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Icon for Creating an Individual Workout During a Pandemic

Creating an Individual Workout During a Pandemic

Learning Module


It is extremely hard to stay active during a stay at home order. Especially in the winter with many gyms and fitness centers being closed with state mitigations. It is important to know what muscles someone needs to work and what goals each individual has. This learning module will teach about the different muscle groups along with how to create a workout plan that can be individualized for any person.


Collaboration, Exercise, Workout, FlipGrid, Muscles


This learning module will help high school students learn how to isolate, or use specific, muscles using exercises that can be done at home. The students will then create a peer- reviewed individualized exercise plan that is based off their specific goals. This module can be used for anyone high school and up that is interested in being able to exercise at home.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has created many obstacles for people to change from their daily routines. Exercise is one thing that people have been lacking because either of time, health, or social distancing mitigations. People have been stress eating along with not staying with their exercises routines which dietitians and fitness trainers have labeled the "COVID-20" or the weight gain during the pandemic (Daswani, 2020). This module will help high school students and adults of any age design a workout that can work for them in any space they have available. I have taught High School Physical Education for the past 10 years and this has been a very difficult time for our profession and getting our students engaged. Teachers have had to get creative to create exercises that can be done anywhere as not everyone has the same amount of space in their homes. This module was modified from another unit of students creating their own workout or exercise plan to work for exercising during a pandemic in the winter where outside or a gym may not be an option.

This module can be used in multiple Learning Management Systems. I will use it in Google Classroom for my high school students along with creating it in CG Scholar. The module will cover all of the key e-Affordances introduced in this video. 

Media embedded November 14, 2020

Cope, B., & Education at Illinois. (2014, March 3). What's the Use of Technology in Learning? Introducing Seven e-Affordances. YouTube.

This learning module will include a collaboritive peer reviewed project that will be completed at the end. The 7 affordances are used to help develop this project in its completion.

  1. Metacognition- Students will think about their individual goals and their own environment to create a final work out plan that works for them
  2. Differentiated Learning- Students will use the information and create a project that is unique to them with their own abilities, goals, and environment.
  3. Ubiquitous Learning- Students will be able to complete the module any time, any place and also be able to do their work out plan at any time, any place.
  4. Active Knowledge Making- Students will create their own goals and create a work out plan that has meaning for them as an individual
  5. Multimodal Meaning- Students will create a video of a few of their exercises and use pictures to demonstrate other exercises for their project.
  6. Recursive Feedback. Students will be sharing ideas throughout the module for what does and doesnt work for different aspects of exercise getting feedback from both peers and the teacher
  7. Collaborative Intelligence- Students will be collaborating throughout the module to share creative ideas for exercise and the peer review project will provide even more collaboration.




Students will be assessed by their collaboration during the learning module with both comments and updates. If not using CG Scholar the students will be graded with formative assessment to check in after each section of the module. The summative assessment will be in the form of the peer-review project and the post-survey

  • 10 Points (50 points total) Each comment will be worth 10 points. The comment must be at least 50 words and be on the correct topic to get the full 10 points
  • 10 points (50 points total) Each Update will be 10 points. The update must be at least 200 words and be on the correct topic AND be cited to get the full 10 points
  • 50 Points for the peer- reviewed individual exercise plan.
  • 50 Points for the Post-Survey

200 total points for this module.

This is set up like a standards based grading class so that all assignments are equal in grade weight, so that a student can still do well in the module even if they struggle with showing mastery in one aspect of the module.

Intended Learning Outcomes

For the Student

The number one goal for a physical education student is to find an activity that they can enjoy and stay active for a long time. Being physically active during a pandemic has some difficulties, especially as the the weather turns colder. These learning goals will help a high school student be able to stay physically active even under a stay-at-home order, while under isolation, or under quarantine:

  1. Identify muslces of the upper body
  2. Identify muscles of the core
  3. Identify muscles of the lower body
  4. Perform correct exercies for specific muscle groups
  5. Perform cardiovascular exercises
  6. Create goals for their individual exercise plans
  7. Create an individualized exercise plan.

Module Duration: 10 days (5-10 hours). This is designed to work for 30 minutes of learning per day.

For the Teacher

Remote learning has been very diffcult for Physical Education teachers to help meet all standards set for Physical Development and Health. Every student does not have access to the same equipment or space. There are some standards that can still be met for high school students in this remote learning environment (Illinois State Board of Education, 2017):

  • 19.A.5b Participate daily in moderate to vigorous physical activity while performing movement patterns in a variety of activities.
  • 20.A.5a Implement an individualized healthrelated fitness plan which includes the principles of training.
  • 20.A.5b Develop and implement various types of fitness training programs (e.g., circuit, cross and interval training) and describe the characteristics, implications and benefits of each.
  • 20.C.5a Set realistic, long-term, healthrelated fitness goals based on individual profiles.

Upper Body Muscles and Exercises

For the Student

Before we begin, Please fill out this Pre-Survey.

There are over 600 muscles in the human body. We will focus on the major muscles groups and how to isolate those muscles for both exercises with equipment and exercises without equipment. We will have a peer review project that has you create an exercise program for youself that has exercises in it that isolates different muslce groups. Some muscles are a lot harder to isolate than others without equipment. Please refer to Figure 1 below to reference the muscles group we are referring to.

Figure 1:

doctorlib. (2020). Figure 3.4 Major muscles of the upper extremities: (a) front view; (b) back view. Deeper muscles are shown o...: Human body anatomy, Body anatomy, Muscle anatomy. Pinterest.

The main muscle groups we will be talking about are the Pectoralis Major, Trapezius, Biceps Brachii, Deltoid, Triceps Brachii, and Latissimus Dorsi.

Pectoralis Major

The pectoralis major is the big chest muscles. This is one of the easiest muscles to isolate without using any equipment. Pushups are probably the easiest exercies to do to isolate the pectoralis major.

Media embedded November 16, 2020

BullyJuice. (2019, June 14). 5 MINUTE CHEST WORKOUT(NO EQUIPMENT). YouTube.

Although Push-Ups themselves can get repetitive, adding a variety of different types can keep you motivated. The wider the push-up the more isolated the pectoralis is. The narrower the push-up the more tricep brachii is isolated. Here is a list of exercises for the pectoralis major if weight lifting equipment is available.


The trapezius is the large neck muscle that runs down the middle of your back, It is another very easy muscle to isolate with different exercises. Shoulder shrugs (brining your shoulders up towards your ears) are very popular to work your trapezius. This video has some unique ways to work your trapezius with just your body weight

Media embedded November 17, 2020

Anabolic Aliens. (2017, October 21). Intense 5 Minute At Home Trap Workout. YouTube.

Shrugs can also be added to then end of other exercises like deadlifts or any pulling exercise. Here is a list of exercises to engage the trapezius if weight lifting equipment is available.

Biceps Brachii

The biceps bracii is the muscle on the anterior(front) of your upper arm. This muscle is best isolated when doing bicep curls. This can be challenging as dumbbells or dumbbells are not regularly available in most households. You can find some other household item to use as resistance (weight) or use some exercises in the video below:

Media embedded November 17, 2020

Anabolic Aliens. (2018, February 12). Intense 5 Minute At Home Bicep Workout #2. YouTube.

The biceps brachii are involved in most pulling exercises or any activity that requires pulling. You can isolate the biceps more by facing your palms toward you when doing an exercies. So if doing pull ups you can face your palms of your hands toward you changing the exercise to a chin-up and isolating the biceps brachii. You can also use this list of exercises if you have access to weight lifting equipment at home.


The deltoid is your big shoulder muscle. It has 3 distict parts that have different exercises to work them. There is an anterior(front), intermediate (middle), and posterior(back). One common exercise that is done for the deltoid is front raises. This only works the anterior portion. The best deltoid exercise are ones that hit all three parts of the deltoid. This list of exercises including the Callahan and Arnold presses hit all three parts of the deltoid. This video has some great examples of deltoid exercises that can be done without weightlifting equipment:

Media embedded November 17, 2020

BullyJuice. (2019, June 28). 5 MINUTE SHOULDER WORKOUT(NO EQUIPMENT). YouTube.

Triceps Bracii

The triceps bracii is the muscle on the posterior(back) of the upper arm. This muscle is best isolated when doing close grip push ups or tricep dips. Many tricep exercises can be dones without any equipment as seen in this video: 

Media embedded November 17, 2020

Ashton Fitness. (2020, March 28). 8 Home Tricep Exercises for Beginners — NO EQUIPMENT (Workout Routine). YouTube.

The triceps bracii is involved in pushing exercises or any activity that involves pushing. You can isolate your triceps brachii more with a push- up or bench by bringing your hands closer together. Here is a list of exercises for your triceps brachii that can be done if weight lifting equipment is available.

Latissimus Dorsi

Your latissimus dorsi is your big back muscle. It is one muscle that can be very difficult to isolate without any equipment. One of the most common exercises used to isolate the latissimus dorsi is pull-ups or lat pull-downs, but both are with equipment. The video below shows some exercises that can be done without equipment:

Media embedded November 17, 2020

ATHLEAN-X. (2016, February 25). Bodyweight Back Workout (NO PULLUP BAR!). YouTube.

The latissimus dorsi, like the biceps brachii, is utilized in pulling exercies or activities. When doing pulling exercises, keeping your palms facing away will help isolate the latissimus dorsi more. This list of exercises can be done if weight lifting equipment is available.

Comment: Pick a muscle we covered, and then using research and/or use creativity to find a common household item that can be used to give resistance to isolate that muscle or create a modification to the exercise that can be done to make the exercise easier accessible for all ability levels.

Update: Pick a muscle we covered. Create or find 3 new exercises for that muscle, that were not covered, that you can do to work that specific muscle. Explain how to do each exercise. 

For the Teacher

There are many smaller muscles that can be utilized in a workout. These main muscle groups are the focus but some minor adjustments to some exercise can work different muscles. Form is very important to stress with all exercises to makes sure  that exercises are done safely but also targetting the correct muscle groups. Collaboration is key on finding some common household items that can be used to provide resistance. If students are struggling finding some household items one example that you could use is an empty gallon of milk filled with water for bicep curls. It is also important to find modifications for exercises that can still work the same muscle group. Not everyone starts with the same ability levels

Core Muscles and Exercises

For the Student

Most people think of your core as the front of your abdomen. In reality your core muscles are the muscles surrounding your midsection of your body. We will use Figure 2  to locate and identify the muscles we will be isolating of our core:

Figure 2

Stover, M. (2017, April 19). What Is My Core, and Why Is Core Strength Important? Core Connection Studios.

The main muscles we will be focusing on for the core are the rectus abdominis, internal/external obliques and the erector spinae (spinal erectors). These three muscles are the main muscles that surround your midsection. The core is extremely easy to isolate without equipment and the core should be constracted to keep a good posture during all other full body exercises.

Rectus Abdominis

The rectus abdominis is the muslce refered to as abs or the muscle that shows a "six pack". Some of the most common exercises for the rectus abdominis are the plank, crunches, and sit-ups. These are all great exercises but it is important to mix it up as to not get bored or burnt out doing the same exercises. This video shows some different exercises to isolate your rectus abdominis: 

Media embedded November 18, 2020 (2010, March 10). Ab Exercises : Rectus Abdominal Exercises. YouTube.

Although many exercises can be done without weight lifting equipment, here is a list of exercises that can we done with weight lifting equipment. 

Internal/External Obliques

The obliques are the core muscles around the sides of your midsection. One of the common exercises that can be done for isolating the obliques is russian twists. Anything involving a twisting motion of your midsection or bending to your sides would be working your obliques. This video shows some exercises that can isolate your obliques: 

Media embedded November 18, 2020


Your obliques can also be isolated while using weight lifting equipment. Here is a list of exercises that can be done with weight lifting equipment

Erector Spinae

The Erector Spinae(Spinal Erectors) are your lower back muscles of your core. One of the most common exercises is the superman or rocketman. The erector spinae are isolated when their is extension at the hip. For example, the erector spinae is engage when standing up from a bent over position. This video shows some great examples of how to isolate the erector spinae muscles:

Media embedded November 18, 2020

AdventurousBabes. (2013, March 1). Stronger to the Core - Exercises for a Stronger Core Erector Spinae (Back) Part 2 of 2. YouTube.

The erector spinae muslces are often forgotten by many people leading to some lower back problems. It is crucial to remember that your core is just not on the front and sides or your midsection, but also you lower back. Here is a list of exercises that can be done if weight lifting equipment is available.

Comment: Pick a muscle we covered, and then using research and/or use creativity to find a common household item that can be used to give resistance to isolate that muscle  create a modification to the exercise that can be done to make the exercise easier accessible for all ability levels.

Update: Pick a muscle we covered. Create or find 3 new exercises for that muscle, that were not covered, that you can do to work that specific muscle. Explain how to do each exercise. Reflect on how you felt after doing the exercises. Were they challenging enough? Could they be done by multiple ability levels?

For the Teacher

The core is one of the most important muscle groups for any exercise. Keeping a good strong core is essential for executing any type of exercise safely. It is the easiest to work at home as most exercises do not require any equipment so this time during a pandemic is a great time to focus on getting a strong, well balanced core. Once again, collaboration is key on finding some common household items that can be used to provide resistance. It is also important to find modifications for exercises that can still work the same muscle group. Not everyone starts with the same ability levels

Lower Body Muscles and Exercises

For the Student

The lower body is also important. Keeping a good balanced lower body will help a person stay active and moving for a longer healthy life. We will use Figure 3 to locate and identify the muscles of the lower body:

Figure 3

doctorlib. (2020). Pilates Anatomy. Muscles, Movement Analysis, and Mat Work - Pilates Anatomy.

The main muscle groups we will focus on will be the quadriceps, iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius. Although it is difficult to isolate the individual muscles in some of these muscle groups, it is possible to isolate the muscle groups as a group of muscles.


The Quadriceps are the group of four muscles on the anterior(front) of your thigh. The muscle names are the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, and vastus medialis. One of the most common exercises to completely isolate the quadriceps muscles are leg extensions, or extending your leg from a bent knee with resistance. The quadriceps are also used in squats and lunges. This video shows some exercises that can be done at home for the quadriceps: 

Media embedded November 19, 2020

Ford, E. (2020, July 2). 10 MIN AT HOME QUAD WORKOUT | no jumping, no equipment. YouTube.

There are also many exercises that can isolate the quadriceps using weightlifting equipment. Here is a list of exercises.


The iliopsoas (hip flexors) are the muscles that are at your hips. There are two muscles that make up your iliopsoas, the psoas major and the iliacus. The hips and the muscles around the hips are important to keep range of motion so that mobility can continue. One common exercise to isolate the iliopsoas is leg raises. It is also just as important to stretch the iliopsoas using the hip flexor stretch. This video will show some exercies to do to isolate by stretching and strengthening the iliopsoas:

Media embedded November 19, 2020

Bob & Brad. (2017, April 21). Psoas Muscle: Is Yours Tight? Weak? How to Tell. Stretch. Strengthen. YouTube.

Although there are not many heavy weight exercises to strengthen the iliopsoas, here is a list of exercises that can be done to strengthen the hip flexors with weight lifting equment.

Gluteus Maximus

The gluteus maximus is the major muscle of your backside(butt muscle). There are many lower body exercises that work your gluteus maximus. One of the most commonly used exercises is the squat. There are many exercises that can be done at home to work your gluteus maximus.

Media embedded November 19, 2020

Humiston, R. (2020, March 29). Grow Your Glutes AT HOME (NO EQUIPMENT!!). YouTube.

The gluteus maximus is one of the biggest muscles in the body so using weight is important for strengthening the muscle. Here is a list of exercises that can be done with weight lifting equipment to isolate the gluteus maximus muscle.


The hamstrings are a group of 3 muscles on the posterior(back) of your thigh. The 3 muscles are the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. One of the main exercises that are used to isolate the hamstings are hamsting curls, or bending your knee with resistance. The hamstrings are also used in deadlifts. This video shows some hamstring exercises that can be done at home: 

Media embedded November 19, 2020

Criticalbench. (2017, August 11). Best Hamstring Exercises with NO Equipment. YouTube.

The hamstrings are sometimes forgotten and it is important to add exercises into your normal workout routine to strengthen them to prevent injury. Here is a list of exercises that can be done if weight lifting equipment is available. 


The gastrocnemius is the major muscle on the posterior(back) of the lower leg, also known as the calf muscle. One of the most common exercises that can be done to isolate the gastrocnemius is calf raises. Many calf exercises can be done at home without any equipment as shown in this video: 

Media embedded November 19, 2020

eHowFitness. (2013, August 24). Top 5 Calf Exercises Without Weights : Exercises to Build & Tone Muscle. YouTube.

There are also many exercises that can be done to strengthen the gastrocnemius if weight lifting equipment is available. Here is a list of exercises.

Comment: Pick a muscle we covered, and then using research and/or use creativity to find a common household item that can be used to give resistance to isolate that muscle or create a modification to the exercise that can be done to make the exercise easier accessible for all ability levels.

Update: Pick a muscle we covered. Create or find 3 new exercises for that muscle, that were not covered, that you can do to work that specific muscle. Explain how to do each exercise. Reflect on how you felt after doing the exercises. Were they challenging enough? Could they be done by multiple ability levels?

For the Teacher

There are many smaller muscles of the lower body that we did not cover with these major muscle groups. Slight adjustments can be made to exercises to help target or isolate different muscles. As with the other parts of the body and their exercises, correct for is key in order to stay safe and also target the correct muscles for that exercise. Collaboration will be important again here to find some common household items that can be used for weight or resistance to use in these exercises. It is also important to find modifications for exercises that can still work the same muscle group. Not everyone starts with the same ability levels

Cardiovascular Exercises

For the Student

Cardiovascular exercises are also crucial to add into all exercise plans. Cardiovascular exercises are exercises that raise your heart rate and keep you heart rate in your target heart rate zone. Here is a chart of how to find your target heart rate. 

American Heart Association. (2015, January 4). Target Heart Rates Chart.

The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week for adults and at least 60 minutes per day for children (American Heart Association, 2018). Getting your heart rate up to your target heart rate zone can be as easy as working your bigger muscle groups to get the heart pumping or including faster paced activities in your exercises routine. One exercise that is common to increase your heart rate in a smaller space is jumping jacks because they can be done at your own pace and do not require much space.

Media embedded November 19, 2020

MadFit. (2019, June 8). 10 MIN CARDIO WORKOUT AT HOME (Equipment Free). YouTube.

Cardiovascular exercises can be done anywhere. It does not have to be running, jogging, brisk walking, biking or swimming. You also do not need a stationary bike, elliptical, or treadmill at home to get cardiovascular exercises in your workout routine.

Comment: Think of some easy ways to keep track of your heart rate to be sure you are not above or below your target heart rate or create a modification to an exercise that can be done to make the exercise easier accessible for all ability levels.

Update: Research and find a cardiovascular based routine that you would be interested in at home. Explain the basis of it and describe what is involved in the exercise. For example: Insanity by Shaun T. Try the exercise and reflect on how you felt after doing the exercises. Were they challenging enough? Could they be done by multiple ability levels?

For the Teacher

Some students will think that cardiovascular exercises are not as important. Your heart is a muscle also and needs to be worked to maintain a strong and healthy ability. One excuse that is common with cardiovascular exercise as a student does not want to get very sweaty. One suggestion to make is to do the cardiovascular exercise before the student plans to take their shower during the day. They students should collaborate and think of ideas of how to track their heart rate. Not everyone has a cellphone to time or a fitness band to track their current heart rate.

Creating Goals for Exercising

For the Student

It is extremely important to set some goals for your exercise program. In order to provide the best individual plan for yourself, you need to ask the question "What do I want to accomplish with this exercises program?" You can design your program to lose weight, tone up/build endurance, or to build muscle/strength. There may be a situation where you may decide to make a hybrid workout where you want to build strength with your lower body and build endurance with the upper body. You should also take into account how often you will be working out. Will you be going 3, 4, 5, or 6 days a week. Here is how you should develop your exercises plan depending on the goals you have for it.

Losing weight


The main goal for losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. The best way to burn more calories than you consume is to add more cardiovascular exercises to your routine. What you eat is just as important as working out. You should add 5 days a week of cardiovascular exercises to your routine. Within those 5 days there should be 4 days of body weight exercises. You can choose to do 4 days of total body exercises or choose to do 2 days of upper body and 2 days of lower body exercises.

Tone Up/ Build Endurance


Toning up sometimes refered to tightening up areas and building endurance are closely related. The goals for the exercise plans will be very similar. It is important to give your muscles rest time. With this exercise you can choose to do 3, 4, 5, or 6 days a week. The rule for building endurance or toning up is to have low weight and high repetitions. Repetitions are how many times you do the exercises without stopping. Sets on the other hand are how many times you will repeat a number of repetitions in a workout. So if you see 3 x 15 in a workout you would do 3 sets of 15 repetitions, or do 15 of that exercise, take a break, do another 15, take another break, and then do another 15 to complete the 3 sets of 15. To build endurance you should have about 15-20 reps per set. The weight should be challenging enough that you can barely get to the last rep, but easy enough that you can complete the full set. If you are going 3 days a week you can choose to do a full body endurance workout each of those days. If you are going 4 or 6 you can choose to do half the days as lower body and half the days of upper body but never back to back days of the same part of the body as the muscles need time to rest and repair. For 5 days you can choose to do 2 days of upper body and 2 days of lower body and a day of full body if you choose to. It is important to even out your workouts and not lose balance as balance is key in keeping a healthy body.

Build Muscle/Strength


Building muscle and strength is a little different than the other goals. The goal is to usually gain some weight, or lean muscle, as muscle weighs more than fat. The object here is to build a program with higher weight with less reps. The reps will usually be around 6-10 reps to be considered strength building. It is important to get a good baseline for each exercises also so you can lift at percentages of your max. and then continue to test you max throughout your weightlifting program. A good starting point would be getting a 1 rep max for each exercise you plan on doing. Once you start the planning the workout you can then  decide what percentage of your max you want to lift at. A good starting point would be 3 sets of 10 at 75% of your max, or 3x10 at 75%. It is also important to decide how many days a week you will lift. It is even more important to give rest to muscle groups so they have time to recover. If you go 3 days a week you can choose these options:

  • Day 1: Upper Body, Day 2: Lower Body, Day 3: Full Body
  • Day 1: Upper Body Push Day, Day 2: Upper Body Pull Day, Day 3: Lower Body
  • Day 1: Full Body, Day 2: Full Body, Day 3: Full Body

We just need to remember to keep a balanced workout schedule. You can take a rest day in between each workout or do your workouts in the middle of the week. If you choose the 3rd option you should have at least one day of rest in between the workouts.

If you choose to lift 4 days you can have these options:

  • Day 1: Upper Body, Day 2: Lower Body, Day 3: Upper Body, Day 4: Lower Body
  • Day 1: Upper Body Push Day, Day 2: Upper Body Pull Day,  Day 3: Lower Body,         Day 4: Full Body

If you choose to do 5 days you can add a full day related to cardio and core, if not you should add those into your other workouts during the week.

You can also make a hybrid of any of these type of exercise goals. This exercise plan will be unique to your goals. 

Comment: As these are just examples of what to do with your exercise programs, discuss some creative ideas to plan your workouts so that the exercise program can work even better for everyone

Update: Find an exercise program that follows these principles of exercise. Share and explain what the program is.


For the Teacher

Setting goals is extremely important in developing a program. Providing a balance of exercises is crucial in creating an exercise plan. There may be students that may be weaker in areas that they want to focus on in the beginning so that their body can even out. This may be an area where they will need help with their weekly plans. An average person needs to have a balance of all different aspects but some people might have a weaker back than they do chest, so they may need to add more days for the back until the chest and back strength are evened out. The collaboration on creating a plan will come up with some new creative ideas of how to implement the correct exercises for different individuals.

Creating an Exercise Plan for You

For the Student

The full purpose of this module is for you to be able to create your own individual exercise plan that goes with the goals you have for yourself. This is where you will actually make your exercise plan. Using this rubric, develop your exercise plan. You can use any template you want to create your exercises. You can use this template as a default if you can not find one you like.

Within this project here are the things that must be done to receive full credit:

  • Determine how many days you will do this exercise program (at least 3 days per week)
  • Each day must be at least 30 minutes of exercise for the exercise program
  • You must create a Flipgrid and explain and demonstrate 3 of the exercises you are adding in your own program.
  • You must share your first draft with 3 other students for peer review for the project.

You can use this video for an introduction on how to use FlipGrid:

Media embedded November 20, 2020

Parkwood, K. (2020, March 29). How to Record Flipgrid Video - Student Version. YouTube.

Once your project is reviewed by 3 other peers and you have made the corrections, you can turn in your final exercise plan along with the FlipGrid video. You can then fill out the Post-Survey to complete the class.

Comment: Look for other ways to organize your exercise plan. Share some other ideas for the template.

Update: Share your final exercise plan to give some ideas for other students to add into their plan.

For the Teacher

Peer review is important in completing a high quality final exercise plan. They can give some insight on if something is being done right or give some ideas that were never even thought of. With this being an individualized project, therer will be a wide range of goals and final exercise plans. The teacher should keep a common area for the class to see all of the final work so they can possibly use these exercise ideas in the future. An exercise plan is an everchanging experience as the body and the needs of the body can change depending on available space, strength, injury/health, and many other factors.


AdventurousBabes. (2013, March 1). Stronger to the Core - Exercises for a Stronger Core Erector Spinae (Back) Part 2 of 2. YouTube.

American Heart Association. (2015, January 4). Target Heart Rates Chart.

American Heart Association. (2018, April 18). American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults and Kids.

Amy Marturana Winderl, C. P. T. (2017, June 28). 13 of the Best Exercises for Your Side Abs. SELF.

Amy Marturana Winderl, C. P. T. (2020, May 11). 17 Dumbbell Exercises That Work Your Butt. SELF.

Anabolic Aliens. (2017, October 21). Intense 5 Minute At Home Trap Workout. YouTube.

Anabolic Aliens. (2018, February 12). Intense 5 Minute At Home Bicep Workout #2. YouTube.

Ashton Fitness. (2020, March 28). 8 Home Tricep Exercises for Beginners — NO EQUIPMENT (Workout Routine). YouTube.

ATHLEAN-X. (2016, February 25). Bodyweight Back Workout (NO PULLUP BAR!). YouTube.

BullyJuice. (2019, June 14). 5 MINUTE CHEST WORKOUT(NO EQUIPMENT). YouTube.

BullyJuice. (2019, June 28). 5 MINUTE SHOULDER WORKOUT(NO EQUIPMENT). YouTube.

Colbert, T. (2018, September 28). 7 Top Chest Exercises for Men. Healthline.

Cope, B., & Education at Illinois. (2014, March 3). What's the Use of Technology in Learning? Introducing Seven e-Affordances. YouTube.

Criticalbench. (2017, August 11). Best Hamstring Exercises with NO Equipment. YouTube.

Daswani, K. (2020, April 3). 20 easy ways to manage stress eating during quarantine.

doctorlib. (2020). Figure 3.4 Major muscles of the upper extremities: (a) front view; (b) back view. Deeper muscles are shown o...: Human body anatomy, Body anatomy, Muscle anatomy. Pinterest.

doctorlib. (2020). Pilates Anatomy. Muscles, Movement Analysis, and Mat Work - Pilates Anatomy.

Eiesly, K. (2020, May 7). Warning - 4 Exercises That Will Blow Up Your Lats!

eHowFitness. (2013, August 24). Top 5 Calf Exercises Without Weights : Exercises to Build & Tone Muscle. YouTube.

Ford, E. (2020, July 2). 10 MIN AT HOME QUAD WORKOUT | no jumping, no equipment. YouTube.

Humiston, R. (2020, March 29). Grow Your Glutes AT HOME (NO EQUIPMENT!!). YouTube.

Illinois State Board of Education. (2017). Physical Development & Health Performance Descriptors. Illinois State Board of Education. (2010, March 10). Ab Exercises : Rectus Abdominal Exercises. YouTube.

MadFit. (2019, June 8). 10 MIN CARDIO WORKOUT AT HOME (Equipment Free). YouTube.

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