The Learning and Development support function in Financial sector has made a 360 degree turn due to this Pandemic. With the threat hovering anywhere between lay offs to transfers to closure the L&D support function in the financial sector like banks had very little time to imbibe the change. While some were left grappling others did good in moving swiftly to Online modes. During this transition period the departments faced various challenges. Some of these are listed as below * while there was a different training methodology used by the facilitators, they now faced the challenge of learning themselves while they were teaching . It became like an on going on the job training for the facilitators as well * The new model brought with it new technical challenges. New Softwares had to be purchased and learned to be used in matter of months *Facilitators had to face an unknown and a reluctant learner. With no face to face interactions between the facilitator and learner, learning could become dull thereby facilitators faced a unresponsive and uninterested learner. This increased the risk of loss of learning in the very first step when it was being imparted Facilitators have reported low attendance and low recollection of the learning by the attendees * The institute which was investing in both the facilitators and learners were left fearing that lack of training will affect the business tacitly However as we progressed through this new mode of learning and development, all parties involved are coming to terms with the change. Although it will take some time , but things are on the path to auto mode. Imparting knowledge is in itself a challenge and when the mode of how you impart the same, changes suddenly and without any warning or preparation, the effect is huge and all institutions are facing the brunt as it is. Hoping that as we progress the challenges iron out and all those involved will focus on the pros of the new pedagogy, rather than its cons.