Monday, July 22, 2024 11:23:42 PM UTC

Title: Co-Teaching Reflection Survey
Instructions: Please complete this survey independently.
Question 1
School (optional):
Question 2
Grade level (optional): 
Question 3
Are you a general education teacher or special education teacher?

Question 4
Co-teaching has increased my confidence in teaching students with diverse needs.

Question 5
Co-teaching has increased my knowledge of curriculum and content. 

Question 6
Co-teaching has allowed for shared responsibility in our classroom.

Question 7
Co-teaching has provided me with opportunities for increased creativity and innovation and for experimenting with new teaching methods. 

Question 8
Co-teaching has helped me grow professionally.

Question 9
I feel comfortable using the co-teaching models (parallel teaching, alternative teaching, station teaching, team teaching, one teach one assist, and one teach one observe). 

Question 10
I have seen evidence of improved academic outcomes and growth from my students. 

Question 11
I have seen evidence of improved behavioral outcomes and growth from my students. 

Question 12
I have seen evidence of improved social/emotional outcomes and growth from my students.

Question 13
I am professionally and personally compatible with my co-teacher. 

Question 14
I have adequate time for collaborative planning with my co-teacher.

Question 15
I have an honest and open line of communication with my co-teacher.

Question 16
My co-teacher and I have equal status and shared parity in our partnership. 

Question 17
Our students initiate interaction with us equally (e.g., asking questions, requesting help, etc.).

Question 18
Both my co-teacher and I work with ALL students.

Question 19
Both my co-teacher and I are responsible for whole group instruction.

Question 20
Behavior management and discipline are consistent and shared equally. 

Question 21
My co-teacher and I enforce the same rules, routines, and consequences with our students.

Question 22
I received adequate professional development and training opportunities for co-teaching. 

Question 23
I receive an adequate amount of ongoing support as a co-teacher.

Question 24
Which co-teaching model(s) do you use most in your classroom? Select all that apply.

Question 25
Which co-teaching model(s) do you use least in your classroom? Select all that apply. 

Question 26
Which co-teaching model(s) do you find to be the  most effective for classroom management and student learning? Select all that apply. 

Question 27
What are some notable positive experiences you have had with co-teaching this year? Please note: It is not necessary to use specific names or student/teacher information unless you would prefer to. 
Question 28
What are some notable barriers you experienced with co-teaching this year? Please note: It is not necessary to use specific names or student/teacher information unless you would prefer to. 

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