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Connecting with His Beautiful Names

The Study of Asmaul Husna with Ustazah Hidayah

Learning Module



Figure 1: Learning Asmaul Husna with Ustazah Hidayah

Islam might be defined as a holistic path toward human completion. According to Islamic understanding, the heart of the human being is the only thing in creation capable of reflecting all the Divine Qualities, often encapsulated for Muslims by the 99 Names. Ninety-nine, of course, is a symbol of infinity (there is always the possibility of adding one more), and it is understood that God's (Allah's) (SWT, Glory to Him, the Exalted) qualities are infinite. Nevertheless, the 99 Names have a sense of completeness and inclusiveness that humans can attempt to emulate.

Al-Asma-ul-Husna ( اَلاسْمَاءُ الْحُسناى ), or Asmaul Husna, refers to the 99 Names and Attributes of God. Muslims need to study the Asmaul Husna and the Attributes of God. He is the Creator of this world and everything in it. Knowing God makes Muslims love and fear Him, put their hope in Him, and be sincere toward Him in their actions. Seeking a proper understanding of His Beautiful Names is the best way to connect with God.

We design this learning module to help the learner connect their hearts to their Lord. It will help them to develop a better understanding of God and their own place in this world.


We design hybrid learning modules for young Muslims to discover and amplify their faith as a community. Our mission is to create a safe space for them to network, share and experience the world with different perspectives and views - a haven for voices for young Muslims to explore their faith regardless of practice.

This learning module introduces innovative approaches to learning and teaching, termed by Cope and Kalantzis (2014) as New Learning, focusing on e-learning and social web technologies.

Figure 2: Seven principles for new learning and assessment.

Video 1 talks about technology and education, where technology facilitates the implementation of the seven affordances of new learning, as shown in Figure 2 above. These affordances are not new. Technology makes them easier to implement.

Media embedded September 23, 2022

Video 1: Education at Illinois. (2014). What's the use of technology in learning? Introducing seven e-affordances. 

This course is co-designed with the Asatizahs (religious teachers) in the video lessons. They have condensed their regular class materials into short video lessons. Together, we designed the reflective questions to encourage application, moving into their proximal development and peer learning zone.

Assessment has become a continuous process as a part of learning and participation. Learners must comment on their peers' posts to encourage dialogue and mutual learning. This way, learning becomes collaborative, and the source of knowledge becomes more expansive than the curriculum and the instructor. The class then becomes more social, and learners become more engaged. This discourse will also contribute to crowdsourcing assessment learning and enable each other to be more proficient in the subject. The dialogue will also be the feedback on the learners' progress and the lessons' design.

Aided by technology, learning in this course is ubiquitous and asynchronous, i.e., it can happen anytime, anywhere. As a form of differentiated learning, Learners learn at their own pace, deciding how they choose to respond to the questions and peers' posts.

Assessment will also be mainly formative and knowledge-making—regurgitation of the information in the video is not expected from the learners. In addition to watching the video lessons, learners must share their reflections on the platform with peers and the instructor.

All submissions must be digital and in any of their chosen medium - text, images, video, etc. The video lessons and other media used in the resources provided make the module multimodal.

Target Audience:

This course targets Muslim youth aged 10-15 in the secular educational system, who take these religious lessons over the weekends. They would have some basic Islamic knowledge and are looking to sharpen their knowledge rather than achieving a specific grade.

On Completion:

A certificate of achievement will be presented upon them achieving the minimum requirement of the rubrics.


For the Learner

As Muslims, our purpose is to worship Allah. For us to have a deep connection with Allah and to worship him in the way He deserves, we must seek knowledge of His Names and Attributes (Description, Quality, Features). How, then, do we worship, love, and adore Allah if we don't know who he is?

Al-Asma-ul-Husna ( اَلاسْمَاءُ الْحُسناى ), or Asmaul Husna, refers to the 99 Names and Attributes of God (Allah) (SWT, Glory to Him, the Exalted). It is essential to know the Asmaul Husna and the Attributes of Allah. Allah is the Creator of this world and everything in it. Knowing Allah makes Muslims love and fear Him, put our hope in Him, and be sincere towards Him in our actions. There is no better way to know Allah except by connecting with His Most Beautiful Names and seeking a proper understanding of their meanings.


Module Objectives:

By the end of this Module, you will:

  • Understand Allah's Beautiful Names and why we must know them.
  • Have a deeper connection with His Names.
  • Appreciate Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem and the meaning of Surah Al-Fatihah.
  • Reflect on His Names and make meaningful prayers by mentioning His Names.


Basic Requirements for This Module:

  • Basic Islamic knowledge and understanding.
  • Between 11 and 15 years old.
  • Have access to basic video recording facilities, e.g., smartphones.
  • Have reasonable internet access.
  • Have 20 mins per day to complete each lesson and one hour to complete the peer review work. 
  • Complete this simple onboarding survey (3 mins):
  • Watch the onboarding video below if this is your first Module with YouM.
Media embedded September 24, 2022

Video 2: The Youth Muslim Guide On-Boarding Introduction


To benefit from this Module:

  • Access the Module anytime and anywhere, on your computer or smart devices, while commuting, waiting, in between classes, etc.
  • Find good times when you have 20 minutes to an hour each day to watch the video lessons, reflect on the questions, or create and post a reaction. Make it part of your daily routine.
  • "Essential questions" after each lesson are for your self-reflection. Post and share at least two of your reflections from the four lessons for each Module, especially the one you think you or your peers will benefit from the discussion.
  • "Practice, Reflect and React" at the end of each Module are for you to reflect on and post to share with your friends.
  • You may also share them on your social media account and provide the link in your post. The post can use any form of digital media, e.g., text, slides, images, or video, as long as they are your original creation. Your post will contribute to your certification.
  • Your teacher (asatizah) will be online regularly to provide support and guidance. You can ask them a direct question by using the @instructorname. Watch out for AMA (ask me anything) live sessions too.
  • You may also book an appointment to meet your teacher for a 1-to-1 session if you have questions that you would rather ask in person.


To complete this Module, You must:

Figure 4: To complete this Module


Learning need not be longwinded or confined to a classroom. Learning can become part of your daily self-care routine. You decide when and how much you do each day. In the process, you can discuss ideas, share new reflections with your friends, and learn from each other. Most importantly, you shall be able to apply them instantly to your everyday life.

When you start this course, you are taking another step towards becoming a more confident, God-conscious Muslim who is valuable to the community.



Before we start the Module, watch this video:

Media embedded September 24, 2022

Video 2: Fazal, S. (2022). 99 Beautiful Names of Allah (Asma ul Husna). The Muslim Reminder Kids. Retrieved from


Update 1: Essential Questions - share your answer in the comments section below:

1. Share with the class some of Allah's names in the video above that you have heard of before.

2. Share with us where you have heard the names mentioned, e.g., in the Quran, during religious class, or even the name of someone you know.

3. Remember to comment on your friends' updates. This will also motivate them to participate.

For the Teacher

Delving deeper into the 99 names of Allah would not only help in deepening a connection with Allah but would also help in forming that solid Islamic foundation in the child. Each attribute of Allah is, in fact, a guiding principle and teaches qualities that we can all aspire to.

It is not the intent to get the child to learn, or even remember, these 99 names, but rather it is a way to consciously spend time reflecting on and remembering Allah and His many blessings. Through reflection of the qualities of Allah, if God is willing, we can embody His essence and the principles He has imparted.


The outline of the lessons is as follows:

  • Lesson 1: His Most Beautiful Names
  • Lesson 2: Beautiful Benefits of His Names
  • Lesson 3: A Glimpse of His Beautiful Names
  • Lesson 4: Living a Beautiful Life with His Names

At the end of each lesson, each student is expected to post a short update (reflection) and make a comment on a peer's update. Your timely nudges will help to get the sharing going.


Learners can start the course at different times. You can support the learners through the course by:

  • Regularly review the Pre-Work survey responses ( to know your class better.
  • Encourage discussion with some of your sharing and comment on the learner's post.
  • Be on the platform to review learners' posts regularly, at least every 24 hours (max 48 hours). Ideally, it is at a regular timeslot so that learners can expect your feedback or answer to their questions.
  • You can organize short (not more than 30 mins) live sessions for those online, especially at the beginning of the Module, to onboard them or have an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. You can find the guide to go live here -


Rubric for Module completion:

Figure 5: Rubrics to complete this Module

Learning is accelerated when we share with others what we know. Please encourage the learners to comment on each other's posts.


Strategies to Improve Participation in Your Virtual Classroom

The challenges of getting young learners to participate intensify during remote learning. Digital platforms can create added communication barriers, including a lack of familiarity with navigating the platform, variability in students' access to technology, and privacy concerns. Getting young learners to contribute in virtual classrooms takes some work. They need personal support, scaffolding, and reassurance technology does not provide. It is simply a tool, not a teacher.

  1. Ask open questions in the comment sections.- to prompt discussion, e.g., what is something new I learned about this topic? What is something I like about the video? For everyone to comment.
  2. Respond with clarifying questions.
  3. Encourage learners to respond to peers' comments.
  4. Encourage reflective and multi-media responses too.
  5. Use alternative collaboration platforms, e.g., padlets, jamboard, to facilitate synchronous and asynchronous brainstorming, as required.
  6. Make personal connections with every learner, including scheduling 1-to-1 sessions and during the live sessions.
  7. Be kind to yourself, adopt a growth mindset, be willing to try different approaches, and be willing to flop and learn from them.

Here are additional activities for you to consider during your live sessions:

Adil, R. (2016, May 25). Teaching Children the Names of Allah [web log].


Lesson 1: His Most Beautiful Names

For the Learner

Media embedded September 26, 2022

Video 3 - YouM. (2021). Connecting with His Beautiful Names - Lesson 1 | YouM.

Learning about the Names of God is enjoyable and delightful, and Video 3 above tells us that it is also beneficial. It will have an impact on our hearts, conduct, and worship. You can use the Names of Allah when you pray to him. It will help you to connect to Him and develop these desirable traits in your character.

You can find the list of the 99 names and their meaning here:

Document 1: Asmaul-Husan, 99 Beautiful Names of God

Update 2: Essential Question -

  1. Pick one of the 99 Names and the attribute you want to develop more of, and tell us why?
  2. You can also make an artwork (poster, drawing, craft, etc.) with the name and share the image of it with us and tell us why you like this name.
  3. Remember to comment on your friends' updates. This will also motivate them to participate.

For the Teacher


  1. Understand what the beautiful names of God are.
  2. Learn significance to know His beautiful Names.
  3. Know where His beautiful Names can be found and explore more about them.

What are the beautiful names of Allah swt?

  • The beautiful Names are also known as 'al-Asma' al-Husnan. It signifies the perfection, majesty, and beauty of God.
  • Surah Taha verse 8: "Allah - there is no god except Him. He has the Most Beautiful Names."
Media embedded September 26, 2022

Video 4: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC). (2016). Beautiful Names of Allah (pt.1)- Introduction - Why learn them? Dr. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi. YouTube. [Video] 

In Video 4, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi mentioned that the Names of God is a central concept in the Quran. God reminds us in the Quran that "To Allah belong the most magnificent, perfect and beautiful names (Al-Asma Wal-Husna) so make prayers with them."

Why do we need to know His Names?

  • God reveals His beautiful Names to us so that we can know Him. To know Him is to love Him. To love Him is to know Him. Our experiences with those whom we love are the basis for our love.
  • Knowing His Names tells us something about ourselves, i.e., the nature of the human being in need of God.
  • Beyond knowing that He is the God we worship, it allows us to connect with him and nurture a godly relationship based on hope, awe, mercy, and love.

Where can we find and explore His Names?

  • From the Hadiths (narrations) of Sahih Muslim: Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (saw) said, "Allah has 99 Names, and whoever preserves them will enter paradise."
  • All 99 names can be found in this same hadith (reference: )
  • Can be found in the Quran, in His verses, e.g., Basmalah in Surah al-Fatihah - ar-Rahman and ar-Raheem

Lesson 2: Beautiful Benefits of His Names

For the Learner

Media embedded September 26, 2022

Video 5: YouM. (2021). Connecting with His Beautiful Names - Lesson 2 | YouM [Video]. YouTube. 

For us to have a deep connection with God and to worship him in the way He deserves, we must seek knowledge of His Names and Attributes. Learning His Beautiful Names will:

  • Improves our connection with God
  • Enhances our relationship with His creations.
  • Help us to live a mindful life and be in the present moment.

The Prophet (PBUH, peace be upon him) said, "Whoever is not grateful to people is not grateful to Allah." Acts of kindness like saying 'thank you' are one of the simplest ways we can express our gratitude towards a person. Sometimes, we quickly point out people's shortcomings rather than acknowledge and appreciate their efforts.

Update 3: Essential Questions:

  1. How can we be grateful for all the benefits of knowing God's beautiful Names? Recall a time when you appreciate a person by sincerely thanking them. What was it for, and who was it to?
  2. Which of God's name show that he is grateful? Write a prayer to God to thank him for what you are thankful for.
  3. Remember to comment on your friends' updates. This will also motivate them to participate.

For the Teacher

Benefit 1: Improves the connection with Allah swt, the Creator.

  • Surah al-A’raaf verse 180: “To God belong the most magnificent, perfect and beautiful names (al-Asma’ al-Husna) so make prayers with them.”
  • Learning about God’s name can have a profound impact on the way that we pray to him.
  • Surah al-Isra verse 110: “Say, ‘Call upon God or call upon the Most Merciful. Whichever [name] you call – to Him belong the best names.”

Benefit 2: Enhances the relationship with the creations.

  • Hadith from Sahih al-Bukhari: “The best among you are the best in character (having good manners).”
  • A significant component of our religion is based on character. Thus this knowledge about His Names needs to permeate our character and how we relate to His creations.
  • It provides means of guidance surrounding how we can best co-exist with fellow creations of His

Benefit 3: Live a life of mindfulness and present in the moment.

  • Both mindfulness and reflection are critical for our spiritual and mental health.
  • Mindfulness and reflection help us to take note and appreciate the little things (i.e., can be done through His beautiful names)
  • Many ways that God takes care of our affairs, yet we don’t notice them because we’re not present in our lives

Lesson 3: A Glimpse of His Beautiful Names

For the Learner

Media embedded September 27, 2022

Video 6: YouM. (2021). Connecting with His Beautiful Names - Lesson 3 | YouM [Video]. YouTube.

Content summary:

  • The main classification of the beautiful names of Allah S.W.T.
  • The introductory names of Allah S.W.T: Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem.
  • The significance of Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem.

This video explores the categorization of the Beautiful Names by the scholars into Asma' Al-Jamal (the Names of Beauty), Asma' al-Jalal (the Names of Grandeur and Magnificence), and Asma' Al-Kamal (the Names of Completeness and Perfection). It then begins by taking samples of Asma' Al-Jamal - Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem.


 Update 4: Essential Questions -

  • Can you think of a time someone showed compassion to you? What happened, and how did you feel?
  • Can you think of a time when you showed compassion to someone else? Why did you do it, and how did it make you feel?
  • Remember to comment on your friends' updates. This will also motivate them to participate.

For the Teacher

The study of al-Asma' Al-Husna, has two components: an "intellectual" component and a "spiritual" component.

The intellectual component tackles the foundational questions of how we know there are Divine Names, how many they are, and where the list of names (that perhaps hangs on our wall at home) comes from.

The spiritual component then explores the possible purpose behind the Names, introduces the students to the classification scheme posited by some scholars, and then takes examples of the Names to explore their spirituality and beauty.

What is the classification of the beautiful names of Allah swt?

  1. Asma' al-Jamal: The names of beauty
  2. Asma' al-Jalal: The names of grandeur and magnificence
  3. Asma' al-Kamal: The names of completeness and perfection

What are the introductory names of God (ar-Rahmaan & ar-Raheem)?

  • Both are derived from the same root word, 'Rahmah', meaning mercy and kindness. A combination of tenderness, affection, sympathy, and compassion.
  • (ar-Rahmaan) Indicates the spontaneous and intensive benevolence of Allah. Creation is the manifestation of His Mercy. As seen in this world, it sustains all human beings regardless of obedience in the here and now.
  • (ar-Raheem) Depicts the permanence of the mercy bestowed upon the universe. As preparations for the next life, giving believers much reward

Why is it essential to understand the introductory names of Allah swt?

  • God consistently emphasizes two essential attributes to define the relationship with His servants.
  • God is much more merciful than a mother towards her child; losing her child and finding him again; the intensity of mercy, the force of love, and gentleness in affection.
  • The combination of Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem indicates the perfection of Allah's mercy.
  • Seeing everything, all the good and evil comes from the One, an All-Merciful source.

Lesson 4: Living A Beautiful Life With His Names

For the Learner


Media embedded September 27, 2022

Video 7: YouM. (2021). Connecting with His Beautiful Names - Lesson 4 | YouM [Video]. YouTube.


  • Reflect on and manifest His beautiful names in our daily life
  • Ponder upon His beautiful names at every encounter.
  • Make meaningful supplications by invoking His beautiful names.

Here are some more ways we can live with the Names of God:

  • Memorizing the names of Allah 
  • Believing in them – to live with them and by them
  • Calling upon Allah with them – call upon God with them in your prayers! If you want something, ask Him by using His glorious names. 
  • Praising God with those names – One of the etiquettes of making prayers is to begin by praising God.
  • Understanding and Acknowledging His names – make an effort to understand the Names of God and their meanings.

Update 5: Essential Questions

  1. Have you had any instances where you met a fellow Muslim who has Allah's Names in them or came across a Masjid that signifies God's Names?
  2. Could you share with us your encounter? How did this person or location personify God's qualities?
  3. Remember to comment on your friends' updates. This will also motivate them to participate.


For the Teacher

You can use the following to guide the students -

Application 1: Reflect on the manifestation of His beautiful names in the daily life

  • Think about how His names come to life through the events that occurred in life.
  • Identify which of His Names resonates with one’s experience.
  • Reflect on why specifically His Names have brought goodness into our life.

Application 2: Ponder upon His beautiful names whenever one comes across them

  • Perhaps to start with the Quran, which is the words of God.
  • Reflect on how and why particular names are mentioned within the verses.
  • Notice names of people and various mosque approach with their meaning

Application 3: Make supplications with His beautiful names

  • God loves those who identify and glorify Him, especially when during prayers.
  • Understand His beautiful names and speak to God from the heart by calling upon His names which are relevant to the situation, circumstance, and request of the supplication

Activity - Practice & Reflect

For the Learner

Update 6: Group Project

Find a buddy from the class to do this activity with you.

Take a stroll together out in the park, at the beach, or around your neighborhoods. Be anywhere, out in nature.

Notice your surroundings and focus on one thing that calls out to you. It can be the dried leaves on the pavements or the sound of children's laughter at the playground.

Take a photo of the occurrence and write a caption describing that incident. In your caption, pick one of Allah's Names that closely relates to it. For example, Ya Allah, Ya Lateef (The Subtle), the gentle morning breeze today reminds me of Your Gentleness, so soften my heart and make me calm to face the day.

With your buddy:

  • Why did you choose that Name of Allah?
  • Make a poster with the two photos together and post it in the comment.
  • You can also comment on the poster of the other teams. This will also motivate others to participate.


Congratulations! You have reached the end of the course.

We hope that you have enjoyed the lessons that the Asatizahs have prepared for you and benefited from the class discussions with your peers.

Before you go, please check that you have:

  • Watched all four video lessons.
  • Post at least one of your reflections on each lesson's Essential Questions.
  • Commented on at least 6 of your peers' posts for each lesson.
  • Complete this Closing Survey:

You are on your way to certification for this course.


For the Teacher

We aim to get every learner to complete and be certified for each course.

There is no time limit on when they must complete the required work.

Use the platform to remind learners to complete their requirements and provide feedback to improve their posts.


Adil, R. (2016, May 25). Teaching Children the Names of Allah [web log].

Dyer, D. T. (2017, February 28). Children's Spirituality and the 99 Names of God.,Muslims%20by%20the%2099%20Names.

Education at Illinois. (2014, March 3). What's the Use of Technology in Learning? Introducing seven e-affordances [Video]. YouTube.

Fazal, S. (2022). 99 Beautiful Names of Allah (Asma ul Husna). YouTube. [Video]. The Muslim Reminder Kids.

Kalantzis, M., & Cope, B. (2015). Learning and New Media. The SAGE Handbook of Learning.

Memphis Islamic Center (MIC). (2016). Beautiful Names of Allah (pt.1)- Introduction - Why learn them? Dr. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi. YouTube. [Video]

QURAN Reading (2018, January 31). Importance of Learning Asmaul Husna | 99 Names of Allah with Benefits.

YouM. (2021). Connecting with His Beautiful Names - Lesson 1 | YouM [Video]. YouTube.

YouM. (2021). Connecting with His Beautiful Names - Lesson 2 | YouM [Video]. YouTube.

YouM. (2021). Connecting with His Beautiful Names - Lesson 3 | YouM [Video]. YouTube.

YouM. (2021). Connecting with His Beautiful Names - Lesson 4 | YouM [Video]. YouTube.