Museum Impacts, Art and Brain: Analysis and Study of the Museum Public through Surveys, Observation and Collection of Biometric Data


The research provides an in-depth study of museum audiences through the analysis of multiple data series collected with different survey methods in order to return a model that responds to the knowledge needs of visitors and is applicable in further similar contexts. The project enforces that the impact of the museum is positive and measurable, demonstrating that these places are in all respects spaces that contribute to the psychophysical well-being of the person.The thesis project is characterized by a strong interdisciplinarity. The theme of the impact of the work of art on the visitor was explored in various aspects from the historical-artistic, philosophical, sociological and neurological points of view. Part of these contributions are fundamental as starting points from which to advance the investigation to a further level. The research aims, in fact, to systematize the contributions and combine different methods of investigation that until now have not been used simultaneously and put into a system to return a univocal image of the relationship between the public and the museum space.


Giulia Camozzi
Student, PhD, University La Sapienza, Agrigento, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Museums, Neuroscience, Neuroaesthetic, Cognitive process, Emotions, Impact, Wellbeing