Monday, July 22, 2024 9:20:08 PM UTC

Title: Soundtrap Vocabulary
Question 1
This is where a single sound is recorded or a single loop is inserted.
Question 2
These are small soundbites of a specific musical instrument like piano, drums, guitar, or synthesizers that play over and over again.
Question 3
This is when you play a loop over and over again.
Question 4
This button plays your song.
Question 5
This button records your voice or an instrument that you are playing live.
Question 6
This button only plays the selected track, but not the other tracks.
Question 7
This button plays all the other tracks and does not play the selected track. 
Question 8
This makes the song go faster or slower.
Question 9
This allows you to make an MP3 of your song that you can share with others.

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