will be applied to individual modules in conjunction with the National Core Standards for Art. 

Instructor Objectives

The following are the National Core Standards for Art that will be utilized in this unit. 

Anchor Standard #4. Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation.

Anchor Standard #6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

Anchor Standard #7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.

Anchor Standard #8. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

Anchor Standard #9. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

Anchor Standard #11. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.


For more information, feel free to visit the following website.

Update 1

For the Learner

Before beginning the module, I would like you to complete the following survey. The survey is there to determine what prior knowledge or experience you may have before starting this module. The data gathered will be used to influence the class in the future as I will be able to alter parts of the instruction.

Here is the LINK.

Once you have completed the survey, I would like you to watch the following video. The video goes into extreme depth to help you, the viewer, understand what they are looking at when you see the painting. The painting in question is The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David painted in 1787.

Media embedded July 19, 2020

(Nerdwriter1, 2015)

That was intense, right? From that video you can see how much meaning there can be in a work of art. How some seemingly insignificant details can mean so much. This unit will introduce you to a few videos to help understand what critiquing artwork is, and how we can expand on what we have to say about artwork.

Choose any two of the following videos to watch to respond to the discussion at the end. All videos discuss how to critique artwork in various ways.

Media embedded July 19, 2020

(The Art Assignment. 2014)

Media embedded July 19, 2020

(Rutten, 2017)

Media embedded July 19, 2020

(Art, 2017)

Media embedded July 19, 2020

(Mandersart, 2019)

Once you have watched at least two of the following videos, I want you complete your first assignment. For this assignment, I want you post an update describing three things you have learned from the videos, three things you will utilize in future critiques, and a photo of your favorite piece of art. Each post should be at least 200 words. After you post, respond to five other students’ posts by attempting to critique their image posted. Don’t be afraid to respond to other students in order to develop a conversation!

You will have one week to complete your posts. 

For the Instructor

This unit is intended to adhere to the following standard

  • Anchor Standard #6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

The outcome is for students to understand how meaning is conveyed through artwork and explore the learned concepts through practice.

When begenning the module, make sure you understand your role as an educator. Here is a good video that covers the responsibilities of being an educator. 

Media embedded July 29, 2020

(Education at Illinois, 2017)

As the instructor, you will need to help facilitate dialogue and help with any technical questions or problems that may arise. Students will have one week to complete the assignment. As far as grading, you will need to check wordcounts and if postings adhere to the outlined requirements. Each units individual postings are 10% of the modules grade, with the final peer reviewed peice worth the remaining 40%. 

Update 2

For the Learner

Now that we have a little practice and a basic understanding of critiquing, our next step is to dive further into that understanding with more practice. In this unit, you will participate in a group critique of an image then watch a video after you have participated in the critique to understand more background information on the image.

The image you will be critiquing is by Frida Kahlo/ For your critique, I want you to utilize the techniques you learned from the previous modules. In at least 150 words I want you to discuss the image. After you post your initial thoughts, I want you to respond to five other students’ posts. Interact with their ideas or thoughts to develop a conversation of the critique of the image. You will have two days to complete this portion of the assignment. You must complete this assignment before moving on to the next section of the unit.

(The Two Fridas, 1939)

Once you have completed the initial critique of the image, I want you to watch the following video.

Media embedded July 19, 2020

(The Art Assignment, 2020)

After watching the video, you will write a 300-word update on how your thoughts have changed after watching the video. Discuss how your initial interpretation is different from or similar to your newfound knowledge. You will have five days to complete this portion of the unit.

For the Instructor

This unit is intended to adhere to the following standard.

Anchor Standard #7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.

Anchor Standard #8. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

Anchor Standard #11. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.

The outcome is for students to understand how the interpretation of an artwork can change with background knowledge on the artist, culture, or society the selected artwork was created in. Students should be prompted into exploring deeper into the meaning of and context of what art they are looking at. 

As the instructor you will need to make sure students stay on task in their writings by providing feedback on their responses and helping the dialogue continue. The following link can be used as a resource to use reminding and reinforcing language when chatting with students.

Each units individual postings are 10% of the modules grade, with the final peer reviewed peice worth the remaining 40%.

Update 3

For the Learner

With a good amount of practice understanding meaning behind artwork and applying your own interpretations our next goal is to get used to being uncomfortable. What I mean by that is putting out own work out there for display and being okay with it. As an artist, you will be uncomfortable sharing your work at times, especially when you do not think it is great. This unit is designed to help us understand why we feel that way and help us get over it.

The following video will discuss what your critical voice is, where it comes from, and how to overcome it.

Media embedded July 25, 2020

(PsychAlive. 2014)

When creating artwork, we often have thoughts that disrupt the flow and cause us to second or even third guess our decisions. With that inner dialogue attempting to sabotage our creations we need to understand where it is coming from and why. My advice for you as a developing artist is to befriend that voice and question it. Ask why something may not look good, or what can you do in order to improve your work. The critical voice is not a bad thing if you can understand what it wants. To practice a conversation with your critical voice, I want you to find a work of art you created that you are not particularly happy with. Why aren’t you happy? What is wrong with the work? What could be better? These are questions to ask yourself and see why you are not happy with it.


After working with your critical voice by becoming more familiar with your thinking process, you will watch this Ted Talk. This video discusses how to own your mistakes to find success.

Media embedded July 25, 2020

(Tedx Talks, 2017)

The biggest takeaway from this video for me is that in order to find success, you need to understand failure. That is not an excuse to purposely fail, but to own up to a project or work that does not quite hit the mark. Experiencing failure is the best way to learn and improve. Failure in art requires you to be in an uncomfortable situation by presenting your work and receiving criticism.

To end this unit, I want you to share an image of that artwork you thought of earlier and post a minimum of 200 words describing why you think of it as a failure. Utilizing your critical voice dialogue to drive this posting, I want you to feel okay putting those thoughts out there. After posting, you will need to respond to five classmates’ posts. In those responses analyze their work and thoughts and discuss why they are valid or not. Is your classmate too critical of themselves? Can you provide any resources to help them with the concept or technique they are struggling with? Be helpful and respectful because this unit can be tough for some. You will have 5 days to complete this section.

For the Instructor

This unit is intended to adhere to the following standard.

Anchor Standard #4. Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Anchor Standard #6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

The outcome is for students to think critically about work they are selecting to present to their peers by analyzing it in more detail than they may have while creating it. The experience will help them become more comfortable with sharing work and providing thoughtful criticism in the future.

As the instructor you will need to be there to support students, because some may be totally uncomfortable with this unit. Be there to help talk them through the process and reinforce that this is a positive experience for their artistic journey. Below is a video to help you understand and be comfortable when helping with emotions. 

Media embedded July 29, 2020

(TED, 2015)

Also, be sure to make sure conversations are on topic and provide feedback through dialogue on posts. Each units individual postings are 10% of the modules grade, with the final peer reviewed peice worth the remaining 40%.

Update 4

For the Learner

The next three units are designed to work in tandem to create a larger project. The project you will be creating is a digitally curated exhibit. This exhibit will include some of your own work combined with work from other notable artists that relate to an overarching idea. The following video discusses how to curate an exhibition.

Media embedded July 25, 2020

(Curating an Exhibition, 2017)

After watching this video, I want you to think about what artworks of your own you would want to include in your own exhibition. Other than being created by you, how do they relate to another?

Post 5 images of your work that you would want to include in your exhibition with no context or explanation. After posting, you will need to comment on 5 other postings to try to interpret what the theme is and suggest notable artists for them to connect to. Each comment should be at least 150 words. Be sure to utilize your previous experience from the other units to facilitate a constructive dialogue! You will have 5 days to complete this section.

For the Instructor

This unit is intended to adhere to the following standards.

Anchor Standard #4. Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Anchor Standard #6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

Anchor Standard #8. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

Anchor Standard #9. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

The outcome is for students to think about the relation between works of art and connect that to other works of art they have seen or artists they know about. This practice will help students share experiences, interpret artwork, and investigate artists they may not have ever heard about.

As the instructor, you will need make sure students are meeting posting requirements, and provide dialogue where needed to help students stay on task. Each units individual postings are 10% of the modules grade, with the final peer reviewed peice worth the remaining 40%.

Update 5

For the Learner

After reviewing the responses to your posting, I want you to investigate the artists recommended by your peers. Some may be new to you, ones you already considered, or even ones you already ruled out. Either way, investigate the reasoning behind why they were suggested and see if it relates to your grand idea.

Once you have investigated all the suggestions, compile a total of 10 images (5 of your own. 5 of other artists) for your exhibition. With those 10 images in mind, I want you to draft an artist statement connecting why you chose those images and how the relate to the greater theme you have in mind. The following video goes into detail on how to draft an artist statement.

Media embedded July 25, 2020

(Prof, 2019)

The video is long, but there is a plethora of important information in there. Sit through it, take notes if needed and use the information to craft your own statement. Your statement should be at least 400 words and written in APA formatting. The following link will be helpful for following APA guidelines.



You will have 3 days to complete your statement. After your statement is completed and submitted, you will peer review 2 of your classmates’ statements. Your peer review will be following the guidelines on the attached rubric. You will have 3 days to complete the peer review.



For the Instructor

This unit is intended to adhere to the following standards.

Anchor Standard #4. Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Anchor Standard #6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

Anchor Standard #7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.

Anchor Standard #8. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

Anchor Standard #9. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

The outcome is for students connect their works to notable artists and experience a peer review process. The process goes hand in hand with unit 3 of accepting criticism, being okay with failure, and finding success.

As the instructor you will need to assess students on their submitted feedback. Their feedback should meet the requirements of the following rubric. You will also need to help assist students with any questions that may arise in the process. Each units individual postings are 10% of the modules grade, with the final peer reviewed peice worth the remaining 40%.

Yes No Concept: did the student do the following
    Complete the rubric for peers
    Provide constructive feedback 
    Complete in a timely manner


Update 6

For the Learner

Time to put everything together! Now that you have received peer feedback on your statements and gathered all your information/images. You will need to compose a cohesive document with the images, and your statement. This will be your digital exhibition! There are a few guidelines to meet though.

  • The document will begin with your artist statement
  • Following the artist statement, you will include one of your selected images with a brief caption describing it.
  • The description can be as detailed as you want, just make sure your theme is connected in the description.
  • This image will be followed by another with a description for that one.
  • This process will continue until you have included all of your images.

You will have 5 days to finish the document and submit it. Once all are submitted, you critique 3 other projects in at least 200-word statements. Think about the connections made and themes followed. Be clear, concise, and critical. You will have 3 days to complete this portion. When finished, you will be finished with this module. Congratulations on going though the hard work to be a better critic!

For the Instructor

This unit is intended to adhere to the following standards.

Anchor Standard #4. Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Anchor Standard #6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

Anchor Standard #7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.

Anchor Standard #8. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

Anchor Standard #9. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work

Anchor Standard #11. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.

The outcome is for students to compose a total exhibition with connected ideas and meanings within selected artworks. Meaning will be explained in definitions or statements.

As the instructor, you will need to make sure students adhere to the outlined expectations of the unit.Each units individual postings are 10% of the modules grade, with the final peer reviewed peice worth the remaining 40%.


art. (2017). How to do visual (formal) analysis in art history. In YouTube.

The Art Assignment. (2014). How to Critique | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

The Art Assignment. (2020). What this painting tells us about Frida Kahlo. In YouTube.

Curating an Exhibition. (2017). [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Education at Illinois. (2017). The Responsibilities of Educators [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

mandersart. (2013). Feldman’s 4 Steps to Art Criticism [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Nerdwriter1. (2015). The Death of Socrates: How To Read A Painting [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Prof, A. (2019). Art Professor Explains How to Write an Artist Statement [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

PsychAlive. (2014). The Critical Inner Voice - Whiteboard Animation [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Rutten, A. (2017). How to Give a Proper Art Critique [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

TED. (2015). How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch. In YouTube.

TEDx Talks. (2017). Own your mistakes | Cristel Carrisi | TEDxZagreb [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

‌The Two Fridas, 1939 by Frida Kahlo. (2009). Henri Matisse.